Interface VarGen<V extends JitVar>

Type Parameters:
V - the class of p-code variable node in the use-def graph
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
LocalVarGen<V>, MemoryVarGen<V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
DirectMemoryVarGen, InputVarGen, LocalOutVarGen, MemoryOutVarGen, MissingVarGen

public interface VarGen<V extends JitVar> extends ValGen<V>
The bytecode generator for a specific use-def variable (operand) access

For a table of value types, their use-def types, their generator classes, and relevant read/write opcodes, see JitVal. This interface is an extension of the JitVal interface that allows writing. The only non-JitVar JitVal is JitConstVal. As such, most of the variable-access logic is actually contained here.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • lookup

      static <V extends JitVar> VarGen<V> lookup(V v)
      Lookup the generator for a given p-code variable use-def node
      Type Parameters:
      V - the class of the variable
      v - the JitVar whose generator to look up
      the generator
    • generateValInitCode

      static void generateValInitCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, Varnode vn)
      Emit bytecode necessary to support access to the given varnode

      This applies to all varnode types: memory, unique, and register, but not const. For memory varnodes, we need to pre-fetch the byte arrays backing their pages, so we can access them at the translation site. For unique and register varnodes, we also need to pre-fetch the byte arrays backing their pages, so we can birth and retire them at transitions. Technically, the methods for generating the read and write code will already call JitCodeGenerator.requestFieldForArrDirect(Address); however, we'd like to ensure the fields appear in the classfile in a comprehensible order, so we have the generator iterate the variables in address order and invoke this method, where we make the request first.

      gen - the code generator
      vn - the varnode
    • generateValReadCodeDirect

      static void generateValReadCodeDirect(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitType type, Varnode vn, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Emit bytecode that loads the given varnode with the given p-code type from the state onto the JVM stack.

      This is used for direct memory accesses and for register/unique scope transitions. The JVM type of the stack variable is determined by the type argument.

      gen - the code generator
      type - the p-code type of the variable
      vn - the varnode to read from the state
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • generateValReadCodeDirect

      static JitType generateValReadCodeDirect(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitVarnodeVar v, JitTypeBehavior typeReq, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Emit bytecode that loads the given use-def variable from the state onto the JVM stack.

      The actual type is determined by resolving the typeReq argument against the given variable. Since the variable is being loaded directly from the state, which is just raw bytes/bits, we ignore the "assigned" type and convert directly the type required by the operand.

      gen - the code generator
      v - the use-def variable node
      typeReq - the type (behavior) required by the operand.
      rv - the visitor for the run method
      the resulting p-code type (which also describes the JVM type) of the value on the JVM stack
    • generateValWriteCodeDirect

      static void generateValWriteCodeDirect(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitType type, Varnode vn, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Emit bytecode that writes the given varnode with the given p-code type in the state from the JVM stack.

      This is used for direct memory accesses and for register/unique scope transitions. The expected JVM type of the stack variable is described by the type argument.

      gen - the code generator
      type - the p-code type of the variable
      vn - the varnode to write in the state
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • generateValWriteCodeDirect

      static void generateValWriteCodeDirect(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitVarnodeVar v, JitType type, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Emit bytecode that writes the given use-def variable in the state from the JVM stack.

      The expected type is given by the type argument. Since the variable is being written directly into the state, which is just raw bytes/bits, we ignore the "assigned" type and convert using the given type instead.

      gen - the code generator
      v - the use-def variable node
      type - the p-code type of the value on the stack, as required by the operand
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • generateBirthCode

      static void generateBirthCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, Set<Varnode> toBirth, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      For block transitions: emit bytecode that births (loads) variables from the state into their allocated JVM locals.
      gen - the code generator
      toBirth - the set of varnodes to load
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • generateRetireCode

      static void generateRetireCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, Set<Varnode> toRetire, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      For block transitions: emit bytecode the retires (writes) variables into the state from their allocated JVM locals.
      gen - the code generator
      toRetire - the set of varnodes to write
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • computeBlockTransition

      Compute the retired and birthed varnodes for a transition between the given blocks.

      Either block may be null to indicate entering or leaving the passage. Additionally, the to block should be null when generating transitions around a hazard.

      gen - the code generator
      from - the block control flow is leaving (whether by branch or fall through)
      to - the block control flow is entering
      the means of generating bytecode at the transition
    • generateVarWriteCode

      void generateVarWriteCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, V v, JitType type, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Write a value from the stack into the given variable
      gen - the code generator
      v - the variable to write
      type - the p-code type (which also determines the expected JVM type) of the value on the stack
      rv - the visitor for the run method