Class FitGraphToViewJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FitGraphToViewJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> extends Object implements GraphJob
A job to scale one or more viewers such that the contained graph will fit entirely inside the viewing area.
  • Constructor Summary

    FitGraphToViewJob(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationServer<V,E>... viewers)
    FitGraphToViewJob(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationServer<V,E> viewer, boolean onlyResizeWhenTooBig)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns true if the job can be told to stop running, but to still perform any final work before being done.
    Call to immediately stop this job, ignoring any exceptions or state issues that arise.
    Tells this job to do its work.
    Returns true if this job has finished its work
    Tells this job to stop running, but to still perform any final work before being done.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • FitGraphToViewJob

      @SafeVarargs public FitGraphToViewJob(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationServer<V,E>... viewers)
    • FitGraphToViewJob

      public FitGraphToViewJob(edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationServer<V,E> viewer, boolean onlyResizeWhenTooBig)
  • Method Details

    • canShortcut

      public boolean canShortcut()
      Description copied from interface: GraphJob
      Returns true if the job can be told to stop running, but to still perform any final work before being done.
      Specified by:
      canShortcut in interface GraphJob
      true if the job can be shortcut
    • execute

      public void execute(GraphJobListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: GraphJob
      Tells this job to do its work. This call will be on the Swing thread. It is required that the given listener be called on the Swing thread when the job is finished.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface GraphJob
      listener - the listener this job is expected to call when its work is finished
    • isFinished

      public boolean isFinished()
      Description copied from interface: GraphJob
      Returns true if this job has finished its work
      Specified by:
      isFinished in interface GraphJob
      true if this job has finished its work
    • shortcut

      public void shortcut()
      Description copied from interface: GraphJob
      Tells this job to stop running, but to still perform any final work before being done.

      Note: if your job is multi-threaded, then you must make sure to end your thread and work before returning from this method. If that cannot be done in a timely manner, then your GraphJob.canShortcut() should return false.

      Specified by:
      shortcut in interface GraphJob
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: GraphJob
      Call to immediately stop this job, ignoring any exceptions or state issues that arise.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface GraphJob
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object