Class FunctionDefinitionDataType

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataType, FunctionDefinition, FunctionSignature
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FunctionDefinitionDataType extends GenericDataType implements FunctionDefinition
Definition of a function for things like function pointers.
  • Constructor Details

    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(String name)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(String name, DataTypeManager dtm)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(CategoryPath path, String name)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(CategoryPath path, String name, DataTypeManager dtm)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(FunctionSignature sig)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(FunctionSignature sig, DataTypeManager dtm)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(CategoryPath path, String name, FunctionSignature sig)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(CategoryPath path, String name, FunctionSignature sig, DataTypeManager dtm)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(CategoryPath path, String name, FunctionSignature sig, UniversalID universalID, SourceArchive sourceArchive, long lastChangeTime, long lastChangeTimeInSourceArchive, DataTypeManager dtm)
    • FunctionDefinitionDataType

      public FunctionDefinitionDataType(Function function, boolean formalSignature)
      Create a Function Definition based on a Function
      function - the function to use to create a Function Signature.
      formalSignature - if true only original formal types will be retained and auto-params discarded (e.g., this, __return_storage_ptr__, etc.). If false, the effective signature will be used where forced indirect and auto-params are reflected in the signature. This option has no affect if the specified function has custom storage enabled.
  • Method Details

    • setArguments

      public void setArguments(ParameterDefinition[] args)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set the arguments to this function.
      Specified by:
      setArguments in interface FunctionDefinition
      args - array of parameter definitions to be used as arguments to this function
    • setReturnType

      public void setReturnType(DataType type)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set the return data type for this function
      Specified by:
      setReturnType in interface FunctionDefinition
      type - the return datatype to be set.
    • setComment

      public void setComment(String comment)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set the function comment
      Specified by:
      setComment in interface FunctionDefinition
      comment - the comment to set.
    • setVarArgs

      public void setVarArgs(boolean hasVarArgs)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set whether parameters can be passed as a VarArg (variable argument list).
      Specified by:
      setVarArgs in interface FunctionDefinition
      hasVarArgs - true if this function has a variable argument list (ie printf(fmt, ...)).
    • setNoReturn

      public void setNoReturn(boolean hasNoReturn)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set whether or not this function has a return.
      Specified by:
      setNoReturn in interface FunctionDefinition
      hasNoReturn - true if this function does not return.
    • setGenericCallingConvention

      public void setGenericCallingConvention(GenericCallingConvention genericCallingConvention)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set the generic calling convention associated with this function definition.
      The total number of unique calling convention names used within a given Program or DataTypeManager may be limited (e.g., 127). When this limit is exceeded an error will be logged and this setting ignored.
      Specified by:
      setGenericCallingConvention in interface FunctionDefinition
      genericCallingConvention - generic calling convention
    • setCallingConvention

      public void setCallingConvention(String conventionName) throws InvalidInputException
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Set the calling convention associated with this function definition.
      The total number of unique calling convention names used within a given Program or DataTypeManager may be limited (e.g., 127). When this limit is exceeded an error will be logged and this setting ignored.
      Specified by:
      setCallingConvention in interface FunctionDefinition
      conventionName - calling convention name or null. This name is restricted to those defined by GenericCallingConvention, the associated compiler specification. The prototype model declaration name form (e.g., "__stdcall") should be specified as it appears in a compiler specification (*.cspec). The special "unknown" and "default" names are also allowed.
      InvalidInputException - if specified conventionName is not defined by GenericCallingConvention or the associated compiler specification if datatype manager has an associated program architecture.
    • getCallingConvention

      public PrototypeModel getCallingConvention()
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Gets the calling convention prototype model for this function if associated with a compiler specificfation. This method will always return null if signature is not associated with a specific program architecture.
      Specified by:
      getCallingConvention in interface FunctionSignature
      the prototype model of the function's current calling convention or null.
    • getCallingConventionName

      public String getCallingConventionName()
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Returns the calling convention name associated with this function definition. Reserved names may also be returned: Function.UNKNOWN_CALLING_CONVENTION_STRING, Function.DEFAULT_CALLING_CONVENTION_STRING. The "unknown" convention must be returned instead of null.
      Specified by:
      getCallingConventionName in interface FunctionSignature
      calling convention name
    • copy

      public DataType copy(DataTypeManager dtm)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns a new instance (shallow copy) of this DataType with a new identity and no source archive association.

      Any reference to other datatypes will use DataType.clone(DataTypeManager).

      Specified by:
      copy in interface DataType
      dtm - the data-type manager instance whose data-organization should apply.
      new instanceof of this datatype
    • clone

      public DataType clone(DataTypeManager dtm)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns an instance of this DataType using the specified DataTypeManager to allow its use of the corresponding DataOrganization while retaining its unique identity (see DataType.getUniversalID() and archive association (see DataType.getSourceArchive()) if applicable.

      This instance will be returned if this datatype's DataTypeManager matches the specified dtm. The recursion depth of a clone will stop on any datatype whose DataTypeManager matches the specified dtm and simply use the existing datatype instance.

      NOTE: In general, this method should not be used to obtain an instance to be modified. In most cases changes may be made directly to this instance if supported or to a DataType.copy(DataTypeManager) of this type.

      Specified by:
      clone in interface DataType
      dtm - the data-type manager instance whose data-organization should apply.
      cloned instance which may be the same as this instance
    • getMnemonic

      public String getMnemonic(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the mnemonic for this DataType.
      Specified by:
      getMnemonic in interface DataType
      getMnemonic in class AbstractDataType
      settings - settings which may influence the result or null
      the mnemonic for this DataType.
    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get the length of this DataType as a number of 8-bit bytes.

      For primitive datatypes this reflects the smallest varnode which can be used to contain its value (i.e., raw data length).

