Class RangeColumnConstraint<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the column type
All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnConstraint<T>, Comparable<ColumnConstraint<T>>
Direct Known Subclasses:
InDateRangeColumnConstraint, InRangeColumnConstraint, NotInDateRangeColumnConstraint, NotInRangeColumnConstraint

public abstract class RangeColumnConstraint<T> extends Object implements ColumnConstraint<T>
Abstract base class for range constraints.
  • Field Details

    • name

      protected final String name
      This constraints' name

      It sometimes makes grammatical sense to set a more useful name than the default; while 'at least' makes sense for a number-based constraint, 'after' reads better for date-based constraints.

    • editorProvider

      protected EditorProvider<T> editorProvider
  • Constructor Details

    • RangeColumnConstraint

      protected RangeColumnConstraint(String name, T minValue, T maxValue, EditorProvider<T> editorProvider, String group)
      name - the name of the constraint.
      minValue - the min value of the range.
      maxValue - the max value of the range.
      editorProvider - the editor provider that generates the appropriate editors for constraints of this type.
      group - the group of the constraint for visual grouping when presenting to the user.
  • Method Details

    • getGroup

      public String getGroup()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns a "group" string that is used to logically group column constraints for presentation to the user
      Specified by:
      getGroup in interface ColumnConstraint<T>
      the group this constraint belongs to.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the name of the constraint
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ColumnConstraint<T>
      the name of the constraint.
    • getMinValue

      public T getMinValue()
      Returns the min value of the range used by this constraint.
      the min value of the range used by this constraint.
    • getMaxValue

      public T getMaxValue()
      Returns the max value of the range used by this constraint.
      the max value of the range used by this constraint.
    • getColumnType

      public Class<T> getColumnType()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the column type that this constraint can be used to filter.
      Specified by:
      getColumnType in interface ColumnConstraint<T>
      the column type
    • getEditor

      public final ColumnConstraintEditor<T> getEditor(ColumnData<T> columnDataSource)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns a ColumnConstraintEditor which will provide gui components for users to edit the constraint values.
      Specified by:
      getEditor in interface ColumnConstraint<T>
      columnDataSource - This provides the constraint with access to the column data in the table model as well as the DataProvider of the table (if it has one)
      A columnConstraintEditor for editing the constraints value.
    • getConstraintValueString

      public String getConstraintValueString()
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Returns the "value" of the constraint in string form

      This is used for serializing the constraint.

      Specified by:
      getConstraintValueString in interface ColumnConstraint<T>
      the "value" of the constraint in string form.
    • parseConstraintValue

      public ColumnConstraint<T> parseConstraintValue(String newValue, Object dataSource)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnConstraint
      Parses the constraint value string for deserialization purposes.
      Specified by:
      parseConstraintValue in interface ColumnConstraint<T>
      newValue - the value of the constraint in string form.
      dataSource - the DataSource from the Table.
      a new ColumnConstraint
    • copy

      public abstract RangeColumnConstraint<T> copy(T min, T max)
      subclasses must override to generate new versions of themselves but with new range values.
      min - the min value of the range.
      max - the max value of the range.
      a new ColumnConstraint that is the same type as this constraint but with a new range defined.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object