Class DefaultProject

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultProject extends Object implements Project
Implementation for a Project.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getProjectManager

      public ProjectManager getProjectManager()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Returns the project manager of this project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectManager in interface Project
      the project manager of this project.
    • getProjectLocator

      public ProjectLocator getProjectLocator()
      Get the project URL for this project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectLocator in interface Project
    • addProjectViewListener

      public void addProjectViewListener(ProjectViewListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Add a listener to be notified when a visible project view is added or removed.
      Specified by:
      addProjectViewListener in interface Project
      listener - project view listener
    • removeProjectViewListener

      public void removeProjectViewListener(ProjectViewListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Remove a project view listener previously added.
      Specified by:
      removeProjectViewListener in interface Project
      listener - project view listener
    • addProjectView

      public ProjectData addProjectView(URL url, boolean visible) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Add the given project URL to this project's list project views. The project view allows users to look at data files from another project.
      Specified by:
      addProjectView in interface Project
      url - identifier for the project view (ghidra protocol only).
      visible - true if project may be made visible or false if hidden. Hidden viewed projects are used when only life-cycle management is required (e.g., close view project when this project is closed).
      project data for this view
      IOException - if I/O error occurs or if project/repository not found
    • removeProjectView

      public void removeProjectView(URL url)
      Remove the view from this project.
      Specified by:
      removeProjectView in interface Project
      url - identifier for the project
    • getToolServices

      public ToolServices getToolServices()
      Get the tool services for this project.
      Specified by:
      getToolServices in interface Project
    • getLocalToolChest

      public ToolChest getLocalToolChest()
      Get the local tool chest for the user logged in.
      Specified by:
      getLocalToolChest in interface Project
      the tool chest
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Convenience method to get the name of this project.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Project
    • getToolManager

      public ToolManager getToolManager()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Return the tool manager for this project.
      Specified by:
      getToolManager in interface Project
    • hasChanged

      public boolean hasChanged()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Return whether the project configuration has changed.
      Specified by:
      hasChanged in interface Project
    • getProjectViews

      public ProjectLocator[] getProjectViews()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Return the list of visible project views in this project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectViews in interface Project
    • getRepository

      public RepositoryAdapter getRepository()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Get the repository that this project is associated with.
      Specified by:
      getRepository in interface Project
      null if the project is not associated with a remote repository
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Close the project.
      Specified by:
      close in interface Project
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Returns whether this project instance has been closed
      Specified by:
      isClosed in interface Project
    • saveSessionTools

      public boolean saveSessionTools()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Saves any tools that are associated with the opened project when the project is closed.
      Specified by:
      saveSessionTools in interface Project
      True if the save was not cancelled.
    • restore

      public void restore()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Restore this project's state.
      Specified by:
      restore in interface Project
    • save

      public void save()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Save the project and the list of project views.
      Specified by:
      save in interface Project
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • saveToolTemplate

      public void saveToolTemplate(String tag, ToolTemplate template)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Save the given tool template as part of the project.
      Specified by:
      saveToolTemplate in interface Project
      tag - ID or name for the tool template
      template - template to save
    • getToolTemplate

      public ToolTemplate getToolTemplate(String tag)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Get the tool template with the given tag.
      Specified by:
      getToolTemplate in interface Project
      tag - ID or name for the tool template to get
      tool template
    • getOpenData

      public List<DomainFile> getOpenData()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Get list of domain files that are open.
      Specified by:
      getOpenData in interface Project
      the files; empty if no files
    • getProjectData

      public DefaultProjectData getProjectData()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Get the root domain data folder in the project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectData in interface Project
    • setSaveableData

      public void setSaveableData(String key, SaveState saveState)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Allows the user to store data related to the project.
      Specified by:
      setSaveableData in interface Project
      key - A value used to store and lookup saved data
      saveState - a container of data that will be written out when persisted
    • getSaveableData

      public SaveState getSaveableData(String key)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Specified by:
      getSaveableData in interface Project
    • getProjectData

      public ProjectData getProjectData(ProjectLocator locator)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Returns the Project Data for the given Project locator. The Project locator must be either the current active project or an currently open project view.
      Specified by:
      getProjectData in interface Project
    • getViewedProjectData

      public ProjectData[] getViewedProjectData()
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Get the project data for visible viewed projects that are managed by this project.
      Specified by:
      getViewedProjectData in interface Project
      zero length array if there are no visible viewed projects open
    • releaseFiles

      public void releaseFiles(Object consumer)
      Description copied from interface: Project
      Releases all DomainObjects used by the given consumer
      Specified by:
      releaseFiles in interface Project
      consumer - object no longer using any DomainObjects.