All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GoSlice extends Object implements StructureMarkup<GoSlice>
A structure that represents a golang slice instance (similar to a java ArrayList). Not to be confused with a GoSliceType, which is RTTI info about a slice type.

An initialized static image of a slice found in a go binary will tend to have len==cap (full).

Like java's type erasure for generics, a golang slice instance does not have type information about the elements found in the array blob (nor the size of the blob).

  • Constructor Details

    • GoSlice

      public GoSlice()
    • GoSlice

      public GoSlice(long array, long len, long cap, GoRttiMapper programContext)
      Creates an artificial slice instance using the supplied values.
      array - offset of the slice's data
      len - number of initialized elements in the slice
      cap - total number of elements in the data array
      programContext - the go binary that contains the slice
  • Method Details

    • getElementDataType

      public DataType getElementDataType()
      Returns the DataType of elements of this slice, as detected by the type information contained in the struct field that contains this slice.

      Returns null if this slice instance was not nested (contained) in a structure. If the slice data type wasn't a specialized slice data type (it was "runtime.slice" instead of "[]element"), void data type will be returned.

      data type of the elements of this slice, if possible, or null
    • getSubSlice

      public GoSlice getSubSlice(long startElement, long elementCount, long elementSize)
      Return a artificial view of a portion of this slice's contents.
      startElement - index of element that will be the new sub-slice's starting element
      elementCount - number of elements to include in new sub-slice
      elementSize - size of an individual element
      new GoSlice instance that is limited to a portion of this slice
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
      Returns true if this slice seems valid.
      boolean true if array blob is a valid memory location
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(int elementSize)
      Returns true if this slice seems valid.
      elementSize - size of elements in this slice
      boolean true if array blob is a valid memory location
    • getArrayOffset

      public long getArrayOffset()
      Returns address of the array blob.
      location of the array blob
    • getArrayAddress

      public Address getArrayAddress()
      Returns the address of the array blob
      address of the array blob
    • getArrayEnd

      public long getArrayEnd(Class<?> elementClass)
      Returns the address of the end of the array.
      elementClass - structure mapped class
      location of the end of the array blob
    • getLen

      public long getLen()
      Returns the number of initialized elements
      number of initialized elements
    • getCap

      public long getCap()
      Returns the number of elements allocated in the array blob. (capacity)
      number of allocated elements in the array blob
    • isFull

      public boolean isFull()
      Returns true if this slice's element count is equal to the slice's capacity. This is typically true for all slices that are static.
      boolean true if this slice's element count is equal to capacity
    • containsOffset

      public boolean containsOffset(long offset, int sizeofElement)
      Returns true if this slice contains the specified offset.
      offset - memory offset in question
      sizeofElement - size of elements in this slice
      true if this slice contains the specified offset
    • getElementOffset

      public long getElementOffset(long elementSize, long elementIndex)
      Returns the offset of the specified element
      elementSize - size of elements in this slice
      elementIndex - index of desired element
      offset of element
    • readList

      public <T> List<T> readList(Class<T> clazz) throws IOException
      Reads the content of the slice, treating each element as an instance of the specified structure mapped class.
      Type Parameters:
      T - struct mapped type of element
      clazz - element type
      list of instances
      IOException - if error reading an element
    • readList

      public <T> List<T> readList(BinaryReader.ReaderFunction<T> readFunc) throws IOException
      Reads the contents of the slice, treating each element as an instance of an object that can be read using the supplied reading function.
      Type Parameters:
      T - struct mapped type of element
      readFunc - function that will read an instance from a BinaryReader
      list of instances
      IOException - if error reading an element
    • readUIntList

      public long[] readUIntList(int intSize) throws IOException
      Treats this slice as a array of unsigned integers, of the specified intSize.

      intSize - size of integer
      array of longs, containing the (possibly smaller) integers contained in the slice
      IOException - if error reading
    • readUIntElement

      public long readUIntElement(int intSize, int elementIndex) throws IOException
      Reads an unsigned int element from this slice.
      intSize - size of ints
      elementIndex - index of element
      unsigned int value
      IOException - if error reading element
    • getElementReader

      public BinaryReader getElementReader(int elementSize, int elementIndex)
      Returns a BinaryReader positioned at the specified slice element.
      elementSize - size of elements in this slice
      elementIndex - index of desired element
      BinaryReader positioned at specified element
    • markupArray

      public void markupArray(String sliceName, String namespaceName, Class<?> elementClazz, boolean ptr, MarkupSession session) throws IOException
      Marks up the memory occupied by the array elements with a name and a Ghidra ArrayDataType, which has elements who's type is determined by the specified structure class.
      sliceName - used to label the memory location
      namespaceName - namespace the label symbol should be placed in
      elementClazz - structure mapped class of the element of the array
      ptr - boolean flag, if true the element type is really a pointer to the supplied data type
      session - state and methods to assist marking up the program
      IOException - if error
    • markupArray

      public void markupArray(String sliceName, String namespaceName, DataType elementType, boolean ptr, MarkupSession session) throws IOException
      Marks up the memory occupied by the array elements with a name and a Ghidra ArrayDataType.
      sliceName - used to label the memory location
      namespaceName - namespace the label symbol should be placed in
      elementType - Ghidra datatype of the array elements, null ok if ptr == true
      ptr - boolean flag, if true the element type is really a pointer to the supplied data type
      session - state and methods to assist marking up the program
      IOException - if error
    • markupArrayElements

      public <T> List<T> markupArrayElements(Class<T> clazz, MarkupSession session) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Marks up each element of the array, useful when the elements are themselves structures.
      Type Parameters:
      T - element type
      clazz - structure mapped class of element
      session - state and methods to assist marking up the program
      list of element instances
      IOException - if error reading
      CancelledException - if cancelled
    • markupElementReferences

      public void markupElementReferences(int elementSize, List<Address> targetAddrs, MarkupSession session) throws IOException
      Marks up each element of the array with an outbound reference to the corresponding address in the targetAddrs list.

      Useful when marking up an array of offsets.

      The Listing UI doesn't show the outbound reference from each element (for arrays of primitive types), but the target will show the inbound reference.

      elementSize - size of each element in the array
      targetAddrs - list of addresses, should be same size as this slice
      session - state and methods to assist marking up the program
      IOException - if error creating references
    • getStructureLabel

      public String getStructureLabel() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: StructureMarkup
      Returns a string that can be used to place a label on the instance.

      This default implementation will query the StructureMarkup.getStructureName() method, and if it provides a value, will produce a string that looks like "name___mappingstructname", where "mappingstructname" will be the structureName value in the @StructureMapping annotation.

      Specified by:
      getStructureLabel in interface StructureMarkup<GoSlice>
      string to be used as a label, or null if there is not a valid label for the instance
      IOException - if error getting label
    • getStructureContext

      public StructureContext<GoSlice> getStructureContext()
      Specified by:
      getStructureContext in interface StructureMarkup<GoSlice>