Class DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the type of vertices
E - the type of edges

public class DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> extends Object
Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm

This implementation computes the shortest paths between two vertices using Dijkstra's single-source shortest path finding algorithm. Any time a new source is given, it explores all destinations in the graph up to a maximum distance from the source. Thus, this implementation is best applied when many queries are anticipated from relatively few sources.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm

      public DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm(GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E> graph)
      Use Dijkstra's algorithm on the given graph

      This constructor assumes the graph's edges are GWeightedEdges. If not, you will likely encounter a ClassCastException.

      graph - the graph
    • DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm

      public DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm(GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E> graph, double maxDistance)
      Use Dijkstra's algorithm on the given graph with the given maximum distance

      This constructor assumes the graph's edges are GWeightedEdges. If not, you will likely encounter a ClassCastException.

      graph - the graph
      maxDistance - the maximum distance, or null for no maximum
    • DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm

      public DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm(GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E> graph, GEdgeWeightMetric<E> metric)
      Use Dijstra's algorithm on the given graph with a custom edge weight metric
      graph - the graph
      metric - the function to compute the weight of an edge
    • DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm

      public DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm(GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E> graph, double maxDistance, GEdgeWeightMetric<E> metric)
      Use Dijstra's algorithm on the given graph with the given maximum distance and a custom edge weight metric
      graph - the graph
      maxDistance - the maximum distance, or null for no maximum
      metric - the function to compute the weight of an edge
  • Method Details

    • getDistancesFromSource

      public Map<V,Double> getDistancesFromSource(V v)
      Compute the shortest distance to all reachable vertices from the given source
      v - the source vertex
      a map of destinations to distances from the given source
    • computeOptimalPaths

      public Collection<Deque<E>> computeOptimalPaths(V src, V dst)
      Compute the shortest paths from the given source to the given destination

      This implementation differs from typical implementations in that paths tied for the shortest distance are all returned. Others tend to choose one arbitrarily.

      src - the source
      dst - the destination
      a collection of paths of shortest distance from source to destination