Interface DWARFFunctionFixup

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GolangDWARFFunctionFixup, OutputParamCheckDWARFFunctionFixup, ParamNameDWARFFunctionFixup, ParamSpillDWARFFunctionFixup, RustDWARFFunctionFixup, SanityCheckDWARFFunctionFixup, StorageVerificationDWARFFunctionFixup, ThisCallingConventionDWARFFunctionFixup

public interface DWARFFunctionFixup extends ExtensionPoint
Interface for add-in logic to fix/modify/tweak DWARF functions before they are written to the Ghidra program.

Use @ExtensionPointProperties(priority = DWARFFunctionFixup.PRIORITY_*) to control the order of evaluation (higher numbers are run earlier).

Fixups are found using ClassSearcher, and their class names must end in "DWARFFunctionFixup" (see ExtensionPoint.manifest).

Instance lifetime:

New instances are not shared between programs or analysis sessions, but will be re-used to handle the various functions found in a single binary.

If the implementation also implements Closeable, it will be called when the fixup is no longer needed.