Class DWARFDataTypeManager


public class DWARFDataTypeManager extends Object
Manages mappings between DWARF DIEs and Ghidra DataTypes.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • doGetDataType

      public DataType doGetDataType(DIEAggregate diea) throws IOException, DWARFExpressionException
      Creates a DataType from the DWARF DIEA, or returns a pre-existing DataType created by the specified DIEA previously.

      Creating a new DataType happens in two stages, where the DataType is created as an 'impl' DataType first (possibly representing a large graph of referred-to datatypes), and then it is submitted to the DataTypeManager to be added to the database and converted to a 'db' object.

      Mapping from the DIEA's offset to the resultant 'db' DataType object is a two step process.

      A DataTypeGraphComparator is used to walk the 'impl' DataType object graph in lock-step with the resultant 'db' DataType object graph, and the mapping between the 'impl' object and its creator DIEA (held in DWARFDataTypeImporter.DWARFDataType) is used to create a mapping to the resultant 'db' DataType's path.

      diea - DWARF DIEAggregate with datatype information that needs to be converted to a Ghidra DataType.
      DataType that is ready to use.
      IOException - if problem
      DWARFExpressionException - if problem
    • addDataType

      public void addDataType(long offset, DataType dataType, DWARFSourceInfo dsi)
    • getImportedTypes

      public List<DataTypePath> getImportedTypes()
    • getSourceInfo

      public DWARFSourceInfo getSourceInfo(DataType dataType)
    • getDataType

      public DataType getDataType(DIEAggregate diea, DataType defaultValue)
      Returns a Ghidra DataType corresponding to the specified DIEAggregate, or the specified defaultValue if the DIEA param is null or does not map to an already defined datatype (registered with addDataType(long, DataType, DWARFSourceInfo)).

      diea - DIEAggregate that defines a data type
      defaultValue - Ghidra DataType to return if the specified DIEA is null or not already defined.
      Ghidra DataType
    • getDataType

      public DataType getDataType(long dieOffset, DataType defaultValue)
      Returns a Ghidra DataType corresponding to the specified DIE (based on its offset), or the specified defaultValue if the DIE does not map to a defined datatype (registered with addDataType(long, DataType, DWARFSourceInfo)).

      dieOffset - offset of a DIE record that defines a data type
      defaultValue - Ghidra DataType to return if the specified DIE not already defined.
      Ghidra DataType
    • getSpecificDataType

      public <T extends DataType> T getSpecificDataType(DIEAggregate diea, Class<T> dataTypeClazz)
    • getDataTypeForVariable

      public DataType getDataTypeForVariable(DIEAggregate diea)
    • getPtrTo

      public DataType getPtrTo(DataType dt)
      Returns a pointer to the specified data type.
      dt - Ghidra DataType
      a Pointer that points to the specified datatype.
    • getPtrTo

      public DataType getPtrTo(DataType dt, int ptrSize)
    • forAllConflicts

      public Iterable<DataType> forAllConflicts(DataTypePath dtp)
      Iterate all DataTypes that match the CategoryPath / name given in the DataTypePath parameter, including "conflict" datatypes that have a ".CONFLICTxx" suffix.
      dtp -
    • getOffsetType

      public DataType getOffsetType(int size)
      Returns a Ghidra datatype that corresponds to a type that can be used to represent an offset.

      size -
    • getVoidType

      public DataType getVoidType()
      Returns the void type.
      void DataType
    • getBaseType

      public DataType getBaseType(String name)
      Returns a DWARF base data type based on its name, or null if it does not exist.
      name - base type name
      DataType or null if base type does not exist
    • getBaseType

      public DataType getBaseType(String name, int dwarfSize, int dwarfEncoding, boolean isBigEndian, boolean isExplictSize)
      Returns a Ghidra datatype that corresponds to the DWARF named type.

      If there is no direct matching named Ghidra type, generic types of matching size will be returned for integer and floating numeric dwarf encoding types, boolean, and character types. Failing that, generic storage types of matching size (word, dword, etc) will be returned, and failing that, an array of the correct size will be returned.

      If the returned data type is not a direct named match, the returned data type will be wrapped in a Ghidra typedef using the dwarf type's name.

      Any newly created Ghidra data types will be cached and the same instance will be returned if the same DWARF named base type is requested again.

      name -
      dwarfSize -
      dwarfEncoding -
      isBigEndian -
      isExplictSize - boolean flag, if true the returned data type will not be linked to the dataOrganization's compiler specified data types (eg. if type is something like int32_t, the returned type should never change size, even if the dataOrg changes). If false, the returned type will be linked to the dataOrg's compiler specified data types if possible, except for data types that have a name that include a bitsize in the name, such as "int64_t".
    • importAllDataTypes

      public void importAllDataTypes(TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, DWARFException, CancelledException
      Does the actual import work. Updates the summary object with information about the types imported and errors encountered.
      monitor - to watch for cancel
      IOException - if errors are encountered reading data
      DWARFException - if errors are encountered processing
      CancelledException - if the TaskMonitor is canceled by the user.
    • getFunctionSignature

      public FunctionDefinition getFunctionSignature(DIEAggregate diea)
      Construct a temporary 'impl' FunctionDefinition DataType using the information found in the specified DIEAggregate.
      diea - DIEAggregate of a subprogram, callsite, etc.
      FunctionDefinition impl (not saved to the DB) or null if not a valid DIEA.