Class NamespaceManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NamespaceManager extends Object implements ManagerDB
Class to manage namespaces.
  • Constructor Details

    • NamespaceManager

      public NamespaceManager(DBHandle handle, ErrorHandler errHandler, AddressMap addrMap, OpenMode openMode, Lock lock, TaskMonitor monitor) throws VersionException
      Construct a new namespace manager.
      handle - the database handle.
      errHandler - the error handler.
      addrMap - the address map
      openMode - the open mode
      lock - the program synchronization lock
      monitor - the task monitor.
      VersionException - if the table version is different from this adapter.
  • Method Details

    • deleteAddressRange

      public void deleteAddressRange(Address startAddr, Address endAddr, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Delete all objects which have been applied to the address range startAddr to endAddr and update the database accordingly. The specified start and end addresses must form a valid range within a single AddressSpace.
      Specified by:
      deleteAddressRange in interface ManagerDB
      startAddr - the first address in the range.
      endAddr - the last address in the range.
      monitor - the task monitor to use in any upgrade operations.
      CancelledException - if the user cancelled the operation via the task monitor.
    • invalidateCache

      public void invalidateCache(boolean all) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Clears all data caches.
      Specified by:
      invalidateCache in interface ManagerDB
      all - if false, some managers may not need to update their cache if they can tell that its not necessary. If this flag is true, then all managers should clear their cache no matter what.
      IOException - if a database io error occurs.
    • setProgram

      public void setProgram(ProgramDB program)
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Callback from program used to indicate all manager have been created. When this method is invoked, all managers have been instantiated but may not be fully initialized.
      Specified by:
      setProgram in interface ManagerDB
      program - the program is set when all the initializations have been completed.
    • programReady

      public void programReady(OpenMode openMode, int currentRevision, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Callback from program made to each manager after the program has completed initialization. This method may be used by managers to perform additional upgrading which may have been deferred.
      Specified by:
      programReady in interface ManagerDB
      openMode - the mode that the program is being opened.
      currentRevision - current program revision. If openMode is UPGRADE, this value reflects the pre-upgrade value.
      monitor - the task monitor to use in any upgrade operations.
      IOException - if a database io error occurs.
      CancelledException - if the user cancelled the operation via the task monitor.
    • getGlobalNamespace

      public Namespace getGlobalNamespace()
      Get the global namespace.
      global namespace
    • setBody

      public void setBody(Namespace namespace, AddressSetView set) throws OverlappingNamespaceException
      Sets the body of a namespace.
      namespace - the namespace whose body is to be modified.
      set - the address set for the new body.
      OverlappingNamespaceException - if specified set overlaps another namespace
    • removeBody

      public AddressSetView removeBody(Namespace namespace)
      Removes any associated body with the given namespace.
      namespace - the namespace whose body is to be cleared.
      old body
    • getNamespaceContaining

      public Namespace getNamespaceContaining(Address addr)
      Get the Namespace containing the given address. If the address is not in a defined namespace (e.g., Function), the global namespace is returned.
      addr - the address for which to find a namespace.
      namespace which contains address or the global namespace if a specific namespace not found.
    • overlapsNamespace

      public AddressRange overlapsNamespace(AddressSetView set)
      Checks if an existing namespace's address set intersects with the given set. If so, return the first overlapping range.
      set - address set to check for intersection
      null if no overlaps, or an address range of the first overlap
    • getNamespacesOverlapping

      public Iterator<Namespace> getNamespacesOverlapping(AddressSetView set)
      Get all Namespaces whose body overlaps the specified address set.
      set - the address for which to find namespace's that intersect it.
      a LongField function key iterator.
    • getAddressSet

      public AddressSetView getAddressSet(Namespace namespace)
      Gets the body for the given namespace.
      namespace - the namespace for which to get its body.
      body for the given namespace
    • moveAddressRange

      public void moveAddressRange(Address fromAddr, Address toAddr, long length, TaskMonitor monitor) throws AddressOverflowException, CancelledException
      Description copied from interface: ManagerDB
      Move all objects within an address range to a new location.
      Specified by:
      moveAddressRange in interface ManagerDB
      fromAddr - the first address of the range to be moved.
      toAddr - the address where to the range is to be moved.
      length - the number of addresses to move.
      monitor - the task monitor to use in any upgrade operations.
      AddressOverflowException - if the length is such that a address wrap occurs
      CancelledException - if the user cancelled the operation via the task monitor.