Class EnumColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the Enum column type.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnConstraint<T>, Comparable<ColumnConstraint<T>>

public class EnumColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>> extends Object implements ColumnConstraint<T>
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are Enum values that match one of a set of selected values from the Enum.
  • Constructor Details

    • EnumColumnConstraint

      public EnumColumnConstraint(Class<T> enumClass, Set<T> acceptableValues)
      Construct an EnumColumnConstraint with a set of acceptable Enum values.
      enumClass - the Enum class.
      acceptableValues - the set of acceptable Enum values.
  • Method Details

    • getGroup

      public String getGroup()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns a "group" string that is used to logically group column constraints for presentation to the user
      Specified by:
      getGroup in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      the group this constraint belongs to.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the name of the constraint
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      the name of the constraint.
    • accepts

      public boolean accepts(T value, TableFilterContext context)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Compares value against the current constraint value to determine acceptance; true if value satisfies the constraints' value, false otherwise
      Specified by:
      accepts in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      value - the column value to be tested.
      context - provides additional information about the the table and its data. This allows the filter to base its decision on information other than just the column value.
      true if the column value passes the constraint, false otherwise
    • getEditor

      public ColumnConstraintEditor<T> getEditor(ColumnData<T> columnDataSource)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns a ColumnConstraintEditor which will provide gui components for users to edit the constraint values.
      Specified by:
      getEditor in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      columnDataSource - This provides the constraint with access to the column data in the table model as well as the DataProvider of the table (if it has one)
      A columnConstraintEditor for editing the constraints value.
    • getColumnType

      public Class<T> getColumnType()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the column type that this constraint can be used to filter.
      Specified by:
      getColumnType in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      the column type
    • getEnumClass

      public Class<T> getEnumClass()
      Return the class of the column's Enum type.
      the class of the column's Enum type.
    • getSelectedValues

      public Set<T> getSelectedValues()
      Returns the set of acceptable (matching) Enum values that are acceptable to this constraint.
      the set of acceptable (matching) Enum values that are acceptable to this constraint.
    • getConstraintValueTooltip

      public String getConstraintValueTooltip()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      returns a description of the constraint suitable for displaying in a tooltip
      Specified by:
      getConstraintValueTooltip in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      a description of the constraint.
    • getConstraintValueString

      public String getConstraintValueString()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the "value" of the constraint in string form

      This is used for serializing the constraint.

      Specified by:
      getConstraintValueString in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      the "value" of the constraint in string form.
    • parseConstraintValue

      public ColumnConstraint<T> parseConstraintValue(String newValue, Object dataSource)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Parses the constraint value string for deserialization purposes.
      Specified by:
      parseConstraintValue in interface ColumnConstraint<T extends Enum<T>>
      newValue - the value of the constraint in string form.
      dataSource - the DataSource from the Table.
      a new ColumnConstraint
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object