Class DynamicEntry


public class DynamicEntry extends SymbolEntry
A HighSymbol mapping based on local hashing of the symbol's Varnode within a function's syntax tree. The storage address of a temporary Varnode (a Varnode in the "unique" address space) is too ephemeral to use as a permanent way to identify it. This symbol stores a hash (generated by DynamicHash) that is better suited to identifying the Varnode.
  • Constructor Details

    • DynamicEntry

      public DynamicEntry(HighSymbol sym)
      Constructor for use with restoreXML
      sym - is the owning HighSymbol
    • DynamicEntry

      public DynamicEntry(HighSymbol sym, Address addr, long h)
      Construct given the underlying symbol, defining Address of the Varnode, and the hash value
      sym - is the given symbol
      addr - is the defining Address
      h - is the hash value
  • Method Details

    • getHash

      public long getHash()
      the hash value
    • decode

      public void decode(Decoder decoder) throws DecoderException
      Description copied from class: SymbolEntry
      Decode this entry from the stream. Typically more than one element is consumed.
      Specified by:
      decode in class SymbolEntry
      decoder - is the stream decoder
      DecoderException - for invalid encodings
    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: SymbolEntry
      Encode this entry as (a set of) elements to the given stream
      Specified by:
      encode in class SymbolEntry
      encoder - is the stream encoder
      IOException - for errors in the underlying stream
    • getStorage

      public VariableStorage getStorage()
      Description copied from class: SymbolEntry
      Get the storage associated with this particular mapping of the Symbol
      Specified by:
      getStorage in class SymbolEntry
      the storage object
    • build

      public static DynamicEntry build(Varnode vn)
      Build a new DynamicEntry, given the underlying temporary Varnode attached to a symbol. The hash is created from local information in the syntax tree near the Varnode.
      vn - is the underlying Varnode
      the new DynamicEntry
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Description copied from class: SymbolEntry
      Get the number of bytes consumed by the symbol when using this storage
      Specified by:
      getSize in class SymbolEntry
      the size of this entry
    • getMutability

      public int getMutability()
      Description copied from class: SymbolEntry
      Return one of - MutabilitySettingsDefinition.NORMAL - MutabilitySettingsDefinition.VOLATILE - MutabilitySettingsDefinition.CONSTANT
      Specified by:
      getMutability in class SymbolEntry
      the mutability setting