Class AddressXML


public class AddressXML extends Object
Utility class for the myriad ways of marshaling/unmarshaling an address and an optional size, to/from XML for the various configuration files. An object of the class itself is the most general form, where the specified address - MAY have an associated size given in bytes - MAY be in the JOIN address space, with physical pieces making up the logical value explicitly provided. The static buildXML methods write out an \ tag given component elements without allocating an object. The static readXML methods read XML tags (presented in different forms) and returns an Address object. The static appendAttributes methods write out attributes of an address to an arbitrary XML tag. The static restoreXML methods read an \ tag and produce a general AddressXML object.
  • Field Details


      public static int MAX_PIECES
  • Constructor Details

    • AddressXML

      public AddressXML(AddressSpace spc, long off, int sz)
      Construct an Address range as a space/offset/size
      spc - is the address space containing the range
      off - is the starting byte offset of the range
      sz - is the size of the range in bytes
    • AddressXML

      public AddressXML(AddressSpace spc, long off, int sz, Varnode[] pieces)
      Construct a logical memory range, representing multiple ranges pieced together. The logical range is assigned an address in the JOIN address space. The physical pieces making up the logical range are passed in as a sequence of Varnodes representing, in order, the most significant through the least significant portions of the value.
      spc - is the JOIN address space (must have a type of AddressSpace.TYPE_JOIN)
      off - is the offset of the logical value within the JOIN space
      sz - is the number of bytes in the logical value
      pieces - is the array of 1 or more physical pieces
  • Method Details

    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Encode this sized address as an \ element to the stream
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • restoreXml

      public static AddressXML restoreXml(XmlElement el, CompilerSpec cspec) throws XmlParseException
      Restore an Address (as an AddressSpace and an offset) and an optional size from XML tag. The tag can have any name, but it must either have: - A "name" attribute, indicating a register name OR - A "space" and "offset" attribute, indicating the address space and offset If a register name is given, size is obtained from the register. If an offset is given, the size can optionally be specified using a "size" attribute. If not explicitly described, the size is set to zero. This method supports the "join" address space attached to the compiler specification
      el - is the XML tag
      cspec - is the compiler spec for looking up registers
      an AddressXML object containing the recovered space,offset,size
      XmlParseException - for problems parsing
    • restoreXml

      public static AddressXML restoreXml(XmlElement el, Language language) throws XmlParseException
      Restore an Address (as an AddressSpace and an offset) and an optional size from XML tag. The tag can have any name, but it must either have: - A "name" attribute, indicating a register name OR - A "space" and "offset" attribute, indicating the address space and offset If a register name is given, size is obtained from the register. If an offset is given, the size can optionally be specified using a "size" attribute. If not explicitly described, the size is set to zero.
      el - is the XML tag
      language - is the processor language for looking up registers and address spaces
      an AddressXML object containing the recovered space,offset,size
      XmlParseException - for problems parsing
    • restoreRangeXml

      public static AddressXML restoreRangeXml(XmlElement el, CompilerSpec cspec) throws XmlParseException
      A memory range is read from attributes of an XML tag. The tag must either have: - "name" attribute - indicating a register - "space" attribute - with optional "first" and "last" attributes With the "space" attribute, "first" defaults to 0 and "last" defaults to the last offset in the space.
      el - is the XML element
      cspec - is a compiler spec to resolve address spaces and registers
      an AddressXML object representing the range
      XmlParseException - if the XML is badly formed
    • getAddressSpace

      public final AddressSpace getAddressSpace()
      the space associated of this address
    • getOffset

      public final long getOffset()
      the byte offset of this address
    • getSize

      public final long getSize()
      the size in bytes associated with this address
    • getJoinRecord

      public final Varnode[] getJoinRecord()
      Get the array of physical pieces making up this logical address range, if the range is in the JOIN address space. Otherwise return null.
      the physical pieces or null
    • getVarnode

      public Varnode getVarnode()
      Build a raw Varnode from the Address and size
      the new Varnode
    • getFirstAddress

      public Address getFirstAddress()
      the first address in the range
    • getLastAddress

      public Address getLastAddress()
      the last address in the range
    • decodeFromAttributes

      public static Address decodeFromAttributes(Decoder decoder) throws DecoderException
      Create an address from "space" and "offset" attributes of the current element
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      the decoded Address
      DecoderException - for any problems decoding the stream
    • decodeStorageFromAttributes

      public static VariableStorage decodeStorageFromAttributes(int size, Decoder decoder, PcodeFactory pcodeFactory) throws DecoderException
      Decode a VariableStorage object from the attributes in the current address element. The start of storage corresponds to the decoded address. The size is either passed in or is decoded from a size attribute.
      size - is the desired size of storage or -1 to use the size attribute
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      pcodeFactory - is used to resolve address spaces, etc.
      the decoded VariableStorage
      DecoderException - for any errors in the encoding or problems creating the storage
    • decode

      public static Address decode(Decoder decoder) throws DecoderException
      Create an address from a stream encoding. This recognizes elements - \ - \ - \ or - any element with "space" and "offset" attributes An empty \ element, with no attributes, results in Address.NO_ADDRESS being returned.
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      Address created from decode info
      DecoderException - for any problems decoding the stream
    • encodeAttributes

      public static void encodeAttributes(Encoder encoder, Address addr) throws IOException
      Encode "space" and "offset" attributes for the current element, describing the given Address to the stream.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      addr - is the given Address
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • encodeAttributes

      public static void encodeAttributes(Encoder encoder, Address addr, int size) throws IOException
      Encode "space" "offset" and "size" attributes for the current element, describing the given memory range to the stream.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      addr - is the starting Address of the memory range
      size - is the size of the memory range
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • encodeAttributes

      public static void encodeAttributes(Encoder encoder, Address startAddr, Address endAddr) throws IOException
      Encode a memory range, as "space", "first", and "last" attributes, for the current element, to the stream.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      startAddr - is the first address in the range
      endAddr - is the last address in the range
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • encode

      public static void encode(Encoder encoder, Address addr) throws IOException
      Encode the given Address as an \ element to the stream
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      addr - -- Address to encode
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • encode

      public static void encode(Encoder encoder, Address addr, int size) throws IOException
      Encode the given Address and a size as an \ element to the stream
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      addr - is the given Address
      size - is the given size
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • encode

      public static void encode(Encoder encoder, Varnode[] varnodes, long logicalsize) throws IOException
      Encode a sequence of Varnodes as a single \ element to the stream. If there is more than one Varnode, or if the logical size is non-zero, the \ element will specify the address space as "join" and will have additional "piece" attributes.
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      varnodes - is the sequence of storage varnodes
      logicalsize - is the logical size value of the varnode
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream