Class ElfRelocation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ElfRelocation extends Object implements StructConverter
A class to represent the Elf32_Rel and Elf64_Rel data structure.
 typedef uint32_t Elf32_Addr;
 typedef uint64_t Elf64_Addr;
 typedef uint32_t Elf32_Word;
 typedef uint64_t Elf64_Xword;
 REL entry:
    typedef struct {
        Elf32_Addr   r_offset;
        Elf32_Word   r_info;
    } Elf32_Rel;
    typedef struct {
        Elf64_Addr   r_offset;
        Elf64_Xword  r_info;
    } Elf64_Rel;
 RELA entry with addend:
    typedef struct {
        Elf32_Addr    r_offset;
        Elf32_Word    r_info;
        Elf32_Sword   r_addend;
    } Elf32_Rela;
    typedef struct {
        Elf64_Addr    r_offset;   //Address
        Elf64_Xword   r_info;     //Relocation type and symbol index
        Elf64_Sxword  r_addend;   //Addend 
    } Elf64_Rela;
 RELR entry (see SHT_RELR, DT_RELR):
    NOTE: Relocation type is data relative and must be specified by appropriate relocation handler
    (see ElfRelocationHandler.getRelrRelocationType()) since it is not contained within the 
    relocation table which only specifies r_offset for each entry.
NOTE: instantiation relies on the use of a default constructor which must be implemented by any extension. An extension should implement the methods initElfRelocation(BinaryReader, ElfHeader, int, boolean) and/or initElfRelocation(ElfHeader, int, boolean, long, long, long).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ElfRelocation

      public ElfRelocation()
      Instantiate an uninitialized relocation object.

      NOTE: This method is intended for use by the various factory methods which should generally be used when building-up a relocation table (see createElfRelocation(BinaryReader, ElfHeader, int, boolean) and createElfRelocation(ElfHeader, int, boolean, long, long, long)).

  • Method Details

    • initElfRelocation

      protected void initElfRelocation(BinaryReader reader, ElfHeader elfHeader, int relocationTableIndex, boolean withAddend) throws IOException
      Initialize ELF relocation entry using data from the binary reader's current position.
      reader - binary reader positioned to the relocation entry data. If null, a representative instance will be generated with all fields set to 0.
      elfHeader - ELF header
      relocationTableIndex - index of relocation within relocation table
      withAddend - true if if RELA entry with addend, else false
      IOException - if an IO or parse error occurs
    • initElfRelocation

      protected void initElfRelocation(ElfHeader elfHeader, int relocationTableIndex, boolean withAddend, long offset, long info, long addend) throws IOException
      Initialize ELF relocation entry using data provided via the parameters.
      elfHeader - ELF header
      relocationTableIndex - index of relocation within relocation table
      withAddend - true if if RELA entry with addend, else false
      offset - The offset for the entry (r_offset)
      info - The info value for the entry (r_info)
      addend - The signed-addend (r_addend) for the entry (32-bit addends should be signed-extended to 64-bits)
      IOException - if an IO or parse error occurs
    • getRelocationIndex

      public int getRelocationIndex()
      index of relocation within its corresponding relocation table
    • is32Bit

      protected boolean is32Bit()
      true if processing a 32-bit header, else 64-bit
    • getOffset

      public long getOffset()
      This member gives the location at which to apply the relocation action. For a relocatable file, the value is the byte offset from the beginning of the section to the storage unit affected by the relocation. For an executable file or a shared object, the value is the virtual address of the storage unit affected by the relocation.
      the location at which to apply the relocation
    • getSymbolIndex

      public int getSymbolIndex()
      Returns the symbol index where the relocation must be made. A value of 0 is generally returned when no symbol is relavent to the relocation.
      the symbol index
    • getType

      public int getType()
      The type ID value for this relocation NOTE 1: Relocation types are processor-specific (see AbstractElfRelocationHandler). NOTE 2: A type ID of 0 is returned by default for RELR relocations and must be updated during relocation processing (see setType(long)). The appropriate RELR relocation type can be obtained from the appropriate ElfRelocationHandler.getRelrRelocationType() or ElfRelocationContext.getRelrRelocationType() if available.
      type ID for this relocation
    • setType

      public void setType(long typeId)
      Set the relocation type ID associated with this relocation. Updating the relocation type is required for RELR relocations.
      typeId - relocation type ID value for this relocation
    • getRelocationInfo

      public long getRelocationInfo()
      Returns the r_info relocation entry field value
      r_info value
    • getAddend

      public long getAddend()
      This member specifies the RELA signed-constant addend used to compute the value to be stored into the relocatable field. This value will be 0 for REL entries which do not supply an addend and may rely on an implicit addend stored at the relocation offset. See hasAddend() which is true for RELA / Elf_Rela and false for REL / Elf_Rel relocations.
      addend as 64-bit signed constant
    • hasAddend

      public boolean hasAddend()
      Returns true if this is a RELA entry with addend
      true if this is a RELA entry with addend
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType()
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      Specified by:
      toDataType in interface StructConverter
      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      See Also:
    • getStandardRelocationEntrySize

      public static int getStandardRelocationEntrySize(boolean is64bit, boolean hasAddend)
      Get the standard relocation size when one has notbeen specified
      is64bit - true if ELF 64-bit
      hasAddend - true if relocation has addend
      size of relocation entry
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • sizeof

      protected int sizeof()