Class SimpleDiffUtility

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleDiffUtility extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleDiffUtility

      public SimpleDiffUtility()
  • Method Details

    • getCompatibleVariableStorage

      public static VariableStorage getCompatibleVariableStorage(Program program, VariableStorage storage, Program otherProgram)
      Convert a variable storage object from the specified program to a comparable variable storage object in the specified otherProgram. Certain variable storage (UNIQUE/HASH-based) will always produce a null return object.
      program - program which contains the specified address instance
      storage - variable storage in program
      otherProgram - other program
      storage for otherProgram or null if storage can not be mapped to other program
    • getCompatibleVarnode

      public static Varnode getCompatibleVarnode(Program program, Varnode varnode, Program otherProgram)
      Convert a varnode from the specified program to a comparable varnode in the specified otherProgram. Certain varnode addresses spaces (UNIQUE, HASH) will always produce a null return varnode.
      program - program which contains the specified address instance
      varnode - varnode in program
      otherProgram - other program
      varnode for otherProgram or null if varnode can not be mapped to other program
    • getStartOfDelaySlots

      public static Address getStartOfDelaySlots(Instruction instr)
    • getEndOfDelaySlots

      public static Address getEndOfDelaySlots(Instruction instr)
      If the specified instruction is contained within a delay slot, or has delay slots, the maximum address of the last delay slot instruction will be returned. If a normal instruction is specified the instructions maximum address is returned.
      instr -
      maximum address of instruction or its last delay slot
    • expandAddressSetToIncludeFullDelaySlots

      public static AddressSetView expandAddressSetToIncludeFullDelaySlots(Program program, AddressSetView originalSet)
      Expand a specified address set to include complete delay slotted instructions which may be included at the start or end of each range within the specified address set.
      program - program
      originalSet - original address set
      expanded address set
    • getCompatibleAddress

      public static Address getCompatibleAddress(Program program, Address addr, Program otherProgram)
      Convert an address from the specified program to a comparable address in the specified otherProgram.
      program - program which contains the specified address instance
      addr - address in program
      otherProgram - other program
      address for otherProgram or null if no such address exists.
    • translateMemoryAddress

      protected static Address translateMemoryAddress(Address addr, Program otherProgram, boolean exactMatchOnly)
      Convert an address from the specified program to a comparable address in the specified otherProgram.
      addr - address in program
      otherProgram - other program
      exactMatchOnly - if false and addr is an overlay address, a closest match will be returned if possible
      address for otherProgram or null if no such address exists.
    • getCompatibleAddressSpace

      public static AddressSpace getCompatibleAddressSpace(AddressSpace addrSpace, Program otherProgram)
    • getSymbol

      public static Symbol getSymbol(Symbol symbol, Program otherProgram)
      Given a symbol for a specified program, get the corresponding symbol from the specified otherProgram.
      symbol - symbol to look for
      otherProgram - other program
      corresponding symbol for otherProgram or null if no such symbol exists.
    • getMatchingExternalSymbol

      public static Symbol getMatchingExternalSymbol(Program program, Symbol symbol, Program otherProgram, Set<Long> otherRestrictedSymbolIds)
      Given an external symbol for a specified program, get the corresponding symbol, which has the same name and path, from the specified otherProgram.
      Note: The type of the returned symbol may be different than the type of the symbol
      program - program which contains the specified symbol instance
      symbol - symbol to look for
      otherProgram - other program
      otherRestrictedSymbolIds - an optional set of symbol ID's from the other program which will be treated as the exclusive set of candidate symbols to consider.
      corresponding external symbol for otherProgram or null if no such symbol exists.
    • getMatchingExternalLocation

      public static ExternalLocation getMatchingExternalLocation(Program program, ExternalLocation externalLocation, Program otherProgram)
      Given an external location for a specified program, get the corresponding external location, which has the same name and path, from the specified otherProgram.
      Note: The type of the returned external location may be different than the type of the original external location.
      program - program which contains the specified external location instance
      externalLocation - external location to look for
      otherProgram - other program
      corresponding external location for otherProgram or null if no such external location exists.
    • getVariableSymbol

      public static Symbol getVariableSymbol(Symbol symbol, Program otherProgram)
      Find the variable symbol in otherProgram which corresponds to the specified varSym.
      symbol - variable symbol
      otherProgram - other program
      the variable symbol or null
    • getVariableSymbol

      protected static Symbol getVariableSymbol(Symbol varSym, Program otherProgram, Namespace otherNamespace)
    • getVariableSymbol

      protected static Symbol getVariableSymbol(Symbol varSym, Function otherFunction)
      Find the variable symbol in otherFunction which corresponds to the specified varSym.
      varSym - variable symbol
      otherFunction - other function
      the variable symbol or null
    • getOverlappingVariable

      protected static Variable getOverlappingVariable(SymbolTable otherSymTable, Variable var, VariableStorage otherStorage, Symbol otherFunctionSymbol)
      Find overlapping variable which meets the following conditions 1. First use offset matches 2. Ordinal matches (for parameters only) 3. Minimum or maximum address matches
      otherSymTable - other symbol table
      var - variable
      otherStorage - other variable storage
      otherFunctionSymbol - other function symbol
      the overlapping variable or null