Class GraphComponent<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
G - the graph type

public class GraphComponent<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> extends Object
A component that contains primary and satellite graph views. This viewer provides methods for manipulating the graph using the mouse.

To gain the full functionality offered by this class, clients will need to subclass this class and override createPrimaryGraphViewer(VisualGraphLayout, Dimension) and createSatelliteGraphViewer(GraphViewer, Dimension) as needed. This allows them to customize renderers and other viewer attributes. To use the subclass, see the VisualGraphView and its installGraphViewer() method.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GraphComponent

      public GraphComponent(G graph)
    • GraphComponent

      protected GraphComponent()
  • Method Details

    • setGraph

      protected void setGraph(G g)
    • build

      protected void build()
    • createPrimaryGraphViewer

      protected GraphViewer<V,E> createPrimaryGraphViewer(VisualGraphLayout<V,E> layout, Dimension viewerSize)
    • decoratePrimaryViewer

      protected void decoratePrimaryViewer(GraphViewer<V,E> viewer, VisualGraphLayout<V,E> layout)
      This is called to configure the primary viewer's rendering settings. Subclasses can override this method to change, as needed.
      viewer - the new satellite viewer
      layout - the viewer's layout
    • createSatelliteGraphViewer

      protected SatelliteGraphViewer<V,E> createSatelliteGraphViewer(GraphViewer<V,E> masterViewer, Dimension viewerSize)
    • decorateSatelliteViewer

      protected void decorateSatelliteViewer(SatelliteGraphViewer<V,E> viewer, VisualGraphLayout<V,E> layout)
      This is called to configure the satellite viewer's rendering settings. Subclasses can override this method to change, as needed.
      viewer - the new satellite viewer
      layout - the viewer's layout
    • isReallyBigData

      protected boolean isReallyBigData()
      This method is used to determine caching strategy. For example, large graph will trigger the us of a cached satellite view, for performance reasons.
      true if the data is considered 'really big'
    • setVertexFocusListener

      public void setVertexFocusListener(VertexFocusListener<V> l)
    • setVertexClickListener

      public void setVertexClickListener(VertexClickListener<V,E> l)
    • setGraphOptions

      public void setGraphOptions(VisualGraphOptions options)
    • getGraphOptions

      public VisualGraphOptions getGraphOptions()
    • isUninitialized

      public boolean isUninitialized()
    • setGraphViewStale

      public void setGraphViewStale(boolean isStale)
    • isGraphViewStale

      public boolean isGraphViewStale()
    • setStatusMessage

      public void setStatusMessage(String message)
      Sets a message to be painted on the viewer. This is useful to show a text message to the user. Passing null will clear the message.
      message - the message
    • getComponent

      public JComponent getComponent()
    • optionsChanged

      public void optionsChanged()
    • repaint

      public void repaint()
    • getPrimaryViewer

      public GraphViewer<V,E> getPrimaryViewer()
    • getSatelliteViewer

      public SatelliteGraphViewer<V,E> getSatelliteViewer()
    • getViewUpdater

      protected VisualGraphViewUpdater<V,E> getViewUpdater()
    • getSatelliteBounds

      public Rectangle getSatelliteBounds()
      Returns an empty rectangle if the satellite is not visible
      the bounds
    • getInitialVertex

      protected V getInitialVertex()
    • zoomInCompletely

      protected void zoomInCompletely(V v)
    • setGraphPerspective

      public void setGraphPerspective(GraphPerspectiveInfo<V,E> info)
    • setVertexFocused

      public void setVertexFocused(V vertex)
      Sets the given vertex to be the focused vertex. This will be the only focused vertex.
      vertex - the vertex
    • setVerticesSelected

      public void setVerticesSelected(Collection<V> vertices)
    • twinkleVertex

      public void twinkleVertex(V twinkleVertex)
    • isSatelliteComponent

      public boolean isSatelliteComponent(Component c)
    • getSatelliteContentComponent

      protected JComponent getSatelliteContentComponent()
    • setSatelliteDocked

      public void setSatelliteDocked(boolean docked)
    • setSatelliteVisible

      public void setSatelliteVisible(boolean visible)
    • isSatelliteShowing

      public boolean isSatelliteShowing()
    • isSatelliteDocked

      public boolean isSatelliteDocked()
    • isSatelliteUnDocked

      public boolean isSatelliteUnDocked()
    • setPopupsVisible

      public void setPopupsVisible(boolean visible)
    • getVertexHoverPathHighlightMode

      public PathHighlightMode getVertexHoverPathHighlightMode()
    • setVertexHoverPathHighlightMode

      public void setVertexHoverPathHighlightMode(PathHighlightMode mode)
    • getVertexFocusPathHighlightMode

      public PathHighlightMode getVertexFocusPathHighlightMode()
    • setVertexFocusPathHighlightMode

      public void setVertexFocusPathHighlightMode(PathHighlightMode mode)
    • getRenderContext

      public edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.RenderContext<V,E> getRenderContext()
    • getGraph

      public G getGraph()
    • getPathHighlighter

      public VisualGraphPathHighlighter<V,E> getPathHighlighter()
    • refreshCurrentLayout

      protected void refreshCurrentLayout()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()