Class FlatProgramAPI

Direct Known Subclasses:
AppleSingleDoubleBinaryAnalysisCommand, CoffArchiveBinaryAnalysisCommand, CoffBinaryAnalysisCommand, ElfBinaryAnalysisCommand, GhidraScript, MachoBinaryAnalysisCommand, PefBinaryAnalysisCommand, PortableExecutableBinaryAnalysisCommand

public class FlatProgramAPI extends Object
This class is a flattened version of the Program API.



This class is used by GhidraScript.

Changing this class will break user scripts.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FlatProgramAPI

      protected FlatProgramAPI()
      Constructs a new flat program API. It will not be usable until the 'set' method has been called.
    • FlatProgramAPI

      public FlatProgramAPI(Program program)
      Constructs a new flat program API.
      program - the program
    • FlatProgramAPI

      public FlatProgramAPI(Program program, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Constructs a new flat program API.
      program - the program
      monitor - the task monitor
  • Method Details

    • set

      protected void set(Program program, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Sets the current state.
      program - the program
      monitor - the task monitor
    • getCurrentProgram

      public Program getCurrentProgram()
      Gets the current program.
      the program
    • getMonitor

      public TaskMonitor getMonitor()
      Gets the current task monitor.
      the task monitor
    • start

      public final void start()
      Starts a transaction on the current program.
    • end

      public final void end(boolean commit)
      Ends the transactions on the current program.
      commit - true if changes should be committed
    • getProgramFile

      public final File getProgramFile()
      Returns the File that the program was originally imported from. It does not necessarily still exist on the file system.

      For example, c:\temp\test.exe.

      the File that the program was originally imported from
    • disassemble

      public final boolean disassemble(Address address)
      Start disassembling at the specified address. The disassembler will follow code flows.
      address - the address to begin disassembling
      true if the program was successfully disassembled
    • analyze

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public void analyze(Program program)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      the method analyzeAll(ghidra.program.model.listing.Program) or analyzeChanges(ghidra.program.model.listing.Program) should be invoked. These separate methods were created to clarify their true behavior since many times it is only necessary to analyze changes and not the entire program which can take much longer and affect more of the program than is necessary.
      Starts auto-analysis on the specified program and performs complete analysis of the entire program. This is usually only necessary if full analysis was never performed. This method will block until analysis completes.
      program - the program to analyze
    • analyzeAll

      public void analyzeAll(Program program)
      Starts auto-analysis on the specified program and performs complete analysis of the entire program. This is usually only necessary if full analysis was never performed. This method will block until analysis completes.
      program - the program to analyze
    • analyzeChanges

      public void analyzeChanges(Program program)
      Starts auto-analysis if not started and waits for pending analysis to complete. Only pending analysis on program changes is performed, including changes resulting from any analysis activity. This method will block until analysis completes. NOTE: The auto-analysis manager will only detect program changes once it has been instantiated for a program (i.e, AutoAnalysisManager.getAnalysisManager(program) ). This is automatically done for the initial currentProgram, however, if a script is opening/instantiating its own programs it may be necessary to do this prior to making changes to the program.
      program - the program to analyze
    • clearListing

      public final void clearListing(Address address) throws CancelledException
      Clears the code unit (instruction or data) defined at the address.
      address - the address to clear the code unit
      CancelledException - if cancelled
    • clearListing

      public final void clearListing(Address start, Address end) throws CancelledException
      Clears the code units (instructions or data) in the specified range.
      start - the start address
      end - the end address (INCLUSIVE)
      CancelledException - if cancelled
    • clearListing

      public final void clearListing(AddressSetView set) throws CancelledException
      Clears the code units (instructions or data) in the specified set
      set - the set to clear
      CancelledException - if cancelled
    • clearListing

      public final boolean clearListing(AddressSetView set, boolean code, boolean symbols, boolean comments, boolean properties, boolean functions, boolean registers, boolean equates, boolean userReferences, boolean analysisReferences, boolean importReferences, boolean defaultReferences, boolean bookmarks)
      Clears the listing in the specified address set.
      set - the address set where to clear
      code - true if code units should be cleared (instructions and defined data)
      symbols - true if symbols should be cleared
      comments - true if comments should be cleared
      properties - true if properties should be cleared
      functions - true if functions should be cleared
      registers - true if registers should be cleared
      equates - true if equates should be cleared
      userReferences - true if user references should be cleared
      analysisReferences - true if analysis references should be cleared
      importReferences - true if import references should be cleared
      defaultReferences - true if default references should be cleared
      bookmarks - true if bookmarks should be cleared
      true if the address set was successfully cleared
    • clearListing

