Class SignatureResult


public class SignatureResult extends Object
An unordered list of features describing a single function. Each feature represents partial information about the control-flow and/or data-flow making up the function. Together the features form an (approximately) complete representation of the function. Each feature is represented internally as 32-bit hash. Details of how the feature was formed are not available through this object, but see DebugSignature This object may optionally include a list of addresses of functions directly called by the function being described.
  • Field Details

    • features

      public int[] features
    • calllist

      public ArrayList<Address> calllist
    • hasunimplemented

      public boolean hasunimplemented
    • hasbaddata

      public boolean hasbaddata
  • Constructor Details

    • SignatureResult

      public SignatureResult()
  • Method Details

    • decode

      public static SignatureResult decode(Decoder decoder, Function func, boolean keepcalllist) throws DecoderException
      Decode a sequence of raw feature hashes associated with a specific function from a stream. The stream may optionally include addresses of called functions.
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      func - is the specific function being described
      keepcalllist - is true if call addresses should be stored in the result object
      the decoded SignatureResult
      DecoderException - for problems reading from the stream