Class AbstractGraphVisibilityTransitionJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractGraphTransitionJob, FilterVerticesJob

public abstract class AbstractGraphVisibilityTransitionJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> extends AbstractAnimatorJob
A job that provides an animator and callbacks for transitioning the visibility of graph vertices. The opacity value will change from 0 to 1 over the course of the job. Subclasses can decide how to use the opacity value as it changes. For example, a subclass can fade in or out the vertices provided to the job.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractGraphVisibilityTransitionJob

      protected AbstractGraphVisibilityTransitionJob(GraphViewer<V,E> viewer, boolean useAnimation)
  • Method Details

    • isTooBigToAnimate

      protected boolean isTooBigToAnimate()
      Returns true if the graph is too large for animation (usually due to performance issues).
      true if the graph is too large for animation
    • setPercentComplete

      public void setPercentComplete(double percentComplete)
      Callback from our animator.
    • createAnimator

      protected org.jdesktop.animation.timing.Animator createAnimator()
      Specified by:
      createAnimator in class AbstractAnimatorJob
    • finished

      protected void finished()
      Description copied from class: AbstractAnimatorJob
      A callback given when this animator has run to completion. This will be called whether the animator is stopped prematurely or ends naturally.
      Specified by:
      finished in class AbstractAnimatorJob
    • updateOpacity

      protected void updateOpacity(double percentComplete)
    • getEdges

      protected Set<E> getEdges(Collection<V> vertices)
    • getEdges

      protected Collection<E> getEdges(V vertex)