Package generic

Interface Span.Empty<N,S extends Span<N,S>>

Type Parameters:
N - the type of endpoints
S - the type of spans
All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<S>, Span<N,S>
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:
Span<N,S extends Span<N,S>>

public static interface Span.Empty<N,S extends Span<N,S>> extends Span<N,S>
A mix-in interface for empty spans
  • Method Details

    • min

      default N min()
      Description copied from interface: Span
      Get the lower enpdoint
      Specified by:
      min in interface Span<N,S extends Span<N,S>>
      the lower endpoint
      See Also:
    • max

      default N max()
      Description copied from interface: Span
      Get the upper endpoint
      Specified by:
      max in interface Span<N,S extends Span<N,S>>
      the upper endpoint
      See Also:
    • isEmpty

      default boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: Span
      Check if this span is empty
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Span<N,S extends Span<N,S>>
      true if empty
    • contains

      default boolean contains(N c)
      Description copied from interface: Span
      Check if this span contains the given value
      Specified by:
      contains in interface Span<N,S extends Span<N,S>>
      c - the value
      true if n is contained in this span