Package ghidra.graph

Interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the type of vertices
E - the type of edges
All Known Subinterfaces:
GDirectedGraph<V,E>, VisualGraph<V,E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AssemblyContextGraph, DefaultVisualGraph, FilteringVisualGraph, GroupingVisualGraph, JungDirectedGraph, JungDirectedVisualGraph, JungToGDirectedGraphAdapter, MutableGDirectedGraphWrapper

public interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
A directed graph that need not be constructed explicitly

Instead, the graph is constructed (and usually cached) as it is explored. For instance, if a path searching algorithm is being applied, incident edges and neighboring nodes need not be computed if they're never visited. This allows conceptually large (even infinite) graphs to be represented. A graph algorithm can be applied so long as it supports this interface, and does not attempt to exhaust an infinite graph.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Copy some portion of the implicit graph to an explicit graph Usually, this returns the cached (explored) portion of the graph
    Compute the incident edges that end at the given vertex (Optional operation) NOTE: This method ought to return cached results if available NOTE: As part of computing in-edges, this method will also provide predecessors
    Compute the incident edges that start at the given vertex NOTE: This method ought to return cached results if available NOTE: As part of computing out-edges, this method will also provide successors
    default Collection<V>
    Compute a vertex's predecessors The default implementation computes this from the in-edges NOTE: If a non-default implementation is provided, it ought to return cached results if available
    default Collection<V>
    Compute a vertex's successors The default implementation compute this from the out-edges NOTE: If a non-default implementation is provided, it ought to return cached results if available
  • Method Details

    • getInEdges

      Collection<E> getInEdges(V v)
      Compute the incident edges that end at the given vertex (Optional operation) NOTE: This method ought to return cached results if available NOTE: As part of computing in-edges, this method will also provide predecessors
      v - the destination vertex
      the in-edges to the given vertex
    • getOutEdges

      Collection<E> getOutEdges(V v)
      Compute the incident edges that start at the given vertex NOTE: This method ought to return cached results if available NOTE: As part of computing out-edges, this method will also provide successors
      v - the source vertex
      the out-edges from the given vertex
    • getPredecessors

      default Collection<V> getPredecessors(V v)
      Compute a vertex's predecessors The default implementation computes this from the in-edges NOTE: If a non-default implementation is provided, it ought to return cached results if available
      v - the destination vertex
      the predecessors
    • getSuccessors

      default Collection<V> getSuccessors(V v)
      Compute a vertex's successors The default implementation compute this from the out-edges NOTE: If a non-default implementation is provided, it ought to return cached results if available
      v - the source vertex
      the successors
    • copy

      GDirectedGraph<V,E> copy()
      Copy some portion of the implicit graph to an explicit graph Usually, this returns the cached (explored) portion of the graph
      a "copy" of this implicit graph