Class ThreadedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT,DATA_SOURCE>

Type Parameters:
ROW_OBJECT - the row object class for this table model.
DATA_SOURCE - the type of data that will be returned from GDynamicColumnTableModel.getDataSource(). This object will be given to the DynamicTableColumn objects used by this table model when DynamicTableColumn.getValue(Object, ghidra.docking.settings.Settings, Object, ServiceProvider) is called.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurableColumnTableModel, DynamicColumnTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>, RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>, RowObjectTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>, SelectionStorage<ROW_OBJECT>, SortedTableModel, VariableColumnTableModel, Serializable, EventListener, ChangeListener, TableModel
Direct Known Subclasses:
DbSmallTableModel, GhidraProgramTableModel, ProjectDataTableModel, ThreadedTableModelStub

public abstract class ThreadedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT,DATA_SOURCE> extends GDynamicColumnTableModel<ROW_OBJECT,DATA_SOURCE> implements RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
The base implementation of the threaded table model.

You can optionally set this model to load data incrementally by passing the correct constructor argument. Note, if you make this model incremental, then you need to set an incremental task monitor in order to get feedback about loading (see setIncrementalTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor). Alternatively, you can use a GThreadedTablePanel, which will install the proper monitor for you.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ThreadedTableModel

      protected ThreadedTableModel(String modelName, ServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    • ThreadedTableModel

      protected ThreadedTableModel(String modelName, ServiceProvider serviceProvider, TaskMonitor monitor)
    • ThreadedTableModel

      protected ThreadedTableModel(String modelName, ServiceProvider serviceProvider, TaskMonitor monitor, boolean loadIncrementally)
      The constructor through which all others pass.

      This class must be created on the Swing Thread (see SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()).

      modelName - The name of the table model. This value will appear as the name of the thread that manipulates the table data.
      serviceProvider - The service provider of the environment. This will be used to allow column objects to have access to services. This man not be null.
      monitor - The task monitor to use when manipulating table data (i.e., loading, sorting, filtering).
      loadIncrementally - When true, the table's results will be displayed as they are loaded; when false, the table's results will be displayed after all items have been loaded. Passing true is helpful for models that take a long time to run and periodically find data. Alternatively, for quick loading tables, the overhead of loading incrementally is wasteful.
  • Method Details

    • startInitialLoad

      protected void startInitialLoad()
    • isLoadIncrementally

      public boolean isLoadIncrementally()
    • initializeSorting

      protected void initializeSorting()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSortedTableModel
      This method is an attempt to help models that forget to call fireTableDataChanged(). It is expected that tables will fire the notification when they are ready to display data, even if they have that data at construction time. We put this call here so that the forgetful subclasses will have their data sorted for them the first time that this table tries to render itself.
      initializeSorting in class AbstractSortedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • createIncrementalLoadJob

      protected IncrementalLoadJob<ROW_OBJECT> createIncrementalLoadJob()
    • doLoad

      protected abstract void doLoad(Accumulator<ROW_OBJECT> accumulator, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      The basic method that all children must implement. This is where children load their data.
      accumulator - the datastructure into which you should incrementally place you table row data
      monitor - the task monitor to check for cancellations and to update progress
      CancelledException - if the task monitor has been cancelled and a call is made to monitor.checkCancelled();.
    • getModelData

      public List<ROW_OBJECT> getModelData()
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectTableModel
      Implementors should return the current data of the model. For models that support filtering, this will be the filtered version of the data. Furthermore, the data should be the underlying data and not a copy, as this method will potentially sort the given data.

      For those subclasses using an array, you may use the Arrays class to create a list backed by the array (Arrays.asList(Object...)).

      Specified by:
      getModelData in interface RowObjectTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      the model data.
    • getUnfilteredData

      public List<ROW_OBJECT> getUnfilteredData()
      Specified by:
      getUnfilteredData in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • getUnfilteredIndexForRowObject

      protected int getUnfilteredIndexForRowObject(ROW_OBJECT rowObject)
      Performs a quick search for the given item in the unfiltered data of this model. To search only for object that are visible in the GUI, use AbstractSortedTableModel.getIndexForRowObject(Object).
      rowObject - The object for which to search
      The index for the given object; a negative value if the object is not in the list
      See Also:
    • getUnfilteredRowObjectForIndex

      protected ROW_OBJECT getUnfilteredRowObjectForIndex(int row)
      Returns the row object at the given index in the unfiltered data of this model; null if the index is negative or larger than the list. To search only for object that are visible in the GUI, use AbstractSortedTableModel.getRowObject(int).
      row - The row index for which to get a row object
      Returns the row object at the given index in the unfiltered data of this model; null if the index is negative or larger than the list.
      See Also:
    • createSortComparator

      protected Comparator<ROW_OBJECT> createSortComparator(int columnIndex)
      Description copied from class: AbstractSortedTableModel
      An extension point for subclasses to insert their own comparator objects for their data. Subclasses can create comparators for a single or multiple columns, as desired.
      createSortComparator in class GDynamicColumnTableModel<ROW_OBJECT,DATA_SOURCE>
      columnIndex - the column index
      the comparator
    • getValueAt

      public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
      Description copied from class: AbstractSortedTableModel
      The default implementation of TableModel.getValueAt(int, int) that calls the abstract RowObjectTableModel.getColumnValueForRow(Object, int).
      Specified by:
      getValueAt in interface TableModel
      getValueAt in class AbstractSortedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • sort

      protected void sort(List<ROW_OBJECT> data, TableSortingContext<ROW_OBJECT> tableSortingContext)
      Description copied from class: AbstractSortedTableModel
      A default sort method that uses the Collections.sort(List, Comparator) method for sorting. Implementors with reasonably sized data sets can rely on this method. For data sets that can become large, the ThreadedTableModel is the recommended base class, as it handles loading/sorting/filtering in a threaded way.
      sort in class AbstractSortedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      data - The data to be sorted
      tableSortingContext - The context required to sort (it contains the sorting columns, a comparator for sorting, etc...).
    • getTableFilter

      public TableFilter<ROW_OBJECT> getTableFilter()
      Returns the filter for this model. The value returned from this method will not be null, but will instead be an instanceof NullTableFilter when no filter is applied. The value returned from this method may not actually yet be applied, depending upon when the background thread finishes loading.
      Specified by:
      getTableFilter in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      the filter
    • hasFilter

      public boolean hasFilter()
      Returns true if there is a table filter set that is not the NullTableFilter.
      true if there is a table filter set.
    • doFilter

      protected List<ROW_OBJECT> doFilter(List<ROW_OBJECT> data, TableSortingContext<ROW_OBJECT> lastSortingContext, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Override this to change how filtering is performed. This implementation will do nothing if a TableFilter has not been set via a call to setTableFilter(TableFilter).
      data - The list of data to be filtered.
      monitor - the progress monitor to check for cancellation.
      lastSortingContext - the comparator used to sort data. This can be used by overridden filter methods that need to query data about how the table is sorted.
      The new filtered list of data. If no filtering takes place, then the original list should be returned.
      CancelledException - If the filter operation is cancelled.
    • getUnfilteredRowCount

      public int getUnfilteredRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getUnfilteredRowCount in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • isFiltered

      public boolean isFiltered()
      Specified by:
      isFiltered in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • setTableFilter

      public void setTableFilter(TableFilter<ROW_OBJECT> tableFilter)
      Sets the given TableFilter on this model. This table filter will then be used by this model in the default doFilter(List, TableSortingContext, TaskMonitor) method.
      Specified by:
      setTableFilter in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      tableFilter - The filter to use for table filtering.
    • updateObject

      public void updateObject(ROW_OBJECT obj)
      Schedules an update for the specified object.
      obj - the object for which to schedule the update
    • addObject

      public void addObject(ROW_OBJECT obj)
      Adds the specified object to this model and schedules an update.
      obj - the object to add
    • removeObject

      public void removeObject(ROW_OBJECT obj)
      Removes the specified object from this model and schedules an update.

      Note: for this method to function correctly, the given object must compare as Object.equals(Object) and have the same Object.hashCode() as the object to be removed from the table data. This allows clients to create proxy objects to pass into this method, as long as they honor those requirements.

