Class ElfRelocationHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ElfRelocationHandler extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
NOTE: ELF relocation handler implementations should extend AbstractElfRelocationHandler which now uses ElfRelocationType enum values instead of simple constants. This class may transition to an interface in the future. This abstract class remains exposed for backward compatibility with older implementations.
ElfRelocationHandler provides the base class for processor specific ELF relocation handlers. Implementations may only specify a public default constructor as they will be identified and instatiated by the ClassSearcher. As such their name must end with "ElfRelocationHandler" (e.g., MyProc_ElfRelocationHandler).
  • Field Details


      public static final String GOT_BLOCK_NAME
      Fabricated Global Offset Table (GOT) name/prefix to be used when processing an object module and a GOT must be fabricated to allow relocation processing.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • canRelocate

      public abstract boolean canRelocate(ElfHeader elf)
    • getRelrRelocationType

      public int getRelrRelocationType()
      Get the architecture-specific relative relocation type which should be applied to RELR relocations. The default implementation returns 0 which indicates RELR is unsupported.
      RELR relocation type ID value
    • createRelocationContext

      protected ElfRelocationContext createRelocationContext(ElfLoadHelper loadHelper, Map<ElfSymbol,Address> symbolMap)
      Relocation context for a specific Elf image and relocation table. The relocation context is used to process relocations and manage any data required to process relocations.
      loadHelper - Elf load helper
      symbolMap - Elf symbol placement map
      relocation context or null if unsupported
    • relocate

      protected abstract RelocationResult relocate(ElfRelocationContext elfRelocationContext, ElfRelocation relocation, Address relocationAddress) throws MemoryAccessException, NotFoundException
      Perform relocation fixup.
      IMPORTANT: this class must be overriden if this implementation does not specify an ElfRelocationType enum class (see ElfRelocationHandler()).
      elfRelocationContext - relocation context
      relocation - ELF relocation
      relocationAddress - relocation target address (fixup location)
      applied relocation result (conveys status and applied byte-length)
      MemoryAccessException - memory access failure
      NotFoundException - NOTE: use of this exception is deprecated and should not be thrown
    • markAsUnhandled

      protected void markAsUnhandled(Program program, Address relocationAddress, int typeId, String symbolName, int symbolIndex, MessageLog log)
      Generate error log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress indicating an unhandled relocation.
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type ID value
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      symbolIndex - symbol index within symbol table (-1 to ignore)
      log - import log
    • markAsError

      protected void markAsError(Program program, Address relocationAddress, int typeId, String symbolName, int symbolIndex, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate error log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress where relocation failed to be applied.
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type ID value
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      symbolIndex - symbol index within symbol table (-1 to ignore)
      msg - error message
      log - import log
    • markAsWarning

      protected void markAsWarning(Program program, Address relocationAddress, int typeId, String symbolName, int symbolIndex, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate warning log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress where relocation failed to be applied.
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type ID value
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      symbolIndex - symbol index within symbol table (-1 to ignore)
      msg - error message
      log - import log
    • applyComponentOffsetPointer

      public static void applyComponentOffsetPointer(Program program, Address addr, long componentOffset)
      Apply a pointer-typedef with a specified component-offset if specified address is not contained within an execute block.
      program - program
      addr - address where data should be applied
      componentOffset - component offset
    • warnExternalOffsetRelocation

      public static void warnExternalOffsetRelocation(Program program, Address relocationAddress, Address symbolAddr, String symbolName, long adjustment, MessageLog log)
      Determine if symbolAddr is contained within the EXTERNAL block with a non-zero adjustment. If so, relocationAddress will be marked with a EXTERNAL Data Elf Relocation with pointer-offset warning or error bookmark. Bookmark and logged message will be conveyed as an error if relocationAddress resides within an executable memory block.
      NOTE: This method should only be invoked when the symbol offset will be adjusted with a non-zero value (i.e., addend).
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked if EXTERNAL block relocation
      symbolAddr - symbol address correspondng to relocation (may be null)
      symbolName - symbol name (may not be null if symbolAddr is not null)
      adjustment - relocation symbol offset adjustment/addend
      log - import log
    • bookmarkNoHandlerError

      public static void bookmarkNoHandlerError(Program program, Address relocationAddress, int typeId, int symbolIndex, String symbolName)
      Generate error bookmark at relocationAddress indicating a missing relocation handler.
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type ID value
      symbolIndex - associated symbol index within symbol table (-1 to ignore)
      symbolName - associated symbol name
    • bookmarkUnsupportedRelr

      public static void bookmarkUnsupportedRelr(Program program, Address relocationAddress, int symbolIndex, String symbolName)
      Generate error bookmark at relocationAddress indicating an unsupported RELR relocation.
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      symbolIndex - associated symbol index within symbol table (-1 to ignore)
      symbolName - associated symbol name
    • markAsError

      public static void markAsError(Program program, Address relocationAddress, int typeId, int symbolIndex, String symbolName, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate error log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type
      symbolIndex - associated symbol index within symbol table (-1 to ignore)
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      msg - error messge
      log - import log
    • markAsUnhandled

      @Deprecated public static void markAsUnhandled(Program program, Address relocationAddress, long typeId, long symbolIndex, String symbolName, MessageLog log)
      Generate error log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress indicating an unhandled relocation.
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type ID value (limited to int value).
      symbolIndex - associated symbol index within symbol table (limited to int value).
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      log - import log
    • markAsWarning

      @Deprecated public static void markAsWarning(Program program, Address relocationAddress, String type, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate warning log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      type - relocation type ID name
      msg - message associated with warning
      log - import log
    • markAsWarning

      @Deprecated public static void markAsWarning(Program program, Address relocationAddress, String type, String symbolName, int symbolIndex, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate warning log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      type - relocation type ID name
      symbolName - symbol name
      symbolIndex - symbol index (-1 to ignore)
      msg - message associated with warning
      log - import log
    • markAsError

      @Deprecated public static void markAsError(Program program, Address relocationAddress, long typeId, String symbolName, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate error log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      typeId - relocation type ID value
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      msg - error messge
      log - import log
    • markAsError

      @Deprecated public static void markAsError(Program program, Address relocationAddress, String type, String symbolName, String msg, MessageLog log)
      Generate error log entry and bookmark at relocationAddress
      program - program
      relocationAddress - relocation address to be bookmarked
      type - relocation type ID name
      symbolName - associated symbol name
      msg - additional error message
      log - import log