Class FunctionSignatureImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataType, FunctionDefinition, FunctionSignature

@Deprecated public class FunctionSignatureImpl extends FunctionDefinitionDataType
FunctionDefinitionDataType should be used for defining a function signature
Implementation of a Function Signature. All the information about a function that is portable from one program to another.
  • Constructor Details

    • FunctionSignatureImpl

      public FunctionSignatureImpl(String name)
      Creates new FunctionSignatureImpl with the given name, default return type and no parameters.
      name - the name of the function
    • FunctionSignatureImpl

      public FunctionSignatureImpl(FunctionSignature signature)
      Creates new FunctionSignatureImpl based upon an existing function signature.
      signature - the signature of the function
    • FunctionSignatureImpl

      public FunctionSignatureImpl(Function function)
      Create a Function Definition based on a Function. The effective signature will be used where forced indirect and auto-params are reflected in the signature.
      function - the function to use to create a Function Signature.
    • FunctionSignatureImpl

      public FunctionSignatureImpl(Function function, boolean formalSignature)
      Create a Function Definition based on a Function
      function - the function to use to create a Function Signature.
      formalSignature - if true only original raw types will be retained and auto-params discarded (e.g., this, __return_storage_ptr__, etc.). If false, the effective signature will be used where forced indirect and auto-params are reflected in the signature. This option has no affect if the specified function has custom storage enabled.