      If this model's data is sorted, then a binary search will be used to locate the item to be removed. However, for this to work, all field used to sort the data must still be available from the original object and must be the same values. If this is not true, then the binary search will not work and a brute force search will be used.

      obj - the object to remove
    • updateNow

      protected void updateNow()
    • backgroundWorkCancelled

      protected void backgroundWorkCancelled()
      Called when a TableUpdateJob is cancelled by the user via the Gui. (Disposing of the table takes a different path.) This is not called when using an incrementally loading table model.
    • setModelState

      protected void setModelState(TableData<ROW_OBJECT> allData, TableData<ROW_OBJECT> filteredData)
    • getAllData

      protected List<ROW_OBJECT> getAllData()
    • isBusy

      public boolean isBusy()
      Returns true if the model is busy. "Busy" means the model is either loading or updating.
      true if the model is busy
    • reSort

      public void reSort()
      Resort the table using the current sort criteria. This is useful if the data in the table has changed and is no longer sorted properly. If the setSort method is used, nothing will happen because the table will think it is already sorted on that criteria.
      reSort in class AbstractSortedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • reFilter

      public void reFilter()
      Triggers this class to filter the contents of the data.
    • reload

      public void reload()
      Schedules the model to completely reload its underlying data.
    • fireTableChanged

      public void fireTableChanged(TableModelEvent e)
      fireTableChanged in class AbstractSortedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes this model. Once a model has been disposed, it cannot be reused.
      dispose in class GDynamicColumnTableModel<ROW_OBJECT,DATA_SOURCE>
    • clearData

      protected void clearData()
      This method will clear all data and trigger fire a table data changed. Use this method to immediately clear all data. This is useful when you want to reload your table data and not have any old data hanging around being painted, which can produce odd results.
    • cancelAllUpdates

      public void cancelAllUpdates()
      Cancels all current and pending updates to the model.
    • getRowCount

      public int getRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getRowCount in interface TableModel
      getRowCount in class AbstractGTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
    • getViewRow

      public int getViewRow(int modelRow)
      Given a row index for the raw (unfiltered) model, return the corresponding index in the view (filtered) model.
      Specified by:
      getViewRow in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      modelRow - The row index that corresponds to unfiltered data
      the index of that row in the filtered data
      See Also:
    • getModelRow

      public int getModelRow(int viewRow)
      Given a row index for the view (filtered) model, return the corresponding index in the raw (unfiltered) model.
      Specified by:
      getModelRow in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      viewRow - The row index that corresponds to filtered data
      the index of that row in the unfiltered data
      See Also:
    • getViewIndex

      public int getViewIndex(ROW_OBJECT t)
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectFilterModel
      Returns the view index of the given item. When filtered, this is the index is the smaller, visible set of data; when unfiltered, this index is the same as that returned by RowObjectFilterModel.getModelIndex(Object).

      This operation will be O(n) unless the implementation is sorted, in which case the operation is O(log n), as it uses a binary search.

      Specified by:
      getViewIndex in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      t - the item
      the view index
    • getModelIndex

      public int getModelIndex(ROW_OBJECT t)
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectFilterModel
      Returns the model index of the given item. When filtered, this is the index is the larger, set of data; when unfiltered, this index is the same as that returned by RowObjectFilterModel.getModelIndex(Object).

      This operation will be O(n) unless the implementation is sorted, in which case the operation is O(log n), as it uses a binary search.

      Specified by:
      getModelIndex in interface RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      t - the item
      the model index
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this model.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface RowObjectTableModel<ROW_OBJECT>
      the name of this model.
    • getRowObjects

      public List<ROW_OBJECT> getRowObjects(int[] rows)
      Returns the corresponding row objects for the specified rows.
      rows - the table rows
      the corresponding database keys.
    • getAddRemoveStrategy

      protected TableAddRemoveStrategy<ROW_OBJECT> getAddRemoveStrategy()
      Returns the strategy to use for performing adds and removes to this table. Subclasses can override this method to customize this process for their particular type of data. See the implementations of TableAddRemoveStrategy for details.

      Note: The default add/remove strategy assumes that objects to be removed will be the same instance that is in the list of this model. This allows the Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() to be used when removing the object from the list. If you model does not pass the same instance into removeObject(Object), then you will need to update your add/remove strategy accordingly.

      the strategy
    • setIncrementalTaskMonitor

      public void setIncrementalTaskMonitor(TaskMonitor monitor)
    • addInitialLoadListener

      public void addInitialLoadListener(ThreadedTableModelListener listener)
      Adds a listener that will be notified of the first table load of this model. After the initial load, the listener is removed.
      listener - the listener
    • addThreadedTableModelListener

      public void addThreadedTableModelListener(ThreadedTableModelListener listener)
      This is a way to know about updates from the table.
      listener - the listener to add
      See Also:
    • removeThreadedTableModelListener

      public void removeThreadedTableModelListener(ThreadedTableModelListener listener)