Class SleighParserContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SleighParserContext extends Object implements ParserContext
All the recovered context for a single instruction The main data structure is the tree of constructors and operands
  • Constructor Details

    • SleighParserContext

      public SleighParserContext(MemBuffer memBuf, SleighInstructionPrototype prototype, ProcessorContextView processorContext)
    • SleighParserContext

      public SleighParserContext(Address aAddr, Address nAddr, Address rAddr, Address dAddr)
      Constructor for building precompiled templates. NOTE: This form does not support use of inst_next2.
      aAddr - = address to which 'inst_start' resolves
      nAddr - = address to which 'inst_next' resolves
      rAddr - = special address associated with original call
      dAddr - = destination address of original call being replaced
    • SleighParserContext

      public SleighParserContext(SleighParserContext origContext, int delayByteCount)
      Generate context specifically for an instruction that has a delayslot. When generating p-code SLEIGH has an alternate interpretation of the "inst_next" symbol that takes into account the instruction in the delay slot. This context is generated at the point when specific instruction(s) in the delay slot are known.
      origContext - is the original context (for the instruction in isolation)
      delayByteCount - is the number of bytes in instruction stream occupied by the delay slot
  • Method Details

    • getPrototype

      public SleighInstructionPrototype getPrototype()
      Specified by:
      getPrototype in interface ParserContext
    • addCommit

      public void addCommit(ConstructState point, TripleSymbol sym, int num, int mask)
    • applyCommits

      public void applyCommits(ProcessorContext ctx) throws MemoryAccessException
    • getFixedHandle

      public FixedHandle getFixedHandle(ConstructState constructState)
    • getAddr

      public Address getAddr()
      get address of current instruction
      address of current instruction
    • getNaddr

      public Address getNaddr()
      Get address of instruction after current instruction. This may return null if this context instance does not support use of inst_next or next address falls beyond end of address space.
      address of next instruction or null
    • getN2addr

      public Address getN2addr()
      Get address of instruction after the next instruction. This may return getNaddr() if this context instance does not support use of inst_next2 or parse of next instruction fails.
      address of instruction after the next instruction or null
    • getCurSpace

      public AddressSpace getCurSpace()
      Get address space containing current instruction
      address space containing current instruction
    • getConstSpace

      public AddressSpace getConstSpace()
      Get constant address space
      constant address space
    • getMemBuffer

      public MemBuffer getMemBuffer()
      Get memory buffer for current instruction which may also be used to parse next instruction or delay slot instructions.
      memory buffer for current instruction
    • getInstructionBytes

      public int getInstructionBytes(int offset, int bytestart, int size) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get bytes from the instruction stream into an int (packed in big endian format). Uninitialized or undefined memory will return zero byte values.
      offset - offset relative start of this context
      bytestart - pattern byte offset relative to specified context offset
      size - is the number of bytes to fetch
      requested byte-range value
      MemoryAccessException - if no bytes are available at first byte when (offset+bytestart==0).
    • getInstructionBits

      public int getInstructionBits(int offset, int startbit, int size) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get bits from the instruction stream into an int (packed in big endian format). Uninitialized or undefined memory will return zero bit values.
      offset - offset relative start of this context
      startbit - is the index of the first bit to fetch
      size - is the number of bits to fetch
      requested bit-range value
      MemoryAccessException - if no bytes are available at first byte when (offset+bytestart/8==0).
    • getContextRegisterValue

      public RegisterValue getContextRegisterValue()
      Get the processor context value as a RegisterValue
      processor context value
    • getContextBytes

      public int getContextBytes(int bytestart, int bytesize)
      Get bytes from context into an int
      bytestart - is the index of the first byte to fetch
      bytesize - number of bytes (range: 1 - 4)
      the packed bytes from context
    • getContextBytes

      public int[] getContextBytes()
      Get full set of context bytes. Sleigh only supports context which is a multiple of 4-bytes (i.e., size of int)
      the array of context data
    • getContextBits

      public int getContextBits(int startbit, int bitsize)
      Get bits from context into an int
      startbit - is the index of the first bit to fetch
      bitsize - number of bits (range: 1 - 32)
      the packed bits
    • setContextWord

      public void setContextWord(int i, int val, int mask)
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid(MemBuffer buf)
    • getFlowRefAddr

      public Address getFlowRefAddr()
    • getFlowDestAddr

      public Address getFlowDestAddr()