      public final boolean clearListing(AddressSetView set, boolean instructions, boolean data, boolean symbols, boolean comments, boolean properties, boolean functions, boolean registers, boolean equates, boolean userReferences, boolean analysisReferences, boolean importReferences, boolean defaultReferences, boolean bookmarks)
      Clears the listing in the specified address set.
      set - the address set where to clear
      instructions - true if instructions should be cleared
      data - true if defined data should be cleared
      symbols - true if symbols should be cleared
      comments - true if comments should be cleared
      properties - true if properties should be cleared
      functions - true if functions should be cleared
      registers - true if registers should be cleared
      equates - true if equates should be cleared
      userReferences - true if user references should be cleared
      analysisReferences - true if analysis references should be cleared
      importReferences - true if import references should be cleared
      defaultReferences - true if default references should be cleared
      bookmarks - true if bookmarks should be cleared
      true if the address set was successfully cleared
    • createMemoryBlock

      public final MemoryBlock createMemoryBlock(String name, Address start, InputStream input, long length, boolean overlay) throws Exception
      Create a new memory block. If the input stream is null, then an uninitialized block will be created.
      name - the name of the block
      start - start address of the block
      input - source of the data used to fill the block.
      length - the size of the block
      overlay - true will create an overlay, false will not
      the newly created memory block
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createMemoryBlock

      public final MemoryBlock createMemoryBlock(String name, Address start, byte[] bytes, boolean overlay) throws Exception
      Create a new memory block.
      name - the name of the block
      start - start address of the block
      bytes - the bytes of the memory block
      overlay - true will create an overlay, false will not
      the newly created memory block
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • getMemoryBlock

      public final MemoryBlock getMemoryBlock(String name)
      Returns the first memory block with the specified name. NOTE: if more than block exists with the same name, the first block with that name will be returned.
      name - the name of the requested block
      the memory block with the specified name
    • getMemoryBlock

      public final MemoryBlock getMemoryBlock(Address address)
      Returns the memory block containing the specified address, or null if no memory block contains the address.
      address - the address
      the memory block containing the specified address
    • getMemoryBlocks

      public final MemoryBlock[] getMemoryBlocks()
      Returns an array containing all the memory blocks in the current program.
      an array containing all the memory blocks
    • removeMemoryBlock

      public final void removeMemoryBlock(MemoryBlock block) throws Exception
      Remove the memory block. NOTE: ALL ANNOTATION (disassembly, comments, etc) defined in this memory block will also be removed!
      block - the block to be removed
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createLabel

      public final Symbol createLabel(Address address, String name, boolean makePrimary) throws Exception
      Creates a label at the specified address in the global namespace. If makePrimary==true, then the new label is made primary.
      address - the address to create the symbol
      name - the name of the symbol
      makePrimary - true if the symbol should be made primary
      the newly created code or function symbol
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createSymbol

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final Symbol createSymbol(Address address, String name, boolean makePrimary) throws Exception
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      use createLabel(Address, String, boolean) instead. Deprecated in Ghidra 7.4
    • createLabel

      public final Symbol createLabel(Address address, String name, boolean makePrimary, SourceType sourceType) throws Exception
      Creates a label at the specified address in the global namespace. If makePrimary==true, then the new label is made primary. If makeUnique==true, then if the name is a duplicate, the address will be concatenated to name to make it unique.
      address - the address to create the symbol
      name - the name of the symbol
      makePrimary - true if the symbol should be made primary
      sourceType - the source type.
      the newly created code or function symbol
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createLabel

      public final Symbol createLabel(Address address, String name, Namespace namespace, boolean makePrimary, SourceType sourceType) throws Exception
      Creates a label at the specified address in the specified namespace. If makePrimary==true, then the new label is made primary if permitted. If makeUnique==true, then if the name is a duplicate, the address will be concatenated to name to make it unique.
      address - the address to create the symbol
      name - the name of the symbol
      namespace - label's parent namespace
      makePrimary - true if the symbol should be made primary
      sourceType - the source type.
      the newly created code or function symbol
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createSymbol

