Class FunctionSymbol

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FunctionSymbol extends SymbolDB
Symbol class for functions. Symbol Data Usage: EXTERNAL: String stringData - external memory address/label
  • Constructor Details

    • FunctionSymbol

      public FunctionSymbol(SymbolManager symbolMgr, DBObjectCache<SymbolDB> cache, Address address, DBRecord record)
      Construct a new FunctionSymbol
      symbolMgr - the symbol manager.
      cache - symbol object cache
      address - the address for this symbol.
      record - the record for this symbol.
  • Method Details

    • getSymbolType

      public SymbolType getSymbolType()
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Returns this symbol's type
      symbol type
      See Also:
    • isExternal

      public boolean isExternal()
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Returns true if this an external symbol.
      true if this an external symbol.
      See Also:
    • setNameAndNamespace

      public void setNameAndNamespace(String newName, Namespace newNamespace, SourceType source) throws DuplicateNameException, InvalidInputException, CircularDependencyException
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Sets the symbols name and namespace. This is provided to allow the caller to avoid a name conflict by creating an autonomous action.
      Specified by:
      setNameAndNamespace in interface Symbol
      setNameAndNamespace in class SymbolDB
      newName - new symbol name
      newNamespace - new parent namespace
      source - the source of this symbol
      Some symbol types, such as function symbols, can set the source to Symbol.DEFAULT.
      DuplicateNameException - if newNamespace already contains a symbol with this symbol's name
      InvalidInputException - is newNamespace is not a valid parent for this symbol
      CircularDependencyException - if this symbol is an ancestor of newNamespace
    • delete

      public boolean delete()
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Delete the symbol and its associated resources. Any references symbol associations will be discarded.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface Symbol
      delete in class SymbolDB
      true if successful
    • getObject

      public Object getObject()
      object associated with this symbol or null if symbol has been deleted
    • isPrimary

      public boolean isPrimary()
      Specified by:
      isPrimary in interface Symbol
      Specified by:
      isPrimary in class SymbolDB
      true if this symbol is primary
    • isPinned

      public boolean isPinned()
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Returns true if the symbol is pinned to its current address. If it is pinned, then moving or removing the memory associated with that address will not affect this symbol.
      Specified by:
      isPinned in interface Symbol
      isPinned in class SymbolDB
      true if the symbol is pinned to its current address.
    • setPinned

      public void setPinned(boolean pinned)
      Description copied from interface: Symbol

      Sets whether or not this symbol is pinned to its associated address.

      If the symbol is pinned then moving or removing the memory associated with its address will not cause this symbol to be removed and will not cause its address to change. If the symbol is not pinned, then removing the memory at its address will also remove this symbol.

      Likewise, moving a memory block containing a symbol that is not anchored will change the address for that symbol to keep it associated with the same byte in the memory block.

      Specified by:
      setPinned in interface Symbol
      setPinned in class SymbolDB
      pinned - true indicates this symbol is anchored to its address. false indicates this symbol is not anchored to its address.
    • getProgramLocation

      public ProgramLocation getProgramLocation()
      a program location corresponding to this symbol
    • isValidParent

      public boolean isValidParent(Namespace parent)
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Determines if the given parent is valid for this Symbol. Specified namespace must belong to the same symbol table as this symbol.
      Specified by:
      isValidParent in interface Symbol
      isValidParent in class SymbolDB
      parent - prospective parent namespace for this symbol
      true if parent is valid
    • doGetName

      protected String doGetName()
      Description copied from class: SymbolDB
      The code for creating the name content for this symbol. This code will be called with the symbol's lock.
      doGetName in class SymbolDB
      the name
    • doGetParentNamespace

      protected Namespace doGetParentNamespace()
      doGetParentNamespace in class SymbolDB
    • validateNameSource

      protected SourceType validateNameSource(String newName, SourceType source)
      Description copied from class: SymbolDB
      Allow symbol implementations to validate the source when setting the name of this symbol
      validateNameSource in class SymbolDB
      newName - the new name
      source - the source type
      the validated source type
    • getSymbolsDynamicallyRenamedByMyRename

      protected List<SymbolDB> getSymbolsDynamicallyRenamedByMyRename()
      getSymbolsDynamicallyRenamedByMyRename in class SymbolDB
    • getReferences

      public Reference[] getReferences(TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from interface: Symbol
      Returns all memory references to the address of this symbol. If you do not have a TaskMonitor instance, then you can pass TaskMonitor.DUMMY or null.
      Specified by:
      getReferences in interface Symbol
      getReferences in class SymbolDB
      monitor - the monitor that is used to report progress and to cancel this potentially long-running call
      all memory references to the address of this symbol.
    • getReferenceCount

      public int getReferenceCount()
      Specified by:
      getReferenceCount in interface Symbol
      getReferenceCount in class SymbolDB
      the number of References to this symbol.
    • hasMultipleReferences

      public boolean hasMultipleReferences()
      Specified by:
      hasMultipleReferences in interface Symbol
      hasMultipleReferences in class SymbolDB
      true if this symbol has more than one reference to it.
    • hasReferences

      public boolean hasReferences()
      Specified by:
      hasReferences in interface Symbol
      hasReferences in class SymbolDB
      true if this symbol has at least one reference to it.