Interface FieldMouseHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotatedStringFieldMouseHandler, CommentFieldMouseHandler, ErrorFieldMouseHandler, FunctionRepeatableCommentFieldMouseHandler, ImageFactoryFieldMouseHandler, MnemonicFieldMouseHandler, OpenCloseFieldMouseHandler, OperandFieldMouseHandler, PcodeFieldMouseHandler, ThunkedFunctionFieldMouseHandler, VariableCommentFieldMouseHandler, VariableXRefFieldMouseHandler, XRefFieldMouseHandler

public interface FieldMouseHandler
  • Method Details

    • fieldElementClicked

      boolean fieldElementClicked(Object clickedObject, Navigatable sourceNavigatable, ProgramLocation programLocation, MouseEvent mouseEvent, ServiceProvider serviceProvider)
      Called when a field Field has been clicked. The object being passed in may be of any type, as returned by the clicked field. The type is guaranteed to be one of the types returned in the call to getSupportedProgramLocations().
      clickedObject - The object that was clicked
      sourceNavigatable - The source navigatable that was clicked upon.
      programLocation - The location at the time the click was made. Due to swing delay, this location may not be the same as you would get if you asked the navagatable for the current location.SC
      mouseEvent - The mouse event that triggered the click
      serviceProvider - A service provider used to access system resources.
      true if this handler wishes to have exclusive handling rights to processing the clickedObject
      See Also:
    • getSupportedProgramLocations

      Class<?>[] getSupportedProgramLocations()
      Returns an array of types that this handler wishes to handle.
      an array of types that this handler wishes to handle.