Class ListingDiff


public class ListingDiff extends Object
Determines where instructions couldn't be matched and where they differ between sets of addresses as provided by a ListingAddressCorrelation. Initially this will be byte differences and instruction operand differences for any instructions that were determined to be matched.
Important: This class is not intended to be used for an entire program. Instead it is for comparing smaller portions such as functions. If the correlation handed to this class associates two large address sets, then the address sets, such as byte differences, that are created by this class could potentially consume large amounts of memory.
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a ListingDiff to determine where instructions couldn't be matched and where they differ between sets of addresses as provided by a ListingAddressCorrelation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Adds the indicated listener to those that get notified when the ListingDiff's set of differences and unmatched addresses changes.
    Determines if the entire set of operands should indicate that it differs.
    Gets the addresses in the first listing where byte differences were found based on the current difference settings.
    Gets the addresses in the first listing where code unit (mnemonic and/or operand) differences were found based on the current difference settings.
    Gets the addresses in the first listing where differences were found based on the current difference settings.
    Gets the addresses in the first listing where matching code couldn't be determined in the second listing.
    Gets the addresses in the second listing where byte differences were found based on the current difference settings.
    Gets the addresses in the second listing where code unit (mnemonic and/or operand) differences were found based on the current difference settings.
    Gets the addresses in the second listing where differences were found based on the current difference settings.
    Gets the addresses in the second listing where matching code couldn't be determined in the first listing.
    getMatchingAddress(Address address, boolean isListing1)
    Gets the matching address from the other listing for the specified address from one of the two listings whose differences this class determines.
    getMatchingCodeUnit(CodeUnit codeUnit, boolean isListing1)
    Gets the matching code unit from the other listing for the specified code unit from one of the two listings whose differences this class determines.
    getOperandsThatDiffer(CodeUnit codeUnit1, CodeUnit codeUnit2)
    Gets an array containing the operand indices where the two indicated code units differ.
    Determines if this ListingDiff currently has an address correlation to use.
    Gets the setting indicating if byte differences are currently being ignored.
    Gets the setting indicating if values of operand constants that differ are currently being ignored when determining code unit differences.
    Gets the setting indicating if operand registers that differ other than in size are currently being ignored when determining code unit differences.
    Outputs an information message, primarily for debugging, that indicates where code was unmatched with the other listing and where various differences, such as bytes and code units, were found.
    Removes the indicated listener from those that get notified when the ListingDiff's set of differences and unmatched addresses changes.
    Sets the address correlation that is used to determine matching addresses between the two listings.
    setIgnoreByteDiffs(boolean ignore)
    Changes the setting indicating whether or not byte differences should be ignored.
    setIgnoreConstants(boolean ignore)
    Changes the setting indicating if values of operand constants that differ should be ignored when determining code unit differences.
    setIgnoreRegisters(boolean ignore)
    Changes the setting indicating if operand registers that differ other than in size should be ignored when determining code unit differences.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ListingDiff

      public ListingDiff()
      Creates a ListingDiff to determine where instructions couldn't be matched and where they differ between sets of addresses as provided by a ListingAddressCorrelation.
  • Method Details

    • setCorrelation

      public void setCorrelation(ListingAddressCorrelation correlation) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the address correlation that is used to determine matching addresses between the two listings. Differences can then be determined where a matching address is found.
      Important: This class is not intended to be used for an entire program. Instead it is for comparing smaller portions such as functions. If the correlation handed to this class associates two large address sets, then the address sets, such as byte differences, that are created by this class could potentially consume large amounts of memory.
      correlation - the address correlation. Otherwise, null to clear the correlation.
      MemoryAccessException - if memory can't be read.
    • hasCorrelation

      public boolean hasCorrelation()
      Determines if this ListingDiff currently has an address correlation to use.
      true if it has an address correlation currently.
    • getOperandsThatDiffer

      public int[] getOperandsThatDiffer(CodeUnit codeUnit1, CodeUnit codeUnit2)
      Gets an array containing the operand indices where the two indicated code units differ. These differences are determined based on whether constants and registers are being ignored.
      codeUnit1 - the first code unit
      codeUnit2 - the second code unit
      an array of operand indices where the operands differ between the two code units based on the current settings that indicate what differences can be ignored.
    • doesEntireOperandSetDiffer

      public boolean doesEntireOperandSetDiffer(CodeUnit codeUnit1, CodeUnit codeUnit2)
      Determines if the entire set of operands should indicate that it differs. If the code units aren't the same type then the entire set of operands is considered different. Also if the number of operands differs then as far as we're concerned the entire set differs.
      codeUnit1 - the first code unit
      codeUnit2 - the second code unit
      true if we should indicate that all operands differ.
    • getListing1UnmatchedCode

