Class VisualGraphView<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
G - the graph type

public class VisualGraphView<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> extends Object
A view object, where 'view' is used in the sense of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. This class will contain all UI widgets need to display and interact with a graph.

Implementation Note:

  1. The graph of this component can be null, changing to non-null values over the lifetime of this view. This allows this view to be installed in a UI component, with the contents changing as needed.
  2. When the graph is set, the view portion of the class is recreated.
  3. At any given point in time there may not be a graphComponent. This means that this class must maintain settings state that it will apply when the component is created. This state is atypical and makes this class a bit harder to understand.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • VisualGraphView

      public VisualGraphView()
  • Method Details

    • getViewComponent

      public JComponent getViewComponent()
    • setSouthComponent

      protected void setSouthComponent(JComponent component)
    • removeSatellite

      protected void removeSatellite()
    • optionsChanged

      public void optionsChanged()
      Called when the options used by this graph view have changed
    • setLayoutProvider

      public void setLayoutProvider(LayoutProvider<V,E,G> newLayoutProvider)
      Sets the given layout provider, but does not actually perform a layout.
      newLayoutProvider - the new provider
    • setGraph

      public void setGraph(G graph)
    • setSatelliteListener

      public void setSatelliteListener(GraphSatelliteListener l)
    • setVertexFocusListener

      public void setVertexFocusListener(VertexFocusListener<V> l)
    • setVertexClickListener

      public void setVertexClickListener(VertexClickListener<V,E> l)
      Sets a listener that allows clients to be notified of vertex double-clicks. Normal mouse processing is handled by the VisualGraphMousePlugin class. This is a convenience method so that clients do not have to deal with the mouse plugin.
      l - the listener
    • installGraphViewer

      protected void installGraphViewer()
    • setGraphComponent

      protected void setGraphComponent(GraphComponent<V,E,G> newComponent)
    • setContent

      protected void setContent(Component c)
    • getWithBusyCursor

      protected <T> T getWithBusyCursor(Supplier<T> s)
    • getVisualGraph

      public G getVisualGraph()
    • getPrimaryGraphViewer

      public GraphViewer<V,E> getPrimaryGraphViewer()
      Returns the primary viewer of the graph (as opposed to the satellite viewer). The viewer returned is responsible for maintaining view information for a given graph.
      the primary viewer
    • getSatelliteViewer

      public SatelliteGraphViewer<V,E> getSatelliteViewer()
    • setGraphPerspective

      public void setGraphPerspective(GraphPerspectiveInfo<V,E> newPerspective)
      Sets the perspective for this view
      newPerspective - the new perspective
    • generateGraphPerspective

      public GraphPerspectiveInfo<V,E> generateGraphPerspective()
    • showErrorView

      public void showErrorView(String errorMessage)
    • setStatusMessage

      public void setStatusMessage(String message)
      Sets a message to be painted on the viewer. This is useful to show a text message to the user. Passing null will clear the message.
      message - the status message
    • getGraphComponent

      public GraphComponent<V,E,G> getGraphComponent()
    • isSatelliteVisible

      public boolean isSatelliteVisible()
      Returns whether the satellite intended to be visible. If this component is built, then a result of true means that the satellite is showing. If the component is not yet built, then a result of true means that the satellite will be made visible when the component is built.
      true if visible
    • setSatelliteVisible

      public void setSatelliteVisible(boolean visible)
    • setSatelliteDocked

      public void setSatelliteDocked(boolean docked)
    • setSatellitePosition

      public void setSatellitePosition(GraphComponent.SatellitePosition position)
    • getSatellitePosition

      public GraphComponent.SatellitePosition getSatellitePosition()
    • isSatelliteDocked

      public boolean isSatelliteDocked()
      Returns whether the satellite intended to be docked. If this component is built, then a result of true means that the satellite is docked. If the component is not yet built, then a result of true means that the satellite will be made docked when the component is built.
      true if visible
    • setPopupsVisible

      public void setPopupsVisible(boolean visible)
    • arePopupsEnabled

      public boolean arePopupsEnabled()
    • getUndockedSatelliteComponent

      public JComponent getUndockedSatelliteComponent()
    • isSatelliteComponent

      public boolean isSatelliteComponent(Component c)
    • setVertexHoverPathHighlightMode

      public void setVertexHoverPathHighlightMode(PathHighlightMode mode)
    • setVertexFocusPathHighlightMode

      public void setVertexFocusPathHighlightMode(PathHighlightMode mode)
    • getVertexFocusPathHighlightMode

      public PathHighlightMode getVertexFocusPathHighlightMode()
    • getVertexHoverPathHighlightMode

      public PathHighlightMode getVertexHoverPathHighlightMode()
    • setTooltipProvider

      public void setTooltipProvider(VertexTooltipProvider<V,E> provider)
    • zoomOutGraph

      public void zoomOutGraph()
    • zoomInGraph

      public void zoomInGraph()
    • zoomToVertex

      public void zoomToVertex(V v)
    • zoomToWindow

      public void zoomToWindow()
    • getViewUpdater

      public VisualGraphViewUpdater<V,E> getViewUpdater()
    • getVertexPointInViewSpace

      public Point getVertexPointInViewSpace(V v)
    • translatePointFromVertexToViewSpace

      public Point translatePointFromVertexToViewSpace(V v, Point p)
    • translateRectangleFromVertexToViewSpace

      public Rectangle translateRectangleFromVertexToViewSpace(V v, Rectangle r)
    • translateMouseEventFromVertexToViewSpace

      public MouseEvent translateMouseEventFromVertexToViewSpace(V v, MouseEvent e)
    • isScaledPastInteractionThreshold

      public boolean isScaledPastInteractionThreshold()
    • maybeTwinkleVertex

      protected void maybeTwinkleVertex(V twinkleVertex, boolean doTwinkle)
    • requestFocus

      public void requestFocus()
    • repaint

      public void repaint()
    • getFocusedVertex

      public V getFocusedVertex()
    • getSelectedVertices

      public Set<V> getSelectedVertices()
    • getLayoutProvider

      public LayoutProvider<V,E,G> getLayoutProvider()
    • cleanup

      public void cleanup()
      Effectively clears this display. This method is not called dispose, as that implies the end of an object's lifecycle. This object can be re-used after this method is called.
    • disposeViewer

      protected void disposeViewer()