      Example: For x86 32-bit gcc an 80-bit long double raw data length of 10-bytes will fit within a floating point register while its aligned-length of 12-bytes is used by the gcc compiler for data/array/component allocations to maintain alignment (i.e., sizeof(long double) ).

      NOTE: Other than the VoidDataType, no datatype should ever return 0, even if DataType.isZeroLength(), and only Dynamic/FactoryDataType datatypes should return -1. If DataType.isZeroLength() is true a length of 1 should be returned. Where a zero-length datatype can be handled (e.g., Composite) the DataType.isZeroLength() method should be used.

      Specified by:
      getLength in interface DataType
      the length of this DataType
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get a String briefly describing this DataType.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface DataType
      a one-liner describing this DataType.
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Returns the interpreted data value as an instance of the advertised value class.

      For instance, Pointer data types should return an Address object (or null), or integer data types should return a Scalar object.

      Specified by:
      getValue in interface DataType
      buf - the data buffer
      settings - the settings to use.
      length - indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be consumed by a Dynamic datatype, otherwise this value is ignored. A value of -1 may be specified to allow a Dynamic datatype to determine the length based upon the actual data bytes
      the data object, or null if data is invalid
    • getRepresentation

      public String getRepresentation(MemBuffer buf, Settings settings, int length)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Get bytes from memory in a printable format for this type.
      Specified by:
      getRepresentation in interface DataType
      buf - the data.
      settings - the settings to use for the representation.
      length - the number of bytes to represent.
      the representation of the data in this format, never null.
    • getPrototypeString

      public String getPrototypeString()
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Get string representation of the function signature without the calling convention specified.
      Specified by:
      getPrototypeString in interface FunctionSignature
      function signature string
    • getPrototypeString

      public String getPrototypeString(boolean includeCallingConvention)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Get string representation of the function signature
      Specified by:
      getPrototypeString in interface FunctionSignature
      includeCallingConvention - if true prototype will include call convention declaration if known as well as noreturn indicator if applicable.
      function signature string
    • getArguments

      public ParameterDefinition[] getArguments()
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Get function signature parameter arguments
      Specified by:
      getArguments in interface FunctionSignature
      an array of parameters for the function
    • getReturnType

      public DataType getReturnType()
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Get function signature return type
      Specified by:
      getReturnType in interface FunctionSignature
      the return data type
    • getComment

      public String getComment()
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Get descriptive comment for signature
      Specified by:
      getComment in interface FunctionSignature
      the comment string
    • hasVarArgs

      public boolean hasVarArgs()
      Specified by:
      hasVarArgs in interface FunctionSignature
      true if this function signature has a variable argument list (VarArgs).
    • hasNoReturn

      public boolean hasNoReturn()
      Specified by:
      hasNoReturn in interface FunctionSignature
      true if this function signature corresponds to a non-returning function.
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Check if the given datatype is equivalent to this datatype.

      The precise meaning of "equivalent" is datatype dependent.
      NOTE: if invoked by a DB object or manager it should be invoked on the DataTypeDB object passing the other datatype as the argument.

      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface DataType
      dt - the datatype being tested for equivalence.
      true if the if the given datatype is equivalent to this datatype.
    • isEquivalentSignature

      public boolean isEquivalentSignature(FunctionSignature signature)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionSignature
      Returns true if the given signature is equivalent to this signature. The precise meaning of "equivalent" is dependent upon return/parameter dataTypes.
      Specified by:
      isEquivalentSignature in interface FunctionSignature
      signature - the function signature being tested for equivalence.
      true if the if the given signature is equivalent to this signature.
    • dataTypeReplaced

      public void dataTypeReplaced(DataType oldDt, DataType newDt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Informs this datatype that the given oldDT has been replaced with newDT

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeReplaced in interface DataType
      dataTypeReplaced in class AbstractDataType
      oldDt - old datatype
      newDt - new datatype
    • replaceArgument

      public void replaceArgument(int ordinal, String newName, DataType dt, String newComment, SourceType source)
      Description copied from interface: FunctionDefinition
      Replace the given argument with another data type
      Specified by:
      replaceArgument in interface FunctionDefinition
      ordinal - the index of the argument to be replaced, starting from '0'
      newName - name of the new argument
      dt - data type of the new argument
      newComment - comment for the argument
      source - the source of this function definition argument: Symbol.DEFAULT, Symbol.ANALYSIS, Symbol.IMPORTED, or Symbol.USER_DEFINED
    • dataTypeSizeChanged

      public void dataTypeSizeChanged(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Notification that the given datatype's size has changed.

      DataTypes may need to make internal changes in response.
      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeSizeChanged in interface DataType
      dataTypeSizeChanged in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype that has changed.
    • dataTypeDeleted

      public void dataTypeDeleted(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Informs this datatype that the given datatype has been deleted.

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeDeleted in interface DataType
      dataTypeDeleted in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype that has been deleted.
    • dataTypeNameChanged

      public void dataTypeNameChanged(DataType dt, String oldName)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Informs this datatype that its name has changed from the indicated old name.

      TODO: This method is reserved for internal DB use.

      Specified by:
      dataTypeNameChanged in interface DataType
      dataTypeNameChanged in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype whose name changed
      oldName - the datatype's old name
    • dependsOn

      public boolean dependsOn(DataType dt)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Check if this datatype depends on the existence of the given datatype.

      For example byte[] depends on byte. If byte were deleted, then byte[] would also be deleted.

      Specified by:
      dependsOn in interface DataType
      dependsOn in class AbstractDataType
      dt - the datatype to test that this datatype depends on.
      true if the existence of this datatype relies on the existence of the specified datatype dt.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class AbstractDataType