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final Symbol createSymbol(Address address, String name, boolean makePrimary, boolean makeUnique, SourceType sourceType) throws Exception
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      use createLabel(Address, String, boolean, SourceType) instead. Deprecated in Ghidra 7.4
    • addEntryPoint

      public final void addEntryPoint(Address address)
      Adds an entry point at the specified address.
      address - address to create entry point
    • removeEntryPoint

      public final void removeEntryPoint(Address address)
      Removes the entry point at the specified address.
      address - address of entry point to remove
    • removeSymbol

      public final boolean removeSymbol(Address address, String name)
      Deletes the symbol with the specified name at the specified address.
      address - the address of the symbol to delete
      name - the name of the symbol to delete
      true if the symbol was deleted
    • setPlateComment

      public final boolean setPlateComment(Address address, String comment)
      Sets a PLATE comment at the specified address
      address - the address to set the PLATE comment
      comment - the PLATE comment
      true if the PLATE comment was successfully set
    • setPreComment

      public final boolean setPreComment(Address address, String comment)
      Sets a PRE comment at the specified address
      address - the address to set the PRE comment
      comment - the PRE comment
      true if the PRE comment was successfully set
    • setPostComment

      public final boolean setPostComment(Address address, String comment)
      Sets a POST comment at the specified address
      address - the address to set the POST comment
      comment - the POST comment
      true if the POST comment was successfully set
    • setEOLComment

      public final boolean setEOLComment(Address address, String comment)
      Sets an EOL comment at the specified address
      address - the address to set the EOL comment
      comment - the EOL comment
      true if the EOL comment was successfully set
    • setRepeatableComment

      public final boolean setRepeatableComment(Address address, String comment)
      Sets a repeatable comment at the specified address
      address - the address to set the repeatable comment
      comment - the repeatable comment
      true if the repeatable comment was successfully set
    • getPlateComment

      public final String getPlateComment(Address address)
      Returns the PLATE comment at the specified address. The comment returned is the raw text of the comment. Contrastingly, calling GhidraScript.getPlateCommentAsRendered(Address) will return the text of the comment as it is rendered in the display.
      address - the address to get the comment
      the PLATE comment at the specified address or null if one does not exist
      See Also:
    • getPreComment

      public final String getPreComment(Address address)
      Returns the PRE comment at the specified address. The comment returned is the raw text of the comment. Contrastingly, calling GhidraScript.getPreCommentAsRendered(Address) will return the text of the comment as it is rendered in the display.
      address - the address to get the comment
      the PRE comment at the specified address or null if one does not exist
      See Also:
    • getPostComment

      public final String getPostComment(Address address)
      Returns the POST comment at the specified address. The comment returned is the raw text of the comment. Contrastingly, calling GhidraScript.getPostCommentAsRendered(Address) will return the text of the comment as it is rendered in the display.
      address - the address to get the comment
      the POST comment at the specified address or null if one does not exist
      See Also:
    • getEOLComment

      public final String getEOLComment(Address address)
      Returns the EOL comment at the specified address. The comment returned is the raw text of the comment. Contrastingly, calling GhidraScript.getEOLCommentAsRendered(Address) will return the text of the comment as it is rendered in the display.
      address - the address to get the comment
      the EOL comment at the specified address or null if one does not exist
      See Also:
    • getRepeatableComment

      public final String getRepeatableComment(Address address)
      Returns the repeatable comment at the specified address. The comment returned is the raw text of the comment. Contrastingly, calling GhidraScript.getRepeatableCommentAsRendered(Address) will return the text of the comment as it is rendered in the display.
      address - the address to get the comment
      the repeatable comment at the specified address or null if one does not exist
      See Also:
    • find

      public final Address find(Address start, byte value)
      Finds the first occurrence of the byte starting from the address. If the start address is null, then the find will start from the minimum address of the program.
      start - the address to start searching
      value - the byte to search for
      the first address where the byte was found
    • find

      public final Address find(Address start, byte[] values)
      Finds the first occurrence of the byte array sequence starting from the address. If the start address is null, then the find will start from the minimum address of the program.
      start - the address to start searching
      values - the byte array sequence to search for
      the first address where the byte was found, or null if the bytes were not found
    • findBytes

      public final Address findBytes(Address start, String byteString)
      Finds the first occurrence of the byte array sequence that matches the given byte string, starting from the address. If the start address is null, then the find will start from the minimum address of the program.

      The byteString may contain regular expressions. The following highlights some example search strings (note the use of double backslashes ("\\")):

                   "\\x80" - A basic search pattern for a byte value of 0x80
       "\\x50.{0,10}\\x55" - A regular expression string that searches for the byte 0x50
                             followed by 0-10 occurrences of any byte value, followed
                             by the byte 0x55
      start - the address to start searching. If null, then the start of the program will be used.
      byteString - the byte pattern for which to search
      the first address where the byte was found, or null if the bytes were not found
      IllegalArgumentException - if the byteString is not a valid regular expression
      See Also:
    • findBytes

      public final Address[] findBytes(Address start, String byteString, int matchLimit)
      Finds the first <matchLimit> occurrences of the byte array sequence that matches the given byte string, starting from the address. If the start address is null, then the find will start from the minimum address of the program.

      The byteString may contain regular expressions. The following highlights some example search strings (note the use of double backslashes ("\\")):

                   "\\x80" - A basic search pattern for a byte value of 0x80
       "\\x50.{0,10}\\x55" - A regular expression string that searches for the byte 0x50
                             followed by 0-10 occurrences of any byte value, followed
                             by the byte 0x55
      start - the address to start searching. If null, then the start of the program will be used.
      byteString - the byte pattern for which to search
      matchLimit - The number of matches to which the search should be restricted
      the start addresses that contain byte patterns that match the given byteString
      IllegalArgumentException - if the byteString is not a valid regular expression
      See Also:
    • findBytes

      public final Address[] findBytes(Address start, String byteString, int matchLimit, int alignment)
      Finds the first <matchLimit> occurrences of the byte array sequence that matches the given byte string, starting from the address. If the start address is null, then the find will start from the minimum address of the program.

      The byteString may contain regular expressions. The following highlights some example search strings (note the use of double backslashes ("\\")):

                   "\\x80" - A basic search pattern for a byte value of 0x80
       "\\x50.{0,10}\\x55" - A regular expression string that searches for the byte 0x50
                             followed by 0-10 occurrences of any byte value, followed
                             by the byte 0x55
      start - the address to start searching. If null, then the start of the program will be used.
      byteString - the byte pattern for which to search
      matchLimit - The number of matches to which the search should be restricted
      alignment - byte alignment to use for search starts. For example, a value of 1 searches from every byte. A value of 2 only matches runs that begin on a even address boundary.
      the start addresses that contain byte patterns that match the given byteString
      IllegalArgumentException - if the byteString is not a valid regular expression
      See Also:
    • findBytes

      public final Address[] findBytes(AddressSetView set, String byteString, int matchLimit, int alignment)
      Finds a byte pattern within an addressSet. Note: The ranges within the addressSet are NOT treated as a contiguous set when searching

      The byteString may contain regular expressions. The following highlights some example search strings (note the use of double backslashes ("\\")):

                   "\\x80" - A basic search pattern for a byte value of 0x80
       "\\x50.{0,10}\\x55" - A regular expression string that searches for the byte 0x50
                             followed by 0-10 occurrences of any byte value, followed
                             by the byte 0x55
      set - the addressSet specifying which addresses to search.
      byteString - the byte pattern for which to search
      matchLimit - The number of matches to which the search should be restricted
      alignment - byte alignment to use for search starts. For example, a value of 1 searches from every byte. A value of 2 only matches runs that begin on a even address boundary.
      the start addresses that contain byte patterns that match the given byteString
      IllegalArgumentException - if the byteString is not a valid regular expression
      See Also:
    • findBytes

      @Deprecated(since="11.3", forRemoval=true) public final Address[] findBytes(AddressSetView set, String byteString, int matchLimit, int alignment, boolean searchAcrossAddressGaps)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      see description for details.
      This method has been deprecated, use findBytes(Address, String, int, int) instead. The concept of searching and finding matches that span gaps (address ranges where no memory blocks have been defined), is no longer supported. If this capability has value to anyone, please contact the Ghidra team and let us know.

