Class DataLoadingConstraintEditor<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the column type
All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnConstraintEditor<T>, TaskListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DataLoadingConstraintEditor<T> extends AbstractColumnConstraintEditor<T> implements TaskListener
Abstract base class for constraint editors that load all the data in a column in order to initialize themselves.
  • Field Details

    • columnDataSource

      protected final ColumnData<T> columnDataSource
    • statusLabel

      protected JLabel statusLabel
  • Constructor Details

    • DataLoadingConstraintEditor

      public DataLoadingConstraintEditor(ColumnConstraint<T> delegateConstraint, ColumnData<T> columnDataSource)
      delegateConstraint - the constraint to feed column data to. Provides editors for manipulating constraint values.
      columnDataSource - provides access to table data and. Must be non-null.
  • Method Details

    • buildInlineEditorComponent

      protected Component buildInlineEditorComponent()
      Delegate the construction of the inline editor component.

      This editor provides a panel containing a TaskMonitorComponent and the ability to reload the columns' data; if the delegate editor provides an inline editor, this wraps it, and switches between task view and the editor depending on the executing state of the data-load task.

      Specified by:
      buildInlineEditorComponent in class AbstractColumnConstraintEditor<T>
      the editors inline component
      See Also:
    • buildDelegateInlineEditor

      protected Component buildDelegateInlineEditor()
      Get the delegates' inline editor component
      the inline editor for the delegate constraint
    • buildDetailEditorComponent

      protected Component buildDetailEditorComponent()
      Delegate the construction of the detail editor component.

      Subclasses should override this method if they choose to provide a detailed constraint editor. This is an optional feature, and this implementation returns null to satisfy the ColumnConstraintEditor contract.

      buildDetailEditorComponent in class AbstractColumnConstraintEditor<T>
      the editors detail component; null in this implementation
      See Also:
    • buildDelegateDetailEditor

      protected Component buildDelegateDetailEditor()
      Get the delegates' detail component
      the detail editor for the delegate constraint
    • handleColumnDataValue

      public abstract void handleColumnDataValue(T value)
      A value has been read from the table (column); handle it in an editor-specific way.
      value - the value read from the table (column)
    • columnDataLoadComplete

      public void columnDataLoadComplete()
      Notification that the column data-load has been completed.
    • columnDataLoadCancelled

      public void columnDataLoadCancelled()
      Notification that the column data-load was cancelled.
    • clearColumnData

      public void clearColumnData()
      Request that any state maintained by the delegate editor pertaining to column data be cleared.
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraintEditor
      Reset the editor to a known-good state.
      Specified by:
      reset in interface ColumnConstraintEditor<T>
    • resetEditor

      protected abstract void resetEditor()
      Reset the delegate editor to a known state
      See Also:
    • getValueFromComponent

      protected abstract ColumnConstraint<T> getValueFromComponent()
      Description copied from class: AbstractColumnConstraintEditor
      Get the constraints' new value from the editor component. This expects the UI to have been constructed.
      Specified by:
      getValueFromComponent in class AbstractColumnConstraintEditor<T>
      the value
      See Also:
    • getErrorMessage

      public String getErrorMessage()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraintEditor
      If the editor contains and invalid value, this message should indicate why the value is invalid. Only called if hasValidValue() returns false.
      Specified by:
      getErrorMessage in interface ColumnConstraintEditor<T>
      an error message, or an empty string if no error
    • updateEditorComponent

      protected void updateEditorComponent()
      Description copied from class: AbstractColumnConstraintEditor
      Indicates to subclasses that the constraint has changed, and the user interface needs to be updated to reflect the new state.
      Specified by:
      updateEditorComponent in class AbstractColumnConstraintEditor<T>
    • doUpdateEditorComponent

      protected abstract void doUpdateEditorComponent()
      Indicates the constraint has changed, and the user interface needs to be updated to reflect the new state.
    • taskCompleted

      public void taskCompleted(Task task)
      Description copied from interface: TaskListener
      Notification that the task completed.
      Specified by:
      taskCompleted in interface TaskListener
      task - the task that was running and is now completed
    • taskCancelled

      public void taskCancelled(Task task)
      Description copied from interface: TaskListener
      Notification that the task was canceled.
      Specified by:
      taskCancelled in interface TaskListener
      task - the task that was running and was canceled