Class ClangHighlightController

Direct Known Subclasses:
LocationClangHighlightController, NullClangHighlightController

public abstract class ClangHighlightController extends Object
Class to handle highlights for a decompiled function.

This class does not paint directly. Rather, this class tracks the currently highlighted tokens and then sets the highlight color on the token when it is highlighted and clears the highlight color when the highlight is removed.

This class maintains the following types of highlights:

  • Primary Highlights - triggered by user clicking and some user actions; considered transient and get cleared whenever the location changes. These highlights show state such as the current field, impact of a variable (via a slicing action), or related syntax (such as matching braces)
  • Secondary Highlights - triggered by the user to show all occurrences of a particular variable; they will stay until they are manually cleared by a user action. The user can apply multiple secondary highlights at the same time, with different colors for each highlight. These highlights apply to the function in use when the highlight is created. Thus, each function has a unique set of highlights that is maintained between decompilation.
  • Global Highlights - triggered by clients of the DecompilerHighlightService; they will stay until the client of the service clears the highlight. These highlights apply to every function that is decompiler.

When multiple highlights overlap, their colors will be blended.

  • Field Details


      public static Color DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR
    • defaultHighlightColor

      protected Color defaultHighlightColor
    • defaultParenColor

      protected Color defaultParenColor
  • Constructor Details

    • ClangHighlightController

      public ClangHighlightController()
  • Method Details

    • dummyIfNull

      public static ClangHighlightController dummyIfNull(ClangHighlightController c)
    • fieldLocationChanged

      public abstract void fieldLocationChanged(FieldLocation location, Field field, EventTrigger trigger)
    • getRandomColorProvider

      public ColorProvider getRandomColorProvider()
      Returns the color provider used by this class to generate colors. The initial color selection is random. Repeated calls to get a color for the same token will return the same color.
      the color provider
    • getPrimaryHighlightedText

      public String getPrimaryHighlightedText()
      Returns the token that has the primary highlight applied, if any. If multiple tokens are highlighted, then the return value is arbitrary.
      the highlighted text
    • getUpdateId

      public long getUpdateId()
      An value that is updated every time a new highlight is added. This allows clients to determine if a buffered update request is still valid.
      the value
    • hasPrimaryHighlight

      public boolean hasPrimaryHighlight(ClangToken token)
    • hasSecondaryHighlight

      public boolean hasSecondaryHighlight(ClangToken token)
    • hasSecondaryHighlights

      public boolean hasSecondaryHighlights(Function function)
    • getSecondaryHighlight

      public Color getSecondaryHighlight(ClangToken token)
    • getSecondaryHighlightColors

      public TokenHighlightColors getSecondaryHighlightColors()
    • getPrimaryHighlights

      public TokenHighlights getPrimaryHighlights()
    • getSecondaryHighlighters

      public Set<> getSecondaryHighlighters(Function function)
      Returns all secondary highlighters for the given function. This allows clients to update the secondary highlight state of a given function without affecting highlights applied to other functions.
      function - the function
      the highlighters
    • getGlobalHighlighters

      public Set<> getGlobalHighlighters()
      Returns all global highlighters installed in this controller. The global highlighters apply to all functions. This is in contrast to secondary highlighters, which are function-specific.
      the highlighters
    • getHighlighterHighlights

      public TokenHighlights getHighlighterHighlights(DecompilerHighlighter highlighter)
      Gets all highlights for the given highlighter.
      highlighter - the highlighter
      the highlights
      See Also:
    • getHighlightedToken

      public ClangToken getHighlightedToken()
      Return the current highlighted token (if exists and unique)
      token or null
    • clearPrimaryHighlights

      public void clearPrimaryHighlights()
    • togglePrimaryHighlights

      public void togglePrimaryHighlights(Color hlColor, Supplier<List<ClangToken>> tokens)
      Toggles the primary highlight state of the given set of tokens. If the given tokens do not all have the same highlight state (highlights on or off), then the highlights will be cleared. If all tokens are not highlighted, then they will all become highlighted.
      hlColor - the highlight color
      tokens - the tokens
    • removeSecondaryHighlights

      public void removeSecondaryHighlights(Function f)
      Removes all secondary highlights for the given function
      f - the function
    • removeSecondaryHighlights

      public void removeSecondaryHighlights(ClangToken token)
      Removes all secondary highlights for the given token
      token - the token
      See Also:
    • removeHighlighter

      public void removeHighlighter(DecompilerHighlighter highlighter)
    • removeHighlighterHighlights

      public void removeHighlighterHighlights(DecompilerHighlighter highlighter)
      Removes all highlights for this highlighter across all functions
      highlighter - the highlighter
    • addSecondaryHighlighter

      public void addSecondaryHighlighter(Function function, highlighter)
      Adds the given secondary highlighter, but does not create any highlights. All secondary highlighters pertain to a given function.
      function - the function
      highlighter - the highlighter
    • addHighlighter

      public void addHighlighter( highlighter)
    • addHighlighterHighlights

      public void addHighlighterHighlights( highlighter, Supplier<? extends Collection<ClangToken>> tokens, ColorProvider colorProvider)
    • addPrimaryHighlights

      public void addPrimaryHighlights(ClangNode parentNode, Set<PcodeOp> ops, Color hlColor)
    • addPrimaryHighlights

      public void addPrimaryHighlights(ClangNode parentNode, ColorProvider colorProvider)
    • addPrimaryHighlight

      protected void addPrimaryHighlight(ClangToken token, Color highlightColor)
    • getCombinedColor

      public Color getCombinedColor(ClangToken t)
      Returns the current highlight color for the given token, based upon all known highlights, primary, secondary and highlighters
      t - the token
      the color
    • blend

      public Color blend(List<Color> colors)
    • addPrimaryHighlightToTokensForParenthesis

      protected List<ClangToken> addPrimaryHighlightToTokensForParenthesis(ClangSyntaxToken tok, Color highlightColor)
      If input token is a parenthesis, highlight all tokens between it and its match
      tok - potential parenthesis token
      highlightColor - the highlight color
      a list of all tokens that were highlighted.
    • addBraceHighlight

      public void addBraceHighlight(ClangSyntaxToken token, Color highlightColor)
    • addListener

      public void addListener(ClangHighlightListener listener)
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(ClangHighlightListener listener)
    • notifyListeners

      protected void notifyListeners()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()