Interface ColumnConstraintEditor<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the column type
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractColumnConstraintEditor, AutocompletingStringConstraintEditor, BooleanConstraintEditor, DataLoadingConstraintEditor, DateRangeConstraintEditor, DateValueConstraintEditor, DoNothingColumnConstraintEditor, DoubleRangeConstraintEditor, DoubleValueConstraintEditor, DummyConstraintEditor, EnumConstraintEditor, IntegerConstraintEditor, IntegerRangeConstraintEditor, MappedColumnConstraintEditor, StringConstraintEditor, UnsignedLongConstraintEditor, UnsignedLongRangeConstraintEditor

public interface ColumnConstraintEditor<T>
Defines the contract for building user-interface elements for manipulating constraint configuration.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addChangeListener(ChangeListener constraintEditorChangeListener)
    Register a callback handler for responding to changes made within the editor
    The detail component resides in the configuration interface below the column and constraint selection widgets, and is afforded greater space.
    If the editor contains and invalid value, this message should indicate why the value is invalid.
    The inline component resides in the configuration interface on the same visual line as the column and constraint selection widgets.
    Get the current value from the editor, in the form of a constraint.
    Determine if the editor contains a valid value; do the UI widgets and state match, is the state sensible for the constraint.
    removeChangeListener(ChangeListener constraintEditorChangeListener)
    Remove a callback handler that was responding changes made within the editor
    Reset the editor to a known-good state.
    Set the current value within the editor
  • Method Details

    • getInlineComponent

      Component getInlineComponent()
      The inline component resides in the configuration interface on the same visual line as the column and constraint selection widgets. It is intended to be a relatively small and simple interface for configuring the constraints' values.
      the inline editor component
    • getDetailComponent

      Component getDetailComponent()
      The detail component resides in the configuration interface below the column and constraint selection widgets, and is afforded greater space. It is intended to be a more feature-rich editor that provides greater insight or control of the constraints value definition.
      the detail editor component
    • getValue

      ColumnConstraint<T> getValue()
      Get the current value from the editor, in the form of a constraint.
      the editors' current value
    • setValue

      void setValue(ColumnConstraint<T> value)
      Set the current value within the editor
      value - the new value to set
    • reset

      void reset()
      Reset the editor to a known-good state.
    • hasValidValue

      boolean hasValidValue()
      Determine if the editor contains a valid value; do the UI widgets and state match, is the state sensible for the constraint.
      true if the configuration is valid, false otherwise
    • getErrorMessage

      String getErrorMessage()
      If the editor contains and invalid value, this message should indicate why the value is invalid. Only called if hasValidValue() returns false.
      an error message, or an empty string if no error
    • addChangeListener

      void addChangeListener(ChangeListener constraintEditorChangeListener)
      Register a callback handler for responding to changes made within the editor
      constraintEditorChangeListener - listener callback
    • removeChangeListener

      void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener constraintEditorChangeListener)
      Remove a callback handler that was responding changes made within the editor
      constraintEditorChangeListener - listener callback