Class EmptyVTSession

All Implemented Interfaces:
db.util.ErrorHandler, VTSession, ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject

public class EmptyVTSession extends Object implements VTSession
  • Constructor Details

    • EmptyVTSession

      public EmptyVTSession()
  • Method Details

    • createMatchSet

      public VTMatchSet createMatchSet(VTProgramCorrelator correlator)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Creates a new VTMatchSet that will contain all the matches discovered by some ProgramCorrletor algorithm run.
      Specified by:
      createMatchSet in interface VTSession
      correlator - the VTProgramCorrelator used to generate this set of matches that will be added to this VTMatchSet.
      A new VTMatchSet that can be used to store VTMatch objects.
    • getAssociationManager

      public VTAssociationManager getAssociationManager()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns the AssociationManager.
      Specified by:
      getAssociationManager in interface VTSession
      the AssociationManager.
    • getDestinationProgram

      public ghidra.program.model.listing.Program getDestinationProgram()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns the destination program associated with this VTSession.
      Specified by:
      getDestinationProgram in interface VTSession
      the destination program associated with this VTSession.
    • getMatchSets

      public List<VTMatchSet> getMatchSets()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns a list of all VTMatchSets contained in this VTSession
      Specified by:
      getMatchSets in interface VTSession
      a list of all VTMatchSets contained in this VTSession
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns the name of this VTSession
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
      Specified by:
      getName in interface VTSession
      the name of this VTSession
    • getSourceProgram

      public ghidra.program.model.listing.Program getSourceProgram()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns the source program associated with this VTSession.
      Specified by:
      getSourceProgram in interface VTSession
      the source program associated with this VTSession.
    • save

      public void save() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Saves this VTSession.
      Specified by:
      save in interface VTSession
      IOException - if there is an exception saving
    • dbError

      public void dbError(IOException e)
      Specified by:
      dbError in interface db.util.ErrorHandler
    • addListener

      public void addListener(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObjectListener dol)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Adds a DomainObjectListener to this VTSession.
      Specified by:
      addListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
      Specified by:
      addListener in interface VTSession
      dol - the listener to add.
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObjectListener dol)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Removes a DomainObjectListener from this VTSession.
      Specified by:
      removeListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
      Specified by:
      removeListener in interface VTSession
      dol - the listener to remove.
    • addCloseListener

      public void addCloseListener(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObjectClosedListener listener)
      Specified by:
      addCloseListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • removeCloseListener

      public void removeCloseListener(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObjectClosedListener listener)
      Specified by:
      removeCloseListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • addDomainFileListener

      public void addDomainFileListener( listener)
      Specified by:
      addDomainFileListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • removeDomainFileListener

      public void removeDomainFileListener( listener)
      Specified by:
      removeDomainFileListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • createPrivateEventQueue

      public ghidra.framework.model.EventQueueID createPrivateEventQueue(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObjectListener listener, int maxDelay)
      Specified by:
      createPrivateEventQueue in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • removePrivateEventQueue

      public boolean removePrivateEventQueue(ghidra.framework.model.EventQueueID id)
      Specified by:
      removePrivateEventQueue in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • flushPrivateEventQueue

      public void flushPrivateEventQueue(ghidra.framework.model.EventQueueID id)
      Specified by:
      flushPrivateEventQueue in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • createMatchTag

      public VTMatchTag createMatchTag(String name)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Creates a new match tag with the given name.
      Specified by:
      createMatchTag in interface VTSession
      name - the name of the new tag to create.
      the new VTMatchTag object.
    • deleteMatchTag

      public void deleteMatchTag(VTMatchTag tag)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Deletes the given VTMatchTag from this session.
      Specified by:
      deleteMatchTag in interface VTSession
      tag - the VTMatchTag to delete.
    • getMatchTags

      public Set<VTMatchTag> getMatchTags()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns a set of all VTMatchTags in this session.
      Specified by:
      getMatchTags in interface VTSession
      a set of all VTMatchTags in this session.
    • getManualMatchSet

      public VTMatchSet getManualMatchSet()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns the built-in VTMatchSet used to store manually created VTMatches.
      Specified by:
      getManualMatchSet in interface VTSession
      the built-in VTMatchSet used to store manually created VTMatches.
    • getImpliedMatchSet

      public VTMatchSet getImpliedMatchSet()
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns the built-in VTMatchSet used to store implied VTMatches.
      Specified by:
      getImpliedMatchSet in interface VTSession
      the built-in VTMatchSet used to store implied VTMatches.
    • getMatches

      public List<VTMatch> getMatches(VTAssociation association)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Returns a list of all VTMatches for the given association.
      Specified by:
      getMatches in interface VTSession
      association - the VTAssociation for which to retrieve all VTMatches.
      a list of all VTMatches for the given association.
    • addAssociationHook

      public void addAssociationHook(AssociationHook hook)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Adds an Association hook that will be called whenever an association is accepted or cleared.
      Specified by:
      addAssociationHook in interface VTSession
      hook - the callback hook.
    • removeAssociationHook

