Interface PropertyMap<T>

Type Parameters:
T - property value type
All Known Subinterfaces:
IntPropertyMap, LongPropertyMap, ObjectPropertyMap<T>, SettingsPropertyMap, StringPropertyMap, VoidPropertyMap
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultIntPropertyMap, DefaultPropertyMap, IntPropertyMapDB, LongPropertyMapDB, ObjectPropertyMapDB, PropertyMapDB, StringPropertyMapDB, UnsupportedMapDB, VoidPropertyMapDB

public interface PropertyMap<T>
Interface to define a map containing properties over a set of addresses.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name for this property map.
      map name
    • getValueClass

      Class<T> getValueClass()
      Returns property value class.
      property value class or null for an unsupported map type
    • intersects

      boolean intersects(Address start, Address end)
      Given two addresses, indicate whether there is an address in that range (inclusive) having the property.

      start - the start of the range.
      end - the end of the range.
      boolean true if at least one address in the range has the property, false otherwise.
    • intersects

      boolean intersects(AddressSetView set)
      Indicate whether there is an address within the set which exists within this map.

      set - set of addresses
      boolean true if at least one address in the set has the property, false otherwise.
    • removeRange

      boolean removeRange(Address start, Address end)
      Removes all property values within a given range.
      start - begin range
      end - end range, inclusive
      true if any property value was removed; return false otherwise.
    • remove

      boolean remove(Address addr)
      Remove the property value at the given address.
      addr - the address where the property should be removed
      true if the property value was removed, false otherwise.
    • hasProperty

      boolean hasProperty(Address addr)
      returns whether there is a property value at addr.
      addr - the address in question
      true if map has value at specified address
    • add

      void add(Address addr, Object value)
      Add a map-specific value type to the specified address
      addr - property address
      value - property value or null (null remove value at address)
      IllegalArgumentException - if property value type is inappropriate for this map
    • get

      T get(Address addr)
      Returns the property value stored at the specified address or null if no property found.
      addr - property address
      property value
    • getNextPropertyAddress

      Address getNextPropertyAddress(Address addr)
      Get the next address where the property value exists.
      addr - the address from which to begin the search (exclusive).
      property value location after specified addr or null if none found
    • getPreviousPropertyAddress

      Address getPreviousPropertyAddress(Address addr)
      Get the previous Address where a property value exists.
      addr - the address from which to begin the search (exclusive).
      property value location after specified addr or null if none found
    • getFirstPropertyAddress

      Address getFirstPropertyAddress()
      Get the first Address where a property value exists.
      first property value location or null if none found
    • getLastPropertyAddress

      Address getLastPropertyAddress()
      Get the last Address where a property value exists.
      last property value location or null if none found
    • getSize

      int getSize()
      Get the number of properties in the map.
      number of stored property values
    • getPropertyIterator

      AddressIterator getPropertyIterator(Address start, Address end)
      Returns an iterator over the indices having a property value.
      start - minimum address
      end - maximum address
      forward property address iterator
    • getPropertyIterator

      AddressIterator getPropertyIterator(Address start, Address end, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over addresses that have a property value.
      start - minimum address
      end - maximum address
      forward - if true will iterate in increasing address order, otherwise it will start at the end and iterate in decreasing address order
      property address iterator
    • getPropertyIterator

      AddressIterator getPropertyIterator()
      Returns an iterator over the addresses that a property value.
      forward property address iterator
    • getPropertyIterator

      AddressIterator getPropertyIterator(AddressSetView asv)
      Returns an iterator over the addresses that have a property value and are in the given address set.
      asv - the set of addresses to iterate over.
      forward property address iterator
    • getPropertyIterator

      AddressIterator getPropertyIterator(AddressSetView asv, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over the addresses that have a property value and are in the given address set.
      asv - the set of addresses to iterate over.
      forward - if true will iterate in increasing address order, otherwise it will start at the end and iterate in decreasing address order
      property address iterator
    • getPropertyIterator

      AddressIterator getPropertyIterator(Address start, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over the address having a property value.
      start - the starting address
      forward - if true will iterate in increasing address order, otherwise it will start at the end and iterate in decreasing address order
      property address iterator
    • moveRange

      void moveRange(Address start, Address end, Address newStart)
      Moves the properties defined in the range from the start address thru the end address to now be located beginning at the newStart address. The moved properties will be located at the same relative location to the newStart address as they were previously to the start address.
      start - the start of the range to move.
      end - the end of the range to move.
      newStart - the new start location of the range of properties after the move.