Interface VisualGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex
E - the edge
All Known Implementing Classes:
VisualGraphAbstractGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphAnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphEdgeSelectionGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphEventForwardingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphHoverMousePlugin, VisualGraphMouseTrackingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphPickingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphSatelliteAbstractGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphSatelliteNavigationGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphSatelliteScalingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphSatelliteTranslatingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphScalingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphScreenPositioningPlugin, VisualGraphScrollWheelPanningPlugin, VisualGraphTranslatingGraphMousePlugin, VisualGraphZoomingPickingGraphMousePlugin

public interface VisualGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>>
An interface to provide a common set of methods for classes that could not otherwise extend an abstract class. This interface signals that the implementer is a VisualGraph mouse plugin.

Note: The implementors of this interface still use the deprecated InputEvent.getModifiers() method, since many of those classes extends from 3rd-party classes that still use them, such as PickingGraphMousePlugin. We will need to update the library (if/when possible), or rewrite our code so that it does not use the old 3rd-party algorithms.

  • Method Details

    • getViewer

      default edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.VisualizationViewer<V,E> getViewer(MouseEvent e)
    • getGraphViewer

      default GraphViewer<V,E> getGraphViewer(MouseEvent e)
      Returns the primary/master graph viewer.
      e - the mouse event from which to get the viewer
      the viewer
    • getSatelliteGraphViewer

      default SatelliteGraphViewer<V,E> getSatelliteGraphViewer(MouseEvent e)
      Returns the satellite graph viewer. This assumes that the mouse event originated from the satellite viewer.
      e - the mouse event from which to get the viewer
      the viewer
    • getViewUpdater

      default VisualGraphViewUpdater<V,E> getViewUpdater(MouseEvent e)
      Returns the updater that is used to modify the primary graph viewer.
      e - the mouse event from which to get the viewer
      the updater
    • getViewUpdater

      default VisualGraphViewUpdater<V,E> getViewUpdater(GraphViewer<V,E> viewer)
      Returns the updater that is used to modify the primary graph viewer.
      viewer - the viewer
      the updater
    • dispose

      default void dispose()
      Signals to perform any cleanup when this plugin is going away