Interface FunctionDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
DataType, FunctionSignature
All Known Implementing Classes:
FunctionDefinitionDataType, FunctionSignatureImpl

public interface FunctionDefinition extends DataType, FunctionSignature
Defines a function signature for things like function pointers.
  • Method Details

    • setArguments

      void setArguments(ParameterDefinition[] args)
      Set the arguments to this function.
      args - array of parameter definitions to be used as arguments to this function
    • setReturnType

      void setReturnType(DataType type) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Set the return data type for this function
      type - the return datatype to be set.
      IllegalArgumentException - if data type is not a fixed length type
    • setComment

      void setComment(String comment)
      Set the function comment
      comment - the comment to set.
    • setVarArgs

      void setVarArgs(boolean hasVarArgs)
      Set whether parameters can be passed as a VarArg (variable argument list).
      hasVarArgs - true if this function has a variable argument list (ie printf(fmt, ...)).
    • setNoReturn

      void setNoReturn(boolean hasNoReturn)
      Set whether or not this function has a return.
      hasNoReturn - true if this function does not return.
    • setGenericCallingConvention

      void setGenericCallingConvention(GenericCallingConvention genericCallingConvention)
      Use of GenericCallingConvention is deprecated since arbitrary calling convention names are now supported. setCallingConvention(String) should be used.
      Set the generic calling convention associated with this function definition.
      The total number of unique calling convention names used within a given Program or DataTypeManager may be limited (e.g., 127). When this limit is exceeded an error will be logged and this setting ignored.
      genericCallingConvention - generic calling convention
    • setCallingConvention

      void setCallingConvention(String conventionName) throws InvalidInputException
      Set the calling convention associated with this function definition.
      The total number of unique calling convention names used within a given Program or DataTypeManager may be limited (e.g., 127). When this limit is exceeded an error will be logged and this setting ignored.
      conventionName - calling convention name or null. This name is restricted to those defined by GenericCallingConvention, the associated compiler specification. The prototype model declaration name form (e.g., "__stdcall") should be specified as it appears in a compiler specification (*.cspec). The special "unknown" and "default" names are also allowed.
      InvalidInputException - if specified conventionName is not defined by GenericCallingConvention or the associated compiler specification if datatype manager has an associated program architecture.
    • replaceArgument

      void replaceArgument(int ordinal, String name, DataType dt, String comment, SourceType source)
      Replace the given argument with another data type
      ordinal - the index of the argument to be replaced, starting from '0'
      name - name of the new argument
      dt - data type of the new argument
      comment - comment for the argument
      source - the source of this function definition argument: Symbol.DEFAULT, Symbol.ANALYSIS, Symbol.IMPORTED, or Symbol.USER_DEFINED