Class DataOrganizationImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DataOrganizationImpl extends Object implements DataOrganization
DataOrganization provides a single place for determining size and alignment information for data types within an archive or a program.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultOrganization

      public static DataOrganization getDefaultOrganization()
      Creates a new default DataOrganization. This has a mapping which defines the alignment of a data type based on its size. The map defines pairs for data types that are 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes in length.
      a new default DataOrganization.
    • getDefaultOrganization

      public static DataOrganizationImpl getDefaultOrganization(Language language)
      Creates a new default DataOrganization. This has a mapping which defines the alignment of a data type based on its size. The map defines pairs for data types that are 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes in length.
      language - optional language used to initialize defaults (pointer size, endianness, etc.) (may be null)
      a new default DataOrganization.
    • isBigEndian

      public boolean isBigEndian()
      Specified by:
      isBigEndian in interface DataOrganization
      true if data stored big-endian byte order
    • getPointerSize

      public int getPointerSize()
      Specified by:
      getPointerSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a pointer data type in bytes.
    • getPointerShift

      public int getPointerShift()
      Description copied from interface: DataOrganization
      Shift amount affects interpretation of in-memory pointer values only and will also be reflected within instruction pcode. A value of zero indicates that shifted-pointers are not supported.
      Specified by:
      getPointerShift in interface DataOrganization
      the left shift amount for shifted-pointers.
    • isSignedChar

      public boolean isSignedChar()
      Specified by:
      isSignedChar in interface DataOrganization
      true if the "char" type is signed
    • getCharSize

      public int getCharSize()
      Specified by:
      getCharSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a char (char) primitive data type in bytes.
    • getWideCharSize

      public int getWideCharSize()
      Specified by:
      getWideCharSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a wide-char (wchar_t) primitive data type in bytes.
    • getShortSize

      public int getShortSize()
      Specified by:
      getShortSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a short primitive data type in bytes.
    • getIntegerSize

      public int getIntegerSize()
      Specified by:
      getIntegerSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a int primitive data type in bytes.
    • getLongSize

      public int getLongSize()
      Specified by:
      getLongSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a long primitive data type in bytes.
    • getLongLongSize

      public int getLongLongSize()
      Specified by:
      getLongLongSize in interface DataOrganization
      the size of a long long primitive data type in bytes.
    • getFloatSize

      public int getFloatSize()
      Specified by:
      getFloatSize in interface DataOrganization
      the encoding size of a float primitive data type in bytes.
    • getDoubleSize

      public int getDoubleSize()
      Specified by:
      getDoubleSize in interface DataOrganization
      the encoding size of a double primitive data type in bytes.
    • getLongDoubleSize

      public int getLongDoubleSize()
      Specified by:
      getLongDoubleSize in interface DataOrganization
      the encoding size of a long double primitive data type in bytes.
    • getBitFieldPacking

      public BitFieldPacking getBitFieldPacking()
      Description copied from interface: DataOrganization
      Get the composite bitfield packing information associated with this data organization.
      Specified by:
      getBitFieldPacking in interface DataOrganization
      composite bitfield packing information
    • setBigEndian

      public void setBigEndian(boolean bigEndian)
      Set data endianness
      bigEndian - true if big-endian, false if little-endian
    • setPointerSize

      public void setPointerSize(int pointerSize)
      Defines the size of a pointer data type.
      pointerSize - the size of a pointer.
    • setPointerShift

      public void setPointerShift(int pointerShift)
      Defines the left shift amount for a shifted pointer data type. Shift amount affects interpretation of in-memory pointer values only and will also be reflected within instruction pcode.
      pointerShift - left shift amount for in-memory pointer values
    • setCharIsSigned

      public void setCharIsSigned(boolean signed)
      Defines the signed-ness of the "char" data type
      signed - true if "char" type is signed
    • setCharSize

      public void setCharSize(int charSize)
      Defines the size of a char (char) data type.
      charSize - the size of a char (char).
    • setWideCharSize

      public void setWideCharSize(int wideCharSize)
      Defines the size of a wide-char (wchar_t) data type.
      wideCharSize - the size of a wide-char (wchar_t).
    • setShortSize

      public void setShortSize(int shortSize)
      Defines the size of a short primitive data type.
      shortSize - the size of a short.
    • setIntegerSize

      public void setIntegerSize(int integerSize)
      Defines the size of an int primitive data type.
      integerSize - the size of an int.
    • setLongSize

      public void setLongSize(int longSize)
      Defines the size of a long primitive data type.
      longSize - the size of a long.
    • setLongLongSize

      public void setLongLongSize(int longLongSize)
      Defines the size of a long long primitive data type.
      longLongSize - the size of a long long.
    • setFloatSize

      public void setFloatSize(int floatSize)
      Defines the encoding size of a float primitive data type.
      floatSize - the size of a float.
    • setDoubleSize

      public void setDoubleSize(int doubleSize)
      Defines the encoding size of a double primitive data type.
      doubleSize - the size of a double.
    • setLongDoubleSize

      public void setLongDoubleSize(int longDoubleSize)
      Defines the encoding size of a long double primitive data type.
      longDoubleSize - the size of a long double.
    • getAbsoluteMaxAlignment

      public int getAbsoluteMaxAlignment()
      Gets the maximum alignment value that is allowed by this data organization. When getting an alignment for any data type it will not exceed this value. If NO_MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENT is returned, the data organization isn't specifically limited.
      Specified by:
      getAbsoluteMaxAlignment in interface DataOrganization
      the absolute maximum alignment or NO_MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENT
    • getMachineAlignment

      public int getMachineAlignment()
      Gets the maximum useful alignment for the target machine
      Specified by:
      getMachineAlignment in interface DataOrganization
      the machine alignment
    • getDefaultAlignment

