Interface ProgramModule

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProgramModule extends Group
A ProgramModule is a group of ProgramFragments and/or other ProgramModules together with some related information such as a name, comment, and alias. Users create modules to overlay the program with a hierarchical structure. A child of a module is a fragment or module which it directly contains. A parent of a module is a module which has this module as a child. A module may be contained in more than one module. A Program always has at least one module, the root module. The root module cannot be removed and is the ancestor for all other modules and fragments in the program.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(ProgramFragment fragment)
    Adds the given fragment as a child of this module.
    Adds the given module as a child of this module.
    Returns whether this module directly contains the given fragment as a child.
    Returns whether this module directly contains the given module as a child.
    createFragment(String fragmentName)
    Creates a new fragment and makes it a child of this module.
    createModule(String moduleName)
    Creates a new module and makes it a child of this module.
    Returns the set of addresses for this module which will be the combined set of addresses from the set of all fragments which are descendants of this module.
    Returns an array containing this module's children.
    Returns the first address of this module which will be the minimum address of the first descendant fragment which is non-empty.
    Get the index of the child with the given name.
    Returns the last address of this module which will be the maximum address of the last descendant fragment which is non-empty.
    Returns the maximum address of this module which will be the maximum address from the set of all fragments which are descendants of this module.
    Returns the minimum address of this module which will be the minimum address from the set of all fragments which are descendants of this module.
    Get the current modification number of the module tree; the number is updated when ever a change is made to any module or fragment that is part of this module's root tree.
    Returns the number of children of this module.
    Get the ID for the tree that this module belongs to.
    Returns an object that can be used to detect when the module tree has been affected by an undo or redo.
    Returns whether the given fragment is a descendant of this module.
    Returns whether the given module is a descendant of this module.
    moveChild(String name, int index)
    Changes the ordering of this module's children by moving the child with the given name to position given by index.
    Removes a child module or fragment from this Module.
    reparent(String name, ProgramModule oldParent)
    Reparents child with the given name to this Module; removes the child from oldParent.

    Methods inherited from interface ghidra.program.model.listing.Group

    contains, getComment, getName, getNumParents, getParentNames, getParents, getTreeName, setComment, setName
  • Method Details

    • contains

      boolean contains(ProgramFragment fragment)
      Returns whether this module directly contains the given fragment as a child.
      fragment - the fragment to check.
    • contains

      boolean contains(ProgramModule module)
      Returns whether this module directly contains the given module as a child.
      module - the module to check.
      true if module is the same as this module, or if module is a child of this module.
    • getNumChildren

      int getNumChildren()
      Returns the number of children of this module.
    • getChildren

      Group[] getChildren()
      Returns an array containing this module's children.
    • getIndex

      int getIndex(String name)
      Get the index of the child with the given name.
      name - name of child
      int index or -1 if this Module does not have a child with the given name
    • add

      Adds the given module as a child of this module.

      module - the module to be added.
      CircularDependencyException - thrown if the module being added is an ancestor of this module. The module structure of a program does not allow "cycles" of this sort to be created.
      DuplicateGroupException - thrown if the module being added is already a child of this module.
    • add

      void add(ProgramFragment fragment) throws DuplicateGroupException
      Adds the given fragment as a child of this module.

      DuplicateGroupException - thrown if the fragment being added is already a child of this module.
    • createModule

      ProgramModule createModule(String moduleName) throws DuplicateNameException
      Creates a new module and makes it a child of this module.

      moduleName - the name to use for the new module.
      the newly created module.
      DuplicateNameException - thrown if the given name is already used by an existing module or fragment.
    • createFragment

      ProgramFragment createFragment(String fragmentName) throws DuplicateNameException
      Creates a new fragment and makes it a child of this module.

      fragmentName - the name to use for the new fragment.
      the newly created fragment.
      DuplicateNameException - thrown if the given name is already used by an existing module or fragment.
    • reparent

      void reparent(String name, ProgramModule oldParent) throws NotFoundException
      Reparents child with the given name to this Module; removes the child from oldParent.
      name - name of child to reparent
      oldParent - old parent
      NotFoundException - if name is not the name of a child in oldParent
    • moveChild

      void moveChild(String name, int index) throws NotFoundException
      Changes the ordering of this module's children by moving the child with the given name to position given by index.

      name - the name of the child to move.
      index - the index to move it to.
      NotFoundException - thrown if a child with the given name cannot be found in this module.
    • removeChild

      boolean removeChild(String name) throws NotEmptyException
      Removes a child module or fragment from this Module.
      true if successful, false if no child in this module has the given name.
      NotEmptyException - thrown if the module appears in no other modules and it is not empty.
    • isDescendant

      boolean isDescendant(ProgramModule module)
      Returns whether the given module is a descendant of this module.

      module - the module to check.
      true if the module is a descendant, false otherwise.
    • isDescendant

      boolean isDescendant(ProgramFragment fragment)
      Returns whether the given fragment is a descendant of this module.

      fragment - the fragment to check.
      true if the fragment is a descendant, false otherwise.
    • getMinAddress

      Address getMinAddress()
      Returns the minimum address of this module which will be the minimum address from the set of all fragments which are descendants of this module.

      the minimum address, this will be null if all of the module's descendant fragments are empty.
    • getMaxAddress

      Address getMaxAddress()
      Returns the maximum address of this module which will be the maximum address from the set of all fragments which are descendants of this module.

      the maximum address, this will be null if all of the module's descendant fragments are empty.
    • getFirstAddress

      Address getFirstAddress()
      Returns the first address of this module which will be the minimum address of the first descendant fragment which is non-empty. In other words this returns the first address for this module as defined by the user ordering of the module's children.

      the first address, this will be null if all of the module's descendant fragments are empty.
    • getLastAddress

      Address getLastAddress()
      Returns the last address of this module which will be the maximum address of the last descendant fragment which is non-empty. In other words this returns the last address for this module as defined by the user ordering of the module's children.

      the last address, this will be null if all of the module's descendant fragments are empty.
    • getAddressSet

      AddressSetView getAddressSet()
      Returns the set of addresses for this module which will be the combined set of addresses from the set of all fragments which are descendants of this module.
      the complete address set for this module.
    • getVersionTag

      Object getVersionTag()
      Returns an object that can be used to detect when the module tree has been affected by an undo or redo. After an undo/redo, if this module was affected, then a new verionTag object is created.
    • getModificationNumber

      long getModificationNumber()
      Get the current modification number of the module tree; the number is updated when ever a change is made to any module or fragment that is part of this module's root tree.
    • getTreeID

      long getTreeID()
      Get the ID for the tree that this module belongs to.
      ID for the tree