Class InvalidPrototype

All Implemented Interfaces:
InstructionPrototype, ParserContext

public class InvalidPrototype extends Object implements InstructionPrototype, ParserContext
Class to represent an invalid instruction prototype.
  • Constructor Details

    • InvalidPrototype

      public InvalidPrototype(Language lang)
      Construct a new invalid instruction prototype.
      lang - is the Language for which the invalid instruction is discovered
  • Method Details

    • hasDelaySlots

      public boolean hasDelaySlots()
      Specified by:
      hasDelaySlots in interface InstructionPrototype
      true if instruction prototype expects one or more delay slotted instructions to exist.
    • hasCrossBuildDependency

      public boolean hasCrossBuildDependency()
      Specified by:
      hasCrossBuildDependency in interface InstructionPrototype
      true if instruction semantics have a CrossBuild instruction dependency which may require a robust InstructionContext with access to preceding instructions
    • getInstructionMask

      public Mask getInstructionMask()
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get a Mask that describe which bits of this instruction determine the opcode.
      Specified by:
      getInstructionMask in interface InstructionPrototype
      a Mask for the opcode bits or null if unknown.
    • getOperandValueMask

      public Mask getOperandValueMask(int operandIndex)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get a Mask that describe which bits of this instruction determine the operand value.
      Specified by:
      getOperandValueMask in interface InstructionPrototype
      a Mask for the operand bits or null if unknown.
    • getFlowType

      public FlowType getFlowType(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the flow type of this instruction. Used for analysis purposes. i.e., how this instruction flows to the next instruction.
      Specified by:
      getFlowType in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      flow type.
    • getDelaySlotDepth

      public int getDelaySlotDepth(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the number of delay slot instructions for this argument. This should be 0 for instructions which don't have a delay slot. This is used to support the delay slots found on some RISC processors such as SPARC and the PA-RISC. This returns an integer instead of a boolean in case some other processor executes more than one instruction from a delay slot.
      Specified by:
      getDelaySlotDepth in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      the number of delay slot instructions for this instruction.
    • isInDelaySlot

      public boolean isInDelaySlot()
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Return true if this prototype was disassembled in a delay slot.
      Specified by:
      isInDelaySlot in interface InstructionPrototype
    • getNumOperands

      public int getNumOperands()
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Return the number of operands in this instruction.
      Specified by:
      getNumOperands in interface InstructionPrototype
    • getOpType

      public int getOpType(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the type of a specific operand.
      Specified by:
      getOpType in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - the index of the operand. (zero based)
      context - the instruction context.
      the type of the operand.
    • getFallThrough

      public Address getFallThrough(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the Address for default flow after instruction.
      Specified by:
      getFallThrough in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      Address of fall through flow or null if flow does not fall through this instruction.
    • getFallThroughOffset

      public int getFallThroughOffset(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the byte offset to the default flow after instruction. If this instruction does not have a fall-through due to flow behavior, this method will still return an offset which accounts for the instruction length including delay slotted instructions if applicable.
      Specified by:
      getFallThroughOffset in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      int how much to add to the current address to get the fall through address.
    • getFlows

      public Address[] getFlows(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get an array of Address objects for all flows other than a fall-through, null if no flows.
      Specified by:
      getFlows in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context.
      an array of Address objects for all flows other than a fall-through, null if no flows.
    • getOpRepresentation

      public String getOpRepresentation(int opIndex, MemBuffer buf, ProcessorContextView context, String label)
    • getOpRepresentationList

      public ArrayList<Object> getOpRepresentationList(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get a List of Objects that can be used to render an operands representation.
      Specified by:
      getOpRepresentationList in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - operand to get the Representation List
      context - the instruction context
      ArrayList of Register, Address, Scalar, VariableOffset and Character objects of null if the operation isn't supported
    • getAddress

      public Address getAddress(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      If the indicated operand is an address, this gets the address value for that operand
      Specified by:
      getAddress in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - index of the operand.
      context - the instruction context.
      the address indicated by the operand
    • getScalar

      public Scalar getScalar(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      If the indicated operand is a scalar, this gets the scalar value for that operand
      Specified by:
      getScalar in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - index of the operand.
      context - the instruction context
      the scalar for the indicated operand
    • getRegister

