Class MemoryByteProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
ByteProvider, Closeable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MemoryByteProvider extends Object implements ByteProvider
A ByteProvider implementation based on Memory.

The bytes returned by this provider are indexed relative to the baseAddress supplied to the constructor, and are limited to memory blocks of the same address space.


Using this ByteProvider with memory block/address spaces that are not simple "ram" initialized memory blocks is fraught with peril.

Addresses and address spaces can use all 64 bits of a long as an offset, which causes a problem when trying to express the correct length() of this ByteProvider as a long. (this is why address ranges deal with inclusive end values instead of exclusive).

  • The return value of length() is constrained to a max of Long.MAX_VALUE
  • isValidIndex(long) treats its argument as an unsigned int64, and works for the entire address space range.

Not all byte provider index locations between 0 and length() will be valid (because gaps between memory blocks), and may generate exceptions when those locations are read.

  • To avoid this situation, the caller will need to use information from the program's Memory manager to align reads to valid locations.
  • Field Details

    • memory

      protected Memory memory
    • baseAddress

      protected Address baseAddress
    • maxOffset

      protected long maxOffset
    • isEmtpy

      protected boolean isEmtpy
  • Constructor Details

    • MemoryByteProvider

      public MemoryByteProvider(Memory memory, AddressSpace space)
      Constructs a new MemoryByteProvider for a specific AddressSpace. Bytes will be provided relative to the minimum address (typically 0) in the space, and ranges to the highest address in the same address space currently found in the memory map.

      memory - the Memory
      space - the AddressSpace
    • MemoryByteProvider

      public MemoryByteProvider(Memory memory, Address baseAddress)
      Constructs a new MemoryByteProvider relative to the specified base address, containing the address range to the highest address in the same address space currently found in the memory map.
      memory - the Memory
      baseAddress - the base address
    • MemoryByteProvider

      public MemoryByteProvider(Memory memory, Address baseAddress, boolean firstBlockOnly)
      Constructs a new MemoryByteProvider relative to the specified base address, containing the address range to the end of the first memory block, or the highest address in the same address space, currently found in the memory map.
      memory - the Memory
      baseAddress - the base address
      firstBlockOnly - boolean flag, if true, only the first memory block will be accessible, if false, all memory blocks of the address space will be accessible
    • MemoryByteProvider

      public MemoryByteProvider(Memory memory, Address baseAddress, Address maxAddress)
      Constructs a new MemoryByteProvider relative to the specified base address, with the specified length.
      memory - the Memory
      baseAddress - the base address
      maxAddress - the highest address accessible by this provider (inclusive), or null if there is no memory
  • Method Details

    • createMemoryBlockByteProvider

      public static MemoryByteProvider createMemoryBlockByteProvider(Memory memory, MemoryBlock block)
      Create a ByteProvider that is limited to the specified MemoryBlock.
      memory - Memory of the program
      block - MemoryBlock to read from
      new ByteProvider that contains the bytes of the specified MemoryBlock
    • createProgramHeaderByteProvider

      public static MemoryByteProvider createProgramHeaderByteProvider(Program program, boolean firstBlockOnly)
      Create a ByteProvider that starts at the beginning of the specified program's memory, containing either just the first memory block, or all memory blocks (of the same address space).
      program - Program to read
      firstBlockOnly - boolean flag, if true, only the first memory block will be accessible via the returned provider, if false, all memory blocks of the address space will be accessible
      new MemoryByteProvider, starting at program's minAddress
    • createDefaultAddressSpaceByteProvider

      public static MemoryByteProvider createDefaultAddressSpaceByteProvider(Program program, boolean firstBlockOnly)
      Create a ByteProvider that starts at the beginning (e.g. 0) of the specified program's default address space memory, containing either the first memory block, or all memory blocks (of the same address space).
      program - Program to read
      firstBlockOnly - boolean flag, if true, only the first memory block will be accessible via the returned provider, if false, all memory blocks of the address space will be accessible
      new MemoryByteProvider, starting at program's minAddress
    • getStartAddress

      public Address getStartAddress()
      Returns the address of the first byte of this provider.
      address of the first byte returned by this provider (at index 0)
    • getEndAddress

      public Address getEndAddress()
      Returns the address of the last byte of this provider.
      address of the last byte returned by this provider
    • getAddressSet

      public AddressSetView getAddressSet()
      Returns the address range of the bytes of this provider.
      address range of first byte to last byte of this provider
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Returns true if this ByteProvider does not contain any bytes.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface ByteProvider
      boolean true if this provider is empty, false if contains bytes
    • getFile

      public File getFile()
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Returns the underlying File for this ByteProvider, or null if this ByteProvider is not associated with a File.
      Specified by:
      getFile in interface ByteProvider
      the underlying file for this byte provider
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Returns the name of the ByteProvider. For example, the underlying file name.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface ByteProvider
      the name of the ByteProvider or null if there is no name
    • getAbsolutePath

      public String getAbsolutePath()
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Returns the absolute path (similar to, but not a, URI) to the ByteProvider. For example, the complete path to the file.
      Specified by:
      getAbsolutePath in interface ByteProvider
      the absolute path to the ByteProvider or null if not associated with a File.
    • length

      public long length() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Returns the length of the ByteProvider
      Specified by:
      length in interface ByteProvider
      the length of the ByteProvider
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • isValidIndex

      public boolean isValidIndex(long index)
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Returns true if the specified index is valid.
      Specified by:
      isValidIndex in interface ByteProvider
      index - the index in the byte provider to check
      true if the specified index is valid
    • readByte

      public byte readByte(long index) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Reads a byte at the specified index
      Specified by:
      readByte in interface ByteProvider
      index - the index of the byte to read
      the byte read from the specified index
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • readBytes

      public byte[] readBytes(long index, long length) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Reads a byte array at the specified index
      Specified by:
      readBytes in interface ByteProvider
      index - the index of the byte to read
      length - the number of bytes to read
      the byte array read from the specified index
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: ByteProvider
      Releases any resources the ByteProvider may have occupied
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface ByteProvider
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable