Class EquateManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
ErrorHandler, ManagerDB, EquateTable

public class EquateManager extends Object implements EquateTable, ErrorHandler, ManagerDB
Implementation of the Equate Table
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EquateManager

      public EquateManager(DBHandle handle, AddressMap addrMap, OpenMode openMode, Lock lock, TaskMonitor monitor) throws VersionException, IOException
      handle - database handle
      addrMap - map that converts addresses to longs and longs to addresses
      openMode - one of ProgramDB.CREATE, UPDATE, UPGRADE, or READ_ONLY
      lock - the program synchronization lock
      monitor - the progress monitor used when upgrading.
      VersionException - if the database version doesn't match the current version.
      IOException - if a database error occurs.
  • Method Details

    • setProgram

      public void setProgram(ProgramDB program)
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Callback from program used to indicate all manager have been created. When this method is invoked, all managers have been instantiated but may not be fully initialized.
      Specified by:
      setProgram in interface ManagerDB
      program - the program is set when all the initializations have been completed.
    • programReady

      public void programReady(OpenMode openMode, int currentRevision, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Callback from program made to each manager after the program has completed initialization. This method may be used by managers to perform additional upgrading which may have been deferred.
      Specified by:
      programReady in interface ManagerDB
      openMode - the mode that the program is being opened.
      currentRevision - current program revision. If openMode is UPGRADE, this value reflects the pre-upgrade value.
      monitor - the task monitor to use in any upgrade operations.
      IOException - if a database io error occurs.
      CancelledException - if the user cancelled the operation via the task monitor.
    • dbError

      public void dbError(IOException e)
      Description copied from interface: ErrorHandler
      Notification that an IO exception occurred.
      Specified by:
      dbError in interface ErrorHandler
      e - IOException which was cause of error
    • createEquate

      public Equate createEquate(String name, long value) throws DuplicateNameException, InvalidInputException
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Creates a new equate
      Specified by:
      createEquate in interface EquateTable
      name - the name to associate with the given value.
      value - the value to associate with the given name.
      the equate
      DuplicateNameException - thrown if name is already in use as an equate.
      InvalidInputException - if name contains blank characters, is zero length, or is null
    • getEquate

      public Equate getEquate(Address reference, int opIndex, long scalarValue)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns the first equate found that is associated with the given value at the given reference address and operand position;
      Specified by:
      getEquate in interface EquateTable
      reference - address where the equate is used.
      opIndex - the operand index of the operand where the equate is used.
      scalarValue - the value where the equate is used.
      the equate or null if there is no such equate.
    • getEquates

      public List<Equate> getEquates(Address reference, int opIndex)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns the equates (one for each scalar) at the given reference address and operand position; For an instruction a given operand can have multiple scalars.
      Specified by:
      getEquates in interface EquateTable
      reference - address where the equate is used.
      opIndex - the operand index of the operand where the equate is used.
      the list of equates or empty list if there is no such equate.
    • getEquates

      public List<Equate> getEquates(Address reference)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns the equates (one for each scalar and opIndex) at the given reference address. For an instruction a given operand can have multiple scalars.
      Specified by:
      getEquates in interface EquateTable
      reference - address where the equate is used.
      the list of equates or empty list if there is no such equate.
    • getEquate

      public Equate getEquate(String name)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns the equate with the given name, null if no such equate exists
      Specified by:
      getEquate in interface EquateTable
      name - the of the equate to be retrieved
      the equate
    • getEquateAddresses

      public AddressIterator getEquateAddresses()
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns an address iterator over all the addresses where equates have been set.
      Specified by:
      getEquateAddresses in interface EquateTable
      the iterator
    • getEquateAddresses

      public AddressIterator getEquateAddresses(Address startAddr)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Return an address iterator over each address with an equate reference starting at the start address.
      Specified by:
      getEquateAddresses in interface EquateTable
      startAddr - start address
      an AddressIterator over addresses with defined equate references
    • getEquateAddresses

      public AddressIterator getEquateAddresses(AddressSetView set)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Return an address iterator over each address with an equate reference that is in the specified address set.
      Specified by:
      getEquateAddresses in interface EquateTable
      set - the address set
      AddressIterator over addresses with defined equate references
    • getEquates

      public Iterator<Equate> getEquates()
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns an iterator over all equates.
      Specified by:
      getEquates in interface EquateTable
      the iterator
    • getEquates

      public List<Equate> getEquates(long value)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Returns all equates defined for value.
      Specified by:
      getEquates in interface EquateTable
      value - the value to get all equates for.
      the equates
    • deleteAddressRange

      public void deleteAddressRange(Address startAddr, Address endAddr, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Removes all equates defined in the given range.
      Specified by:
      deleteAddressRange in interface EquateTable
      Specified by:
      deleteAddressRange in interface ManagerDB
      startAddr - start of the range
      endAddr - end of the range
      monitor - task monitor to cancel the remove operation
      CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled.
    • removeEquate

      public boolean removeEquate(String name)
      Description copied from interface: EquateTable
      Removes the equate from the program.
      Specified by:
      removeEquate in interface EquateTable
      name - the name of the equate to remove.
      true if the equate existed, false otherwise.
    • invalidateCache

      public void invalidateCache(boolean all)
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Clears all data caches.
      Specified by:
      invalidateCache in interface ManagerDB
      all - if false, some managers may not need to update their cache if they can tell that its not necessary. If this flag is true, then all managers should clear their cache no matter what.
    • moveAddressRange

      public void moveAddressRange(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, long length, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Move all objects within an address range to a new location.
      Specified by:
      moveAddressRange in interface ManagerDB
      fromAddr - the first address of the range to be moved.
      toAddr - the address where to the range is to be moved.
      length - the number of addresses to move.
      monitor - the task monitor to use in any upgrade operations.
      CancelledException - if the user cancelled the operation via the task monitor.
    • formatNameForEquate

      public static String formatNameForEquate(UniversalID dtID, long equateValue)
      Formats a string to the equate format given the enum UUID and the value for the equate. The formatted strings are used when setting equates from datatypes so that information can be stored with an equate to point back to that datatype.
      dtID - The enum's data type UUID
      equateValue - The value intended for the equate
      The formatted equate name
    • formatNameForEquateError

      public static String formatNameForEquateError(long equateValue)
      Formats a string to the equate error format given the value. Used for rendering formatted equates that do not point back to a datatype.
      equateValue - The value of the equate
      The error formatted equate name
    • getDataTypeUUID

      public static UniversalID getDataTypeUUID(String formattedEquateName)
      Pulls out the enum data type UUID given a formatted equate name. This UUID should point back to a datatype.
      formattedEquateName - The formatted equate name to pull the UUID from
      The enum data type UUID or null if the given name is not formatted.
    • getEquateValueFromFormattedName

      public static long getEquateValueFromFormattedName(String formattedEquateName)
      Pulls out the value of the equate given the formatted equate name. The value stored in the equate info is a decimal.
      formattedEquateName - The formatted equate name to pull the value from
      The value of the equate, or -1 if the given name is not formatted.