Class JungToGDirectedGraphAdapter<V,E extends GEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
All Implemented Interfaces:
GDirectedGraph<V,E>, GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E>

public class JungToGDirectedGraphAdapter<V,E extends GEdge<V>> extends Object implements GDirectedGraph<V,E>
A class that turns a Graph into a GDirectedGraph.
  • Constructor Details

    • JungToGDirectedGraphAdapter

      public JungToGDirectedGraphAdapter(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph<V,E> delegate)
  • Method Details

    • addEdge

      public void addEdge(E e)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Add an edge
      Specified by:
      addEdge in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      e - the edge
    • containsEdge

      public boolean containsEdge(V from, V to)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Test if the graph contains an edge from one given vertex to another
      Specified by:
      containsEdge in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      from - the source vertex
      to - the destination vertex
      true if such an edge exists, or false
    • emptyCopy

      public GDirectedGraph<V,E> emptyCopy()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Creates a new instance of this graph with no vertices or edges. This is useful when you wish to build a new graph using the same type as this graph.
      Specified by:
      emptyCopy in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      the new copy
    • copy

      public GDirectedGraph<V,E> copy()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Copy this graph.

      Note: the vertices and edges in the copy may be the same instances in the new graph and not themselves copies.

      Specified by:
      copy in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      Specified by:
      copy in interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      the new copy
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Test if the graph is empty, i.e., contains no vertices or edges
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      true if the graph is empty, or false
    • getEdges

      public Collection<E> getEdges()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Retrieve all the edges
      Specified by:
      getEdges in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      the edges
    • getInEdges

      public Collection<E> getInEdges(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Compute the incident edges that end at the given vertex
      Specified by:
      getInEdges in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      Specified by:
      getInEdges in interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the destination vertex
      the in-edges to the given vertex
    • getVertices

      public Collection<V> getVertices()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Retrieve all the vertices
      Specified by:
      getVertices in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      the vertices
    • getOutEdges

      public Collection<E> getOutEdges(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Compute the incident edges that start at the given vertex
      Specified by:
      getOutEdges in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      Specified by:
      getOutEdges in interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the source vertex
      the out-edges from the given vertex
    • containsVertex

      public boolean containsVertex(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Test if the graph contains a given vertex
      Specified by:
      containsVertex in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the vertex
      true if the vertex is in the graph, or false
    • getPredecessors

      public Collection<V> getPredecessors(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Compute a vertex's predecessors

      The default implementation computes this from the in-edges

      Specified by:
      getPredecessors in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      Specified by:
      getPredecessors in interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the destination vertex
      the predecessors
    • containsEdge

      public boolean containsEdge(E edge)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Test if the graph contains a given edge
      Specified by:
      containsEdge in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      edge - the ege
      true if the edge is in the graph, or false
    • getEdgeCount

      public int getEdgeCount()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Count the number of edges in the graph
      Specified by:
      getEdgeCount in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      the count
    • getSuccessors

      public Collection<V> getSuccessors(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Compute a vertex's successors

      The default implementation compute this from the out-edges

      Specified by:
      getSuccessors in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      Specified by:
      getSuccessors in interface GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the source vertex
      the successors
    • getVertexCount

      public int getVertexCount()
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Count the number of vertices in the graph
      Specified by:
      getVertexCount in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      the count
    • getNeighbors

      public Collection<V> getNeighbors(V vertex)
    • inDegree

      public int inDegree(V vertex)
    • getIncidentEdges

      public Collection<E> getIncidentEdges(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Returns all edges connected to the given vertex
      Specified by:
      getIncidentEdges in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the vertex
      the edges
    • outDegree

      public int outDegree(V vertex)
    • getIncidentVertices

      public Collection<V> getIncidentVertices(E edge)
    • isPredecessor

      public boolean isPredecessor(V v1, V v2)
    • isSuccessor

      public boolean isSuccessor(V v1, V v2)
    • findEdge

      public E findEdge(V v1, V v2)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Locates the edge object for the two vertices
      Specified by:
      findEdge in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      v1 - the start vertex
      v2 - the end vertex
      the edge
    • getPredecessorCount

      public int getPredecessorCount(V vertex)
    • getSuccessorCount

      public int getSuccessorCount(V vertex)
    • getSource

      public V getSource(E directed_edge)
    • findEdgeSet

      public Collection<E> findEdgeSet(V v1, V v2)
    • getDest

      public V getDest(E directed_edge)
    • isSource

      public boolean isSource(V vertex, E edge)
    • addVertex

      public boolean addVertex(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Add a vertex
      Specified by:
      addVertex in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the vertex
      true if the add was successful, false otherwise
    • isDest

      public boolean isDest(V vertex, E edge)
    • addEdge

      public boolean addEdge(E edge, Collection<? extends V> vertices)
    • addEdge

      public boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2)
    • addEdge

      public boolean addEdge(E edge, Collection<? extends V> vertices, edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType edge_type)
    • addEdge

      public boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2, edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType edgeType)
    • removeVertex

      public boolean removeVertex(V vertex)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Remove a vertex
      Specified by:
      removeVertex in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertex - the vertex
    • removeVertices

      public void removeVertices(Iterable<V> vertices)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Removes the given vertices from the graph
      Specified by:
      removeVertices in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      vertices - the vertices to remove
    • removeEdges

      public void removeEdges(Iterable<E> edges)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Removes the given edges from the graph
      Specified by:
      removeEdges in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      edges - the edges to remove
    • getEndpoints

      public edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair<V> getEndpoints(E edge)
    • getOpposite

      public V getOpposite(V vertex, E edge)
    • removeEdge

      public boolean removeEdge(E edge)
      Description copied from interface: GDirectedGraph
      Removes an edge
      Specified by:
      removeEdge in interface GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>>
      edge - the edge
      true if the graph contained the given edge
    • isNeighbor

      public boolean isNeighbor(V v1, V v2)
    • isIncident

      public boolean isIncident(V vertex, E edge)
    • degree

      public int degree(V vertex)
    • getNeighborCount

      public int getNeighborCount(V vertex)
    • getIncidentCount

      public int getIncidentCount(E edge)
    • getEdgeType

      public edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType getEdgeType(E edge)
    • getDefaultEdgeType

      public edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType getDefaultEdgeType()
    • getEdges

      public Collection<E> getEdges(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType edge_type)
    • getEdgeCount

      public int getEdgeCount(edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType edge_type)