      public int getDefaultAlignment()
      Gets the default alignment to be used for any data type that isn't a structure, union, array, pointer, type definition, and whose size isn't in the size/alignment map.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultAlignment in interface DataOrganization
      the default alignment to be used if no other alignment can be determined for a data type.
    • getDefaultPointerAlignment

      public int getDefaultPointerAlignment()
      Gets the default alignment to be used for a pointer that doesn't have size.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultPointerAlignment in interface DataOrganization
      the default alignment for a pointer
    • setAbsoluteMaxAlignment

      public void setAbsoluteMaxAlignment(int absoluteMaxAlignment)
      Sets the maximum alignment value that is allowed by this data organization. When getting an alignment for any data type it will not exceed this value. If NO_MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENT is returned, the data organization isn't specifically limited.
      absoluteMaxAlignment - the absolute maximum alignment or NO_MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENT
    • setMachineAlignment

      public void setMachineAlignment(int machineAlignment)
      Sets the maximum useful alignment for the target machine
      machineAlignment - the machine alignment
    • setDefaultAlignment

      public void setDefaultAlignment(int defaultAlignment)
      Sets the default alignment to be used for any data type that isn't a structure, union, array, pointer, type definition, and whose size isn't in the size/alignment map.
      defaultAlignment - the default alignment to be used if no other alignment can be determined for a data type.
    • setDefaultPointerAlignment

      public void setDefaultPointerAlignment(int defaultPointerAlignment)
      Sets the default alignment to be used for a pointer that doesn't have size.
      defaultPointerAlignment - the default alignment for a pointer
    • getSizeAlignment

      public int getSizeAlignment(int size)
      Description copied from interface: DataOrganization
      Gets the primitive data alignment that is defined for the specified size. If no entry has been defined for the specified size alignment of the next smaller map entry will be returned. If the map is empty the default alignment. The returned value will not exceed the defined maximum alignment.
      Specified by:
      getSizeAlignment in interface DataOrganization
      size - the primitive data size
      the alignment of the data type.
    • setSizeAlignment

      public void setSizeAlignment(int size, int alignment)
      Sets the alignment that is defined for a data type of the indicated size if one is defined.
      size - the size of the data type
      alignment - the alignment of the data type.
    • setBitFieldPacking

      public void setBitFieldPacking(BitFieldPackingImpl bitFieldPacking)
      Set the bitfield packing information associated with this data organization.
      bitFieldPacking - bitfield packing information
    • clearSizeAlignmentMap

      public void clearSizeAlignmentMap()
      Remove all entries from the size alignment map
    • getSizeAlignmentCount

      public int getSizeAlignmentCount()
      Gets the number of sizes that have an alignment specified.
      Specified by:
      getSizeAlignmentCount in interface DataOrganization
      the number of sizes with an alignment mapped to them.
    • getSizes

      public int[] getSizes()
      Gets the sizes that have an alignment specified.
      Specified by:
      getSizes in interface DataOrganization
      the sizes with alignments mapped to them.
    • getIntegerCTypeApproximation

      public String getIntegerCTypeApproximation(int size, boolean signed)
      Returns the best fitting integer C-type whose size is less-than-or-equal to the specified size. "long long" will be returned for any size larger than "long long";
      Specified by:
      getIntegerCTypeApproximation in interface DataOrganization
      size - integer size
      signed - if false the unsigned modifier will be prepended.
      the best fitting
    • getAlignment

      public int getAlignment(DataType dataType)
      Description copied from interface: DataOrganization
      Determines the alignment value for the indicated data type. (i.e. how the data type gets aligned within other data types.) NOTE: this method should not be used for bitfields which are highly dependent upon packing for a composite. This method will always return 1 for Dynamic and FactoryDataTypes.
      Specified by:
      getAlignment in interface DataOrganization
      dataType - the data type
      the datatype alignment
    • getAlignedOffset

      public static int getAlignedOffset(int alignment, int minimumOffset)
      Determines the first offset that is equal to or greater than the minimum offset which has the specified alignment. If a non-positive alignment is specified the origina minimumOffset will be return.
      alignment - the desired alignment (positive value)
      minimumOffset - the minimum offset
      the aligned offset
    • getLeastCommonMultiple

      public static int getLeastCommonMultiple(int value1, int value2)
      Determines the least (lowest) common multiple of two numbers.
      value1 - the first number
      value2 - the second number
      the least common multiple
    • getGreatestCommonDenominator

      public static int getGreatestCommonDenominator(int value1, int value2)
      Determines the greatest common denominator of two numbers.
      value1 - the first number
      value2 - the second number
      the greatest common denominator
    • save

      public static void save(DataOrganization dataOrg, DBStringMapAdapter dataMap, String keyPrefix) throws IOException
      Save the specified data organization to the specified DB data map. All existing map entries starting with keyPrefix will be removed prior to ading the new map entries.
      dataOrg - data organization
      dataMap - DB data map
      keyPrefix - key prefix for all map entries
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • restore

      public static DataOrganizationImpl restore(DBStringMapAdapter dataMap, String keyPrefix) throws IOException
      Restore a data organization from the specified DB data map.
      dataMap - DB data map
      keyPrefix - key prefix for all map entries
      stored data organization or null if not stored
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Output the details of this data organization to a encoded document formatter.
      encoder - the output document encoder.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs while encoding/writing output
    • restoreXml

      public void restoreXml(XmlPullParser parser)
      Restore settings from an XML stream. This expects to see parser positioned on the <data_organization> start tag. The XML is designed to override existing language-specific default settings which are pre-populated with getDefaultOrganization(Language). This will will ensure that the endianness setting is properly established since it is not included in the XML.
      parser - is the XML stream
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object