Class ParamEntry


public class ParamEntry extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ParamEntry

      public ParamEntry(int grp)
  • Method Details

    • getGroup

      public int getGroup()
    • getAllGroups

      public int[] getAllGroups()
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
    • getMinSize

      public int getMinSize()
    • getAlign

      public int getAlign()
    • getAddressBase

      public long getAddressBase()
    • getType

      public StorageClass getType()
    • isExclusion

      public boolean isExclusion()
    • isReverseStack

      public boolean isReverseStack()
    • isGrouped

      public boolean isGrouped()
    • isOverlap

      public boolean isOverlap()
    • isBigEndian

      public boolean isBigEndian()
    • getSpace

      public AddressSpace getSpace()
    • containedBy

      public boolean containedBy(Address addr, int sz)
      Is this ParamEntry, as a memory range, contained by the given memory range.
      addr - is the starting address of the given memory range
      sz - is the number of bytes in the given memory range
      true if this is contained
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(Address addr, int sz)
      Does this ParamEntry intersect the given range in some way
      addr - is the starting address of the given range
      sz - is the number of bytes in the given range
      true if there is an intersection
    • justifiedContain

      public int justifiedContain(Address addr, int sz)
    • contains

      public boolean contains(ParamEntry otherEntry)
      Does this ParamEntry contain another entry (as a subpiece)
      otherEntry - is the other entry
      true if this contains the other entry
    • getSlot

      public int getSlot(Address addr, int skip)
      Assuming the address is contained in this entry and we -skip- to a certain byte return the slot associated with that byte
      addr - is the address to check (which MUST be contained)
      skip - is the number of bytes to skip
      the slot index
    • getAddrBySlot

      public int getAddrBySlot(int slotnum, int sz, int typeAlign, ParameterPieces res)
      Assign the storage address when allocating something of size -sz- assuming -slotnum- slots have already been assigned. Set the address to null if the -sz- is too small or if there are not enough slots left
      slotnum - number of slots already assigned
      sz - number of bytes to being assigned
      typeAlign - required byte alignment for the parameter
      res - will hold the final storage address
      slotnum plus the number of slots used
    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
    • restoreXml

      public void restoreXml(XmlPullParser parser, CompilerSpec cspec, List<ParamEntry> curList, boolean grouped) throws XmlParseException
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(ParamEntry obj)
      Determine if this ParamEntry is equivalent to another instance
      obj - is the other instance
      true if they are equivalent
    • justifiedContainAddress

      public static int justifiedContainAddress(AddressSpace spc1, long offset1, int sz1, AddressSpace spc2, long offset2, int sz2, boolean forceleft, boolean isBigEndian)
      Return -1 if (op2,sz2) is not properly contained in (op1,sz1) If it is contained, return the endian aware offset of (op2,sz2) I.e. if the least significant byte of the op2 range falls on the least significant byte of the op1 range, return 0. If it intersects the second least significant, return 1, etc.
      spc1 - the first address space
      offset1 - the first offset
      sz1 - size of first space
      spc2 - the second address space
      offset2 - is the second offset
      sz2 - size of second space
      forceleft - is true if containment is forced to be on the left even for big endian
      isBigEndian - true if big endian
      the endian aware offset or -1
    • getBasicTypeClass

      public static StorageClass getBasicTypeClass(DataType tp)
    • orderWithinGroup

      public static void orderWithinGroup(ParamEntry entry1, ParamEntry entry2) throws XmlParseException
      ParamEntry within a group must be distinguishable by size or by type
      entry1 - is the first being compared
      entry2 - is the second being compared
      XmlParseException - if the pair is not distinguishable