      Finds a byte pattern within an addressSet. Note: The ranges within the addressSet are NOT treated as a contiguous set when searching

      The byteString may contain regular expressions. The following highlights some example search strings (note the use of double backslashes ("\\")):

                   "\\x80" - A basic search pattern for a byte value of 0x80
       "\\x50.{0,10}\\x55" - A regular expression string that searches for the byte 0x50
                             followed by 0-10 occurrences of any byte value, followed
                             by the byte 0x55
      set - the addressSet specifying which addresses to search.
      byteString - the byte pattern for which to search
      matchLimit - The number of matches to which the search should be restricted
      alignment - byte alignment to use for search starts. For example, a value of 1 searches from every byte. A value of 2 only matches runs that begin on a even address boundary.
      searchAcrossAddressGaps - This parameter is no longer supported and its value is ignored. Previously, if true, match results were allowed to span non-continguous memory ranges.
      the start addresses that contain byte patterns that match the given byteString
      IllegalArgumentException - if the byteString is not a valid regular expression
      See Also:
    • find

      public final Address find(String text)
      Finds the first occurrence of 'text' in the program listing. The search order is defined as:
      1. PLATE comments
      2. PRE comments
      3. labels
      4. code unit mnemonics and operands
      5. EOL comments
      6. repeatable comments
      7. POST comments
      text - the text to search for
      the first address where the 'text' was found, or null if the text was not found
    • findStrings

      public List<FoundString> findStrings(AddressSetView addressSet, int minimumStringLength, int alignment, boolean requireNullTermination, boolean includeAllCharWidths)
      Search for sequences of Ascii strings in program memory. See AsciiCharSetRecognizer to see exactly what chars are considered ASCII for purposes of this search.
      addressSet - The address set to search. Use null to search all memory;
      minimumStringLength - The smallest number of chars in a sequence to be considered a "string".
      alignment - specifies any alignment requirements for the start of the string. An alignment of 1, means the string can start at any address. An alignment of 2 means the string must start on an even address and so on. Only allowed values are 1,2, and 4.
      requireNullTermination - If true, only strings that end in a null will be returned.
      includeAllCharWidths - if true, UTF16 and UTF32 size strings will be included in addition to UTF8.
      a list of "FoundString" objects which contain the addresses, length, and type of possible strings.
    • findPascalStrings

      public List<FoundString> findPascalStrings(AddressSetView addressSet, int minimumStringLength, int alignment, boolean includePascalUnicode)
      Search for sequences of Pascal Ascii strings in program memory. See AsciiCharSetRecognizer to see exactly what chars are considered ASCII for purposes of this search.
      addressSet - The address set to search. Use null to search all memory;
      minimumStringLength - The smallest number of chars in a sequence to be considered a "string".
      alignment - specifies any alignment requirements for the start of the string. An alignment of 1, means the string can start at any address. An alignment of 2 means the string must start on an even address and so on. Only allowed values are 1,2, and 4.
      includePascalUnicode - if true, UTF16 size strings will be included in addition to UTF8.
      a list of "FoundString" objects which contain the addresses, length, and type of possible strings.
    • createFunction

      public final Function createFunction(Address entryPoint, String name)
      Creates a function at entry point with the specified name
      entryPoint - the entry point of the function
      name - the name of the function or null for a default function
      the new function or null if the function was not created
    • removeFunction

      public final void removeFunction(Function function)
      Removes the function from the current program.
      function - the function to remove
    • removeFunctionAt

      public final void removeFunctionAt(Address entryPoint)
      Removes the function with the given entry point.
      entryPoint - the entry point of the function to remove
    • getFunctionAt

      public final Function getFunctionAt(Address entryPoint)
      Returns the function with the specified entry point, or null if no function exists.
      entryPoint - the function entry point address
      the function with the specified entry point, or null if no function exists
    • getFunctionContaining

      public final Function getFunctionContaining(Address address)
      Returns the function containing the specified address.
      address - the address
      the function containing the specified address
    • getFunctionBefore

      public final Function getFunctionBefore(Function function)
      Returns the function defined before the specified function in address order.
      function - the function
      the function defined before the specified function
    • getFunctionBefore

      public final Function getFunctionBefore(Address address)
      Returns the function defined before the specified address.
      address - the address
      the function defined before the specified address
    • getFunctionAfter

      public final Function getFunctionAfter(Function function)
      Returns the function defined after the specified function in address order.
      function - the function
      the function defined after the specified function
    • getFunctionAfter

      public final Function getFunctionAfter(Address address)
      Returns the function defined after the specified address.
      address - the address
      the function defined after the specified address
    • getFunction

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final Function getFunction(String name)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      this method makes no sense in the new world order where function names no longer have to be unique. Use getGlobalFunctions(String) Deprecated in Ghidra 7.4
      Returns the function with the specified name, or null if no function exists. (Now returns the first one it finds with that name)
      name - the name of the function
      the function with the specified name, or null if no function exists
    • getGlobalFunctions

      public final List<Function> getGlobalFunctions(String name)
      Returns a list of all functions in the global namespace with the given name.
      name - the name of the function
      the function with the specified name, or
    • getFirstFunction

      public final Function getFirstFunction()
      Returns the first function in the current program.
      the first function in the current program
    • getLastFunction

      public final Function getLastFunction()
      Returns the last function in the current program.
      the last function in the current program
    • getFirstInstruction

      public final Instruction getFirstInstruction()
      Returns the first instruction in the current program.
      the first instruction in the current program
    • getFirstInstruction

      public final Instruction getFirstInstruction(Function function)
      Returns the first instruction in the function.
      function - the function
      the first instruction in the function
    • getLastInstruction

      public final Instruction getLastInstruction()
      Returns the last instruction in the current program.
      the last instruction in the current program
    • getInstructionAt

      public final Instruction getInstructionAt(Address address)
      Returns the instruction at the specified address or null if no instruction exists.
      address - the instruction address
      the instruction at the specified address or null if no instruction exists
    • getInstructionContaining

      public final Instruction getInstructionContaining(Address address)
      Returns the instruction containing the specified address or null if no instruction exists.
      address - the instruction address
      the instruction containing the specified address or null if no instruction exists
    • getInstructionBefore

      public final Instruction getInstructionBefore(Instruction instruction)
      Returns the instruction defined before the specified instruction or null if no instruction exists. The instruction that is returned does not have to be contiguous.
      instruction - the instruction
      the instruction defined before the specified instruction or null if no instruction exists
    • getInstructionBefore

      public final Instruction getInstructionBefore(Address address)
      Returns the instruction defined before the specified address or null if no instruction exists. The instruction that is returned does not have to be contiguous.
      address - the address of the instruction
      the instruction defined before the specified address or null if no instruction exists
    • getInstructionAfter

      public final Instruction getInstructionAfter(Instruction instruction)
      Returns the instruction defined after the specified instruction or null if no instruction exists. The instruction that is returned does not have to be contiguous.
      instruction - the instruction
      the instruction defined after the specified instruction or null if no instruction exists
    • getInstructionAfter

      public final Instruction getInstructionAfter(Address address)
      Returns the instruction defined after the specified address or null if no instruction exists. The instruction that is returned does not have to be contiguous.
      address - the address of the prior instruction
      the instruction defined after the specified address or null if no instruction exists
    • getFirstData

      public final Data getFirstData()
      Returns the first defined data in the current program.
      the first defined data in the current program
    • getLastData

      public final Data getLastData()
      Returns the last defined data in the current program.
      the last defined data in the current program
    • getDataAt

      public final Data getDataAt(Address address)
      Returns the defined data at the specified address or null if no data exists.
      address - the data address
      the data at the specified address or null if no data exists
    • getDataContaining

      public final Data getDataContaining(Address address)
      Returns the defined data containing the specified address or null if no data exists.
      address - the data address
      the defined data containing the specified address or null if no data exists
    • getDataBefore

      public final Data getDataBefore(Data data)
      Returns the defined data before the specified data or null if no data exists.
      data - the succeeding data
      the defined data before the specified data or null if no data exists
    • getDataBefore

      public final Data getDataBefore(Address address)
      Returns the defined data before the specified address or null if no data exists.
      address - the data address
      the defined data before the specified address or null if no data exists
    • getDataAfter

