Interface MemoryVarGen<V extends JitVarnodeVar>

Type Parameters:
V - the class of p-code variable node in the use-def graph
All Superinterfaces:
ValGen<V>, VarGen<V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
DirectMemoryVarGen, MemoryOutVarGen

public interface MemoryVarGen<V extends JitVarnodeVar> extends VarGen<V>
The generator for memory variables.

These variables affect the state immediately, i.e., they are not birthed or retired as local JVM variables. The generator delegates to the appropriate TypedAccessGen for this variable's varnode and assigned type.

  • Method Details

    • generateValInitCode

      default void generateValInitCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, V v, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor iv)
      Description copied from interface: ValGen
      Prepare any class-level items required to use this variable

      For example, if this represents a direct memory variable, then this can prepare a reference to the portion of the state involved, allowing it to access it readily.

      Specified by:
      generateValInitCode in interface ValGen<V extends JitVarnodeVar>
      gen - the code generator
      v - the value
      iv - the constructor visitor
    • generateValReadCode

      default JitType generateValReadCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, V v, JitTypeBehavior typeReq, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Description copied from interface: ValGen
      Read the value onto the stack
      Specified by:
      generateValReadCode in interface ValGen<V extends JitVarnodeVar>
      gen - the code generator
      v - the value to read
      typeReq - the required type of the value
      rv - the visitor for the run method
      the actual p-code type (which determines the JVM type) of the value on the stack