Interface CTokenHighlightMatcher

public interface CTokenHighlightMatcher
The interface that clients must define to create a DecompilerHighlighter

Every function decompiled will trigger this matcher to get called. The order of method calls is: start(ClangNode), repeated calls to getTokenHighlight(ClangToken) and then end().

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    The basic method clients must implement to determine if a token should be highlighted.
    default void
  • Method Details

    • start

      default void start(ClangNode root)
    • end

      default void end()
    • getTokenHighlight

      Color getTokenHighlight(ClangToken token)
      The basic method clients must implement to determine if a token should be highlighted. Returning a non-null Color will trigger the given token to be highlighted.
      token - the token
      the highlight color or null