      public final Data getDataAfter(Data data)
      Returns the defined data after the specified data or null if no data exists.
      data - preceding data
      the defined data after the specified data or null if no data exists
    • getDataAfter

      public final Data getDataAfter(Address address)
      Returns the defined data after the specified address or null if no data exists.
      address - the data address
      the defined data after the specified address or null if no data exists
    • getUndefinedDataAt

      public final Data getUndefinedDataAt(Address address)
      Returns the undefined data at the specified address or null if no undefined data exists.
      address - the undefined data address
      the undefined data at the specified address or null if no undefined data exists
    • getUndefinedDataBefore

      public final Data getUndefinedDataBefore(Address address)
      Returns the undefined data before the specified address or null if no undefined data exists.
      address - the undefined data address
      the undefined data before the specified address or null if no undefined data exists
    • getUndefinedDataAfter

      public final Data getUndefinedDataAfter(Address address)
      Returns the undefined data after the specified address or null if no undefined data exists.
      address - the undefined data address
      the undefined data after the specified address or null if no undefined data exists
    • getSymbolAt

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final Symbol getSymbolAt(Address address, String name)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Since the same label name can be at the same address if in a different namespace, this method is ambiguous. Use getSymbolAt(Address, String, Namespace) instead.
      Returns the symbol with the specified address and name, or null if no symbol exists.
      address - the symbol address
      name - the symbol name
      the symbol with the specified address and name, or null if no symbol exists
    • getSymbolAt

      public final Symbol getSymbolAt(Address address, String name, Namespace namespace)
      Returns the symbol with the specified address, name, and namespace
      address - the symbol address
      name - the symbol name
      namespace - the parent namespace for the symbol.
      the symbol with the specified address, name, and namespace, or null if no symbol exists
    • getSymbolAfter

      public final Symbol getSymbolAfter(Symbol symbol)
      Returns the next non-default primary symbol defined after the given symbol.
      symbol - the symbol to use as a starting point
      the next non-default primary symbol
    • getSymbolAfter

      public final Symbol getSymbolAfter(Address address)
      Returns the next non-default primary symbol defined after the given address.
      address - the address to use as a starting point
      the next non-default primary symbol
    • getSymbolBefore

      public final Symbol getSymbolBefore(Symbol symbol)
      Returns the previous non-default primary symbol defined before the given symbol.
      symbol - the symbol to use as a starting point
      the previous non-default primary symbol
    • getSymbolBefore

      public final Symbol getSymbolBefore(Address address)
      Returns the previous non-default primary symbol defined after the previous address.
      address - the address to use as a starting point
      the next non-default primary symbol
    • getSymbolAt

      public final Symbol getSymbolAt(Address address)
      Returns the PRIMARY symbol at the specified address, or null if no symbol exists.
      address - the symbol address
      the PRIMARY symbol at the specified address, or null if no symbol exists
    • getSymbol

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final Symbol getSymbol(String name, Namespace namespace)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Returns the symbol with the given name in the given namespace if there is only one. Pass null for namespace to indicate the global namespace.
      name - the name of the symbol
      namespace - the parent namespace, or null for global namespace
      the symbol with the given name in the given namespace
      IllegalStateException - if there is more than one symbol with that name.
    • getSymbols

      public final List<Symbol> getSymbols(String name, Namespace namespace)
      Returns a list of all the symbols with the given name in the given namespace.
      name - the name of the symbols to retrieve.
      namespace - the namespace containing the symbols, or null for the global namespace.
      a list of all the symbols with the given name in the given namespace.
    • getNamespace

      public final Namespace getNamespace(Namespace parent, String namespaceName)
      Returns the non-function namespace with the given name contained inside the specified parent namespace. Pass null for parent to indicate the global namespace.
      parent - the parent namespace, or null for global namespace
      namespaceName - the requested namespace's name
      the namespace with the given name or null if not found
    • createNamespace

      public final Namespace createNamespace(Namespace parent, String namespaceName) throws DuplicateNameException, InvalidInputException
      Creates a new Namespace with the given name contained inside the specified parent namespace. Pass null for parent to indicate the global namespace. If a Namespace or GhidraClass with the given name already exists, the existing one will be returned.
      parent - the parent namespace, or null for global namespace
      namespaceName - