Class FileSystemIndexHelper<METADATATYPE>

Type Parameters:
METADATATYPE - the filesystem specific native file object that the user of this class wants to be able to correlate with Ghidra GFile instances.

public class FileSystemIndexHelper<METADATATYPE> extends Object
A helper class used by GFilesystem implementors to track mappings between GFile instances and the underlying container filesystem's native file objects.

Threadsafe (methods are synchronized).

This class also provides filename 'unique-ifying' (per directory) where an auto-incrementing number will be added to a file's filename if it is not unique in the directory.

  • Field Details

    • fileToEntryMap

      protected Map<GFile,ghidra.formats.gfilesystem.FileSystemIndexHelper.FileData<METADATATYPE>> fileToEntryMap
    • fileIndexToEntryMap

      protected Map<Long,ghidra.formats.gfilesystem.FileSystemIndexHelper.FileData<METADATATYPE>> fileIndexToEntryMap
    • directoryToListing

      protected Map<GFile,Map<String,ghidra.formats.gfilesystem.FileSystemIndexHelper.FileData<METADATATYPE>>> directoryToListing
  • Constructor Details

    • FileSystemIndexHelper

      public FileSystemIndexHelper(GFileSystem fs, FSRLRoot fsFSRL)
      Creates a new FileSystemIndexHelper for the specified GFileSystem.

      A "root" directory GFile will be auto-created for the filesystem.

      fs - the GFileSystem that this index will be for.
      fsFSRL - the fsrl of the filesystem itself. (this parameter is explicitly passed here so there is no possibility of trying to call back to the fs's GFileSystem.getFSRL() on a half-constructed filesystem.)
  • Method Details

    • getRootDir

      public GFile getRootDir()
      Gets the root GFile object for this filesystem index.
      root GFile object.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all file info from this index.
    • getFileCount

      public int getFileCount()
      Number of files in this index.
      number of file in this index
    • getMetadata

      public METADATATYPE getMetadata(GFile f)
      Gets the opaque filesystem specific blob that was associated with the specified file.
      f - GFile to look for
      Filesystem specific blob associated with the specified file, or null if not found
    • setMetadata

      public void setMetadata(GFile f, METADATATYPE metaData) throws IOException
      Sets the associated metadata blob for the specified file.
      f - GFile to update
      metaData - new metdata blob
      IOException - if unknown file
    • getFileByIndex

      public GFile getFileByIndex(long fileIndex)
      Gets the GFile instance that was associated with the filesystem file index.
      fileIndex - index of the file in its filesystem
      the associated GFile instance, or null if not found
    • getListing

      public List<GFile> getListing(GFile directory)
      Mirror's GFileSystem.getListing(GFile) interface.
      directory - GFile directory to get the list of child files that have been added to this index, null means root directory
      List of GFile files that are in the specified directory, never null
    • lookup

      public GFile lookup(String path)
      Mirror's GFileSystem.lookup(String) interface.
      path - path and filename of a file to find
      GFile instance or null if no file was added to the index at that path
    • lookup

      public GFile lookup(GFile baseDir, String path, Comparator<String> nameComp)
      Mirror's GFileSystem.lookup(String) interface, with additional parameters to control the lookup.
      baseDir - optional starting directory to perform lookup
      path - path and filename of a file to find
      nameComp - optional Comparator that compares file names. Suggested values are String::compareTo or String::compareToIgnoreCase or null (also exact).
      GFile instance or null if no file was added to the index at that path
    • storeFile

      public GFile storeFile(String path, long fileIndex, boolean isDirectory, long length, METADATATYPE metadata)
      Creates and stores a file entry into in-memory indexes.

      The string path will be normalized to forward slashes before being split into directory components.

      Filenames that are not unique in their directory will have a "[nnn]" suffix added to the resultant GFile name, where nnn is the file's order of occurrence in the container file.

      path - string path and filename of the file being added to the index. Back slashes are normalized to forward slashes
      fileIndex - the filesystem specific unique index for this file, or -1 if not available
      isDirectory - boolean true if the new file is a directory
      length - number of bytes in the file or -1 if not known or directory
      metadata - opaque blob that will be stored and associated with the new GFile instance
      new GFile instance
    • storeFileWithParent

      public GFile storeFileWithParent(String filename, GFile parent, long fileIndex, boolean isDirectory, long length, METADATATYPE metadata)
      Creates and stores a file entry into in-memory indexes.

      Use this when you already know the parent directory GFile object.

      Filenames that are not unique in their directory will have a "[nnn]" suffix added to the resultant GFile name, where nnn is the file's order of occurrence in the container file.

      filename - the new file's name
      parent - the new file's parent directory
      fileIndex - the filesystem specific unique index for this file, or -1 if not available
      isDirectory - boolean true if the new file is a directory
      length - number of bytes in the file or -1 if not known or directory
      metadata - opaque blob that will be stored and associated with the new GFile instance
      new GFile instance
    • lookupParent

      protected GFile lookupParent(GFile baseDir, String[] nameparts, boolean createIfMissing, Comparator<String> nameComp)
      Walks a list of names of directories in nameparts (stopping prior to the last element) starting at the root of the filesystem and returns the final directory.

      Directories in a path that have not been encountered before (ie. a file's path references a directory that hasn't been mentioned yet as its own file entry) will have a stub entry GFile created for them if createIfMissing is true.

      Superfluous slashes in the original filename (ie. name/sub//subafter_extra_slash) will be represented as empty string elements in the nameparts array and will be skipped as if they were not there.

      baseDir - optional starting directory to perform lookups
      nameparts - String[] containing the elements of a path
      createIfMissing - boolean flag, if true missing elements will have stub entries created for them
      nameComp - optional comparator that will compare names, usually case-sensitive vs case insensitive
      GFile that represents the parent directory, or null if in read-only mode and not found
    • lookupFileInDir

      protected ghidra.formats.gfilesystem.FileSystemIndexHelper.FileData<METADATATYPE> lookupFileInDir(Map<String,ghidra.formats.gfilesystem.FileSystemIndexHelper.FileData<METADATATYPE>> dirContents, String filename, Comparator<String> nameComp)
    • createNewFile

      protected GFileImpl createNewFile(GFile parentFile, String name, boolean isDirectory, long size, METADATATYPE metadata)
      Creates a new GFile instance, using per-filesystem custom logic.

      parentFile - the parent file of the new instance. Never null.
      name - the name of the file
      isDirectory - is this is file or directory?
      size - length of the file data
      metadata - filesystem specific BLOB that may have data that this method needs to create the new GFile instance. Can be null if this method is being called to create a missing directory that was referenced in a filename.
      new GFileImpl instance
    • updateFSRL

      public void updateFSRL(GFile file, FSRL newFSRL)
      Updates the FSRL of a file already in the index.
      file - current GFile
      newFSRL - the new FSRL the new file will be given
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object