      public void removeAssociationHook(AssociationHook hook)
      Description copied from interface: VTSession
      Removes the given Association hook.
      Specified by:
      removeAssociationHook in interface VTSession
      hook - the callback hook to remove.
    • addSynchronizedDomainObject

      public void addSynchronizedDomainObject(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject domainObj) throws
      Specified by:
      addSynchronizedDomainObject in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • endTransaction

      public void endTransaction(int transactionID, boolean commit)
      Specified by:
      endTransaction in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getCurrentTransactionInfo

      public ghidra.framework.model.TransactionInfo getCurrentTransactionInfo()
      Specified by:
      getCurrentTransactionInfo in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getSynchronizedDomainObjects

      public ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject[] getSynchronizedDomainObjects()
      Specified by:
      getSynchronizedDomainObjects in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • hasTerminatedTransaction

      public boolean hasTerminatedTransaction()
      Specified by:
      hasTerminatedTransaction in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • releaseSynchronizedDomainObject

      public void releaseSynchronizedDomainObject() throws
      Specified by:
      releaseSynchronizedDomainObject in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • openTransaction

      public db.Transaction openTransaction(String description) throws IllegalStateException
      Specified by:
      openTransaction in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • startTransaction

      public int startTransaction(String description)
      Specified by:
      startTransaction in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • startTransaction

      public int startTransaction(String description, ghidra.framework.model.AbortedTransactionListener listener)
      Specified by:
      startTransaction in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • addConsumer

      public boolean addConsumer(Object consumer)
      Specified by:
      addConsumer in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • canLock

      public boolean canLock()
      Specified by:
      canLock in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • canSave

      public boolean canSave()
      Specified by:
      canSave in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • flushEvents

      public void flushEvents()
      Specified by:
      flushEvents in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • forceLock

      public void forceLock(boolean rollback, String reason)
      Specified by:
      forceLock in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getConsumerList

      public ArrayList<Object> getConsumerList()
      Specified by:
      getConsumerList in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isUsedBy

      public boolean isUsedBy(Object consumer)
      Specified by:
      isUsedBy in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getDomainFile

      public ghidra.framework.model.DomainFile getDomainFile()
      Specified by:
      getDomainFile in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getMetadata

      public Map<String,String> getMetadata()
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getModificationNumber

      public long getModificationNumber()
      Specified by:
      getModificationNumber in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getOptions

      public ghidra.framework.options.Options getOptions(String propertyListName)
      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getOptionsNames

      public List<String> getOptionsNames()
      Specified by:
      getOptionsNames in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • hasExclusiveAccess

      public boolean hasExclusiveAccess()
      Specified by:
      hasExclusiveAccess in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isChangeable

      public boolean isChangeable()
      Specified by:
      isChangeable in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isChanged

      public boolean isChanged()
      Specified by:
      isChanged in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Specified by:
      isClosed in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isLocked

      public boolean isLocked()
      Specified by:
      isLocked in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isTemporary

      public boolean isTemporary()
      Specified by:
      isTemporary in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • lock

      public boolean lock(String reason)
      Specified by:
      lock in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • release

      public void release(Object consumer)
      Specified by:
      release in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • save

      public void save(String comment, ghidra.util.task.TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, ghidra.util.exception.CancelledException
      Specified by:
      save in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • saveToPackedFile

      public void saveToPackedFile(File outputFile, ghidra.util.task.TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, ghidra.util.exception.CancelledException
      Specified by:
      saveToPackedFile in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • setEventsEnabled

      public void setEventsEnabled(boolean v)
      Specified by:
      setEventsEnabled in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • isSendingEvents

      public boolean isSendingEvents()
      Specified by:
      isSendingEvents in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Specified by:
      setName in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • setTemporary

      public void setTemporary(boolean state)
      Specified by:
      setTemporary in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • unlock

      public void unlock()
      Specified by:
      unlock in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • addTransactionListener

      public void addTransactionListener(ghidra.framework.model.TransactionListener listener)
      Specified by:
      addTransactionListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • canRedo

      public boolean canRedo()
      Specified by:
      canRedo in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • canUndo

      public boolean canUndo()
      Specified by:
      canUndo in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • clearUndo

      public void clearUndo()
      Specified by:
      clearUndo in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getRedoName

      public String getRedoName()
      Specified by:
      getRedoName in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getUndoName

      public String getUndoName()
      Specified by:
      getUndoName in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • redo

      public void redo() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      redo in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getAllRedoNames

      public List<String> getAllRedoNames()
      Specified by:
      getAllRedoNames in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • getAllUndoNames

      public List<String> getAllUndoNames()
      Specified by:
      getAllUndoNames in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • removeTransactionListener

      public void removeTransactionListener(ghidra.framework.model.TransactionListener listener)
      Specified by:
      removeTransactionListener in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • undo

      public void undo() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      undo in interface ghidra.framework.model.DomainObject
    • updateDestinationProgram

      public void updateDestinationProgram(ghidra.program.model.listing.Program newProgram)
      Specified by:
      updateDestinationProgram in interface VTSession
    • updateSourceProgram

      public void updateSourceProgram(ghidra.program.model.listing.Program newProgram)
      Specified by:
      updateSourceProgram in interface VTSession