Interface CodeViewerService

public interface CodeViewerService
Service provided by a plugin that shows the listing from a Program, i.e., a Code Viewer. The service allows other plugins to add components and actions local to the Code Viewer.
  • Method Details

    • addOverviewProvider

      void addOverviewProvider(OverviewProvider overviewProvider)
      Add a provider that shows an overview of the program.
      overviewProvider - provider to add
    • removeOverviewProvider

      void removeOverviewProvider(OverviewProvider overviewProvider)
      Remove a provider that shows an overview of the program.
      overviewProvider - provider to remove
    • addMarginProvider

      void addMarginProvider(MarginProvider marginProvider)
      Add a provider that shows markers in a program for the portion that is visible.
      marginProvider - provider to add
    • removeMarginProvider

      void removeMarginProvider(MarginProvider marginProvider)
      Remove a provider that shows markers in a program for the portion that is visible.
      marginProvider - provider to remove
    • addLocalAction

      void addLocalAction(DockingAction action)
      Add an action that is local to the Code Viewer.
      action - local action to add
    • removeLocalAction

      void removeLocalAction(DockingAction action)
      Remove the local action from the Code Viewer.
      action - local action to remove
    • addProgramDropProvider

      void addProgramDropProvider(ProgramDropProvider provider)
      Add a provider that will be notified for drag and drop actions.
      provider - for drag and drop
    • addButtonPressedListener

      void addButtonPressedListener(ButtonPressedListener listener)
      Add a listener that is notified when a mouse button is pressed.
      listener -
    • removeButtonPressedListener

      void removeButtonPressedListener(ButtonPressedListener listener)
      Remove the button pressed listener.
      listener -
    • setHighlightProvider

      void setHighlightProvider(ListingHighlightProvider provider, Program program)
      Set the highlight provider. The existing provider is replaced with the given provider.
      provider - The provider to set.
      program - The program with which to associate the given provider.
    • removeHighlightProvider

      void removeHighlightProvider(ListingHighlightProvider provider, Program program)
      Remove the highlight provider.
      provider - the provider to remove.
      program - the program associated with the given provider.
    • setListingPanel

      void setListingPanel(ListingPanel listingPanel)
      Set a listing panel on the code viewer.
      listingPanel - the panel to add.
    • setCoordinatedListingPanelListener

      void setCoordinatedListingPanelListener(CoordinatedListingPanelListener listener)
      Set the CoordinatedListingPanelListener for this listing.
      listener - the listener to add.
    • removeListingPanel

      void removeListingPanel(ListingPanel listingPanel)
      Remove the given listing panel from the code viewer.
    • getView

      AddressSetView getView()
      Get Current view that the CodeViewer is showing.
    • goTo

      boolean goTo(ProgramLocation loc, boolean centerOnScreen)
      Commands the code viewer to position the cursor at the given location.
      loc - the location at which to position the cursor.
      centerOnScreen - if true, the location will be placed in the center of the display window
      true if the location exists.
    • getFieldPanel

      FieldPanel getFieldPanel()
      Return the fieldPanel.
    • getAddressIndexMap

      AddressIndexMap getAddressIndexMap()
      Returns the current address-index-map
    • getFormatManager

      FormatManager getFormatManager()
    • setNorthComponent

      void setNorthComponent(JComponent comp)
      Place a component in the North area of the CodeViewer.
      comp - component to place in the North area of the CodeViewer
    • updateDisplay

      void updateDisplay()
      tells the browser to rebuild the display.
    • getListingModel

      ListingModel getListingModel()
      Gets the current ListingLayoutModel;
      the current ListingLayoutModel;
    • getNavigatable

      Navigatable getNavigatable()
      Gets the navigatable for the code viewer service.
      the navigatable for the code viewer service.
    • getListingPanel

      ListingPanel getListingPanel()
      Get the main Listing panel for the code viewer service.
      the listing panel.
    • getCurrentFieldTextSelection

      String getCurrentFieldTextSelection()
      Returns a String representing the current character-based selection of the currently selected field. If there is no selection, or if there is a ProgramSelection (which spans multiple fields), then this method will return null.

      To know which field contains the selection,

      the currently selected text within a given field
    • getCurrentField

      Field getCurrentField()
      Returns the current field under the cursor.
      the current field under the cursor.
    • getCurrentLocation

      ProgramLocation getCurrentLocation()
      Returns the current cursor location.
      the current cursor location.
    • getCurrentSelection

      ProgramSelection getCurrentSelection()
      Returns the current program selection (which crosses multiple fields).
      the current program selection.
    • addListingDisplayListener

      void addListingDisplayListener(AddressSetDisplayListener listener)
      Adds a listener to be notified when the set of visible addresses change.
      listener - the listener to be notified;
    • removeListingDisplayListener

      void removeListingDisplayListener(AddressSetDisplayListener listener)
      Removes listener from being notified when the set of visible addresses change.
      listener - the listener to be notified;
    • requestFocus

      void requestFocus()
      Request that the main connected Listing view gets focus