Class AbstractAnalyzer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Analyzer, ExtensionPoint
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractBinaryFormatAnalyzer, AggressiveInstructionFinderAnalyzer, AnalyzerAdapter, ArmAggressiveInstructionFinderAnalyzer, CondenseFillerBytesAnalyzer, GccExceptionAnalyzer

public abstract class AbstractAnalyzer extends Object implements Analyzer
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setPriority

      protected void setPriority(AnalysisPriority priority)
    • setDefaultEnablement

      protected void setDefaultEnablement(boolean b)
    • setSupportsOneTimeAnalysis

      protected void setSupportsOneTimeAnalysis()
    • setSupportsOneTimeAnalysis

      protected void setSupportsOneTimeAnalysis(boolean supportsOneTimeAnalysis)
    • setPrototype

      protected void setPrototype()
    • getName

      public final String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Get the name of this analyzer
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Analyzer
      analyzer name
    • getAnalysisType

      public final AnalyzerType getAnalysisType()
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Get the type of analysis this analyzer performs
      Specified by:
      getAnalysisType in interface Analyzer
      analyze type
    • getDefaultEnablement

      public boolean getDefaultEnablement(Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Returns true if this analyzer should be enabled by default. Generally useful analyzers should return true. Specialized analyzers should return false;
      Specified by:
      getDefaultEnablement in interface Analyzer
      program - the program
      true if enabled by default
    • supportsOneTimeAnalysis

      public final boolean supportsOneTimeAnalysis()
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Returns true if it makes sense for this analyzer to directly invoked on an address or addressSet. The AutoAnalyzer plug-in will automatically create an action for each analyzer that returns true.
      Specified by:
      supportsOneTimeAnalysis in interface Analyzer
      true if supports one-time analysis
    • getDescription

      public final String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Get a longer description of what this analyzer does.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface Analyzer
      analyzer description
    • getPriority

      public final AnalysisPriority getPriority()
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Get the priority that this analyzer should run at.
      Specified by:
      getPriority in interface Analyzer
      analyzer priority
    • removed

      public boolean removed(Program program, AddressSetView set, TaskMonitor monitor, MessageLog log) throws CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Called when the requested information type has been removed, for example, when a function is removed.
      Specified by:
      removed in interface Analyzer
      program - program to analyze
      set - AddressSet of locations that have been added
      monitor - monitor that indicates progress and indicates whether the user canceled the analysis
      log - a message log to record analysis information
      true if the analysis succeeded
      CancelledException - if the analysis is cancelled
    • canAnalyze

      public boolean canAnalyze(Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Can this analyzer work on this program.
      Specified by:
      canAnalyze in interface Analyzer
      program - program to be analyzed
      true if this analyzer can analyze this program
    • optionsChanged

      public void optionsChanged(Options options, Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Analyzers should initialize their options from the values in the given Options, providing appropriate default values.
      Specified by:
      optionsChanged in interface Analyzer
      options - the program options/property list that contains the options
      program - program to be analyzed
    • analysisEnded

      public void analysisEnded(Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Called when an auto-analysis session ends. This notifies the analyzer so it can clean up any resources that only needed to be maintained during a single auto-analysis session.
      Specified by:
      analysisEnded in interface Analyzer
      program - the program that was just completed being analyzed
    • isPrototype

      public final boolean isPrototype()
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Returns true if this analyzer is a prototype.
      Specified by:
      isPrototype in interface Analyzer
      true if this analyzer is a prototype
    • registerOptions

      public void registerOptions(Options options, Program program)
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Analyzers should register their options with associated default value, help content and description
      Specified by:
      registerOptions in interface Analyzer
      options - the program options/property list that contains the options
      program - program to be analyzed