      public Register getRegister(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      If the indicated operand is a register, this gets the register value for that operand
      Specified by:
      getRegister in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - index of the operand.
      context - the instruction context
      a register description for the indicated operand
    • getOpObjects

      public Object[] getOpObjects(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get objects used by this operand (Address, Scalar, Register ...)
      Specified by:
      getOpObjects in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - the index of the operand. (zero based)
      context - the instruction context
      an array of objects found at this operand.
    • hasDelimeter

      public boolean hasDelimeter(int opIndex)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Return true if the operand at opIndex should have a delimiter following it.
      Specified by:
      hasDelimeter in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - the index of the operand to test for having a delimiter.
    • getInputObjects

      public Object[] getInputObjects(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the Result objects produced/affected by this instruction These would probably only be Register or Address
      Specified by:
      getInputObjects in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      an array of objects that are used by this instruction
    • getResultObjects

      public Object[] getResultObjects(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the Result objects produced/affected by this instruction These would probably only be Register or Address
      Specified by:
      getResultObjects in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      an array of objects that are affected by this instruction
    • getPcode

      public PcodeOp[] getPcode(InstructionContext context, PcodeOverride override)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get an array of PCode operations (micro code) that this instruction performs.
      Specified by:
      getPcode in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      override - if not null, may indicate that different elements of the pcode generation are overridden
      array of PCODE, zero length array if language doesn't support PCODE for this instruction
    • getPcodePacked

      public void getPcodePacked(PatchEncoder encoder, InstructionContext context, PcodeOverride override) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Same as getPcode but emits the operations directly to an encoder to optimize transfer to other processes
      Specified by:
      getPcodePacked in interface InstructionPrototype
      encoder - is the encoder receiving the operations
      context - the instruction context
      override - if not null, may indicate that different elements of the pcode generation are overridden
      IOException - for errors writing to any stream underlying the encoder
    • getPcode

      public PcodeOp[] getPcode(InstructionContext context, int opIndex)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get an array of PCode operations (micro code) that a particular operand performs to compute its value.
      Specified by:
      getPcode in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      opIndex - the index of the operand for which to get PCode.
      array of PCODE, zero length array if language doesn't support PCODE for this instruction
    • getMnemonic

      public String getMnemonic(InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the mnemonic for this CodeProtype. Examples: "MOV" and "CALL" for instructions and "DB" and "DA" for data.
      Specified by:
      getMnemonic in interface InstructionPrototype
      context - the instruction context
      the mnemonic for this CodePrototype.
    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the length of this CodeProtoype.
      Specified by:
      getLength in interface InstructionPrototype
      the length of this CodeProtoype.
    • getSeparator

      public String getSeparator(int opIndex, InstructionContext context)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the separator strings between an operand. The separator string for 0 are the characters before the first operand. The separator string for numOperands+1 are the characters after the last operand.
      Specified by:
      getSeparator in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - valid values are 0 thru numOperands+1
      context - the instruction context
      separator string, or null if there is no string
    • getOperandRefType

      public RefType getOperandRefType(int opIndex, InstructionContext context, PcodeOverride override)
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get the suggested operand reference type.
      Specified by:
      getOperandRefType in interface InstructionPrototype
      opIndex - the index of the operand. (zero based)
      context - the instruction context
      override - if not null, steers local overrides of pcode generation
      reference type.
    • getLanguage

      public Language getLanguage()
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get processor language module associated with this prototype.
      Specified by:
      getLanguage in interface InstructionPrototype
      language module
    • getParserContext

      public ParserContext getParserContext(MemBuffer buf, ProcessorContextView processorContext) throws MemoryAccessException
      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get a new instance of a ParserContext.
      Specified by:
      getParserContext in interface InstructionPrototype
      instruction ParserContext
    • getPrototype

      public InstructionPrototype getPrototype()
      Specified by:
      getPrototype in interface ParserContext
    • getDelaySlotByteCount

      public int getDelaySlotByteCount()
      Specified by:
      getDelaySlotByteCount in interface InstructionPrototype
      the number of delay-slot instruction bytes which correspond to this prototype.
    • getPseudoParserContext

      Description copied from interface: InstructionPrototype
      Get a ParserContext by parsing bytes outside of the normal disassembly process
      Specified by:
      getPseudoParserContext in interface InstructionPrototype
      addr - where the ParserContext is needed
      buffer - of actual bytes