All Implemented Interfaces:
StructureMarkup<GoName>, StructureReader<GoName>

public class GoName extends Object implements StructureReader<GoName>, StructureMarkup<GoName>
Represents a golang "name" construct, which isn't represented in go as a normal structure since it is full of variable length and optional fields.
 struct {
        byte flag;
        varint strlen;
        char[strlen] chars; 
        (optional: varint tag_strlen; char [tag_strlen];)
        (optional: int32 pkgpath)
Because this type has variable length fields (@FieldOutput(isVariableLength=true)), there will be unique structure data types produced for each size combination of a GoName structure, and will be named "GoName_N_M", where N and M are the lengths of the variable fields [name, tag]
  • Constructor Details

    • GoName

      public GoName()
  • Method Details

    • readStructure

      public void readStructure() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: StructureReader
      Called after an instance has been created and its context has been initialized.
      Specified by:
      readStructure in interface StructureReader<GoName>
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name value.
      name string
    • getTag

      public String getTag()
      Returns the tag string.
      tag string
    • getPkgPath

      public GoName getPkgPath() throws IOException
      Returns the package path string, or null if not present.
      package path string, or null if not present
      IOException - if error reading data
    • getPkgPathDataType

      public DataType getPkgPathDataType()
      Returns the data type needed to store the pkg path offset field, called by serialization from the fieldoutput annotation.
      Ghidra data type needed to store the pkg path offset field, or null if not present
    • getFullNameString

      public String getFullNameString()
      Returns a descriptive string containing the full name value.
      descriptive string
    • getFlags

      public int getFlags()
      Returns the flags found in this structure.
      flags, as an int
    • getFlagsSet

      public Set<GoName.Flag> getFlagsSet()
      Returns the flags found in this structure.
      flags, as a set of GoName.Flag enum values
    • getStructureContext

      public StructureContext<GoName> getStructureContext()
      Specified by:
      getStructureContext in interface StructureMarkup<GoName>
    • getStructureName

      public String getStructureName() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: StructureMarkup
      Returns the name of the instance, typically retrieved from data found inside the instance.
      Specified by:
      getStructureName in interface StructureMarkup<GoName>
      string name, or null if this instance does not have a name
      IOException - if error getting name
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • createFakeInstance

      public static GoName createFakeInstance(String fakeName)
      Create a GoName instance that supplies a specified name.
      fakeName - string name to return from the GoName's getName()
      new GoName instance that can only be used to call getName()