      public AddressSetView getListing1UnmatchedCode()
      Gets the addresses in the first listing where matching code couldn't be determined in the second listing.
      the addresses of the unmatched code in the first listing.
    • getListing2UnmatchedCode

      public AddressSetView getListing2UnmatchedCode()
      Gets the addresses in the second listing where matching code couldn't be determined in the first listing.
      the addresses of the unmatched code in the second listing.
    • getListing1Diffs

      public AddressSetView getListing1Diffs()
      Gets the addresses in the first listing where differences were found based on the current difference settings.
      the addresses with differences in the first listing.
    • getListing2Diffs

      public AddressSetView getListing2Diffs()
      Gets the addresses in the second listing where differences were found based on the current difference settings.
      the addresses with differences in the second listing.
    • getListing1CodeUnitDiffs

      public AddressSetView getListing1CodeUnitDiffs()
      Gets the addresses in the first listing where code unit (mnemonic and/or operand) differences were found based on the current difference settings.
      the addresses with code unit differences in the first listing.
    • getListing2CodeUnitDiffs

      public AddressSetView getListing2CodeUnitDiffs()
      Gets the addresses in the second listing where code unit (mnemonic and/or operand) differences were found based on the current difference settings.
      the addresses with code unit differences in the second listing.
    • getListing1ByteDiffs

      public AddressSetView getListing1ByteDiffs()
      Gets the addresses in the first listing where byte differences were found based on the current difference settings.
      the addresses with byte differences in the first listing.
    • getListing2ByteDiffs

      public AddressSetView getListing2ByteDiffs()
      Gets the addresses in the second listing where byte differences were found based on the current difference settings.
      the addresses with byte differences in the second listing.
    • getMatchingAddress

      public Address getMatchingAddress(Address address, boolean isListing1)
      Gets the matching address from the other listing for the specified address from one of the two listings whose differences this class determines.
      address - the address whose matching address this determines.
      isListing1 - true indicates the address is from the first listing. false indicates it is from the second listing.
      the matching address or null
    • printFunctionComparisonDiffs

      public void printFunctionComparisonDiffs()
      Outputs an information message, primarily for debugging, that indicates where code was unmatched with the other listing and where various differences, such as bytes and code units, were found.
    • isIgnoringByteDiffs

      public boolean isIgnoringByteDiffs()
      Gets the setting indicating if byte differences are currently being ignored.
      true if byte differences are being ignored.
    • setIgnoreByteDiffs

      public void setIgnoreByteDiffs(boolean ignore)
      Changes the setting indicating whether or not byte differences should be ignored.
      ignore - true indicates to ignore byte differences
    • isIgnoringConstants

      public boolean isIgnoringConstants()
      Gets the setting indicating if values of operand constants that differ are currently being ignored when determining code unit differences.
      true if code unit differences are ignoring differences in values of operand constants.
    • setIgnoreConstants

      public void setIgnoreConstants(boolean ignore)
      Changes the setting indicating if values of operand constants that differ should be ignored when determining code unit differences.
      ignore - true means code unit differences should ignore differences in values of operand constants.
    • isIgnoringRegisters

      public boolean isIgnoringRegisters()
      Gets the setting indicating if operand registers that differ other than in size are currently being ignored when determining code unit differences.
      true if code unit differences are ignoring operand register differences other than in size.
    • setIgnoreRegisters

      public void setIgnoreRegisters(boolean ignore)
      Changes the setting indicating if operand registers that differ other than in size should be ignored when determining code unit differences.
      ignore - true means code unit differences should ignore operand register differences other than in size.
    • addListingDiffChangeListener

      public void addListingDiffChangeListener(ListingDiffChangeListener listener)
      Adds the indicated listener to those that get notified when the ListingDiff's set of differences and unmatched addresses changes.
      listener - the listener to be notified
    • removeListingDiffChangeListener

      public void removeListingDiffChangeListener(ListingDiffChangeListener listener)
      Removes the indicated listener from those that get notified when the ListingDiff's set of differences and unmatched addresses changes.
      listener - the listener to be removed
    • getMatchingCodeUnit

      public CodeUnit getMatchingCodeUnit(CodeUnit codeUnit, boolean isListing1)
      Gets the matching code unit from the other listing for the specified code unit from one of the two listings whose differences this class determines.
      codeUnit - the code unit whose match this determines.
      isListing1 - true indicates the code unit is from the first listing. false indicates it is from the second listing.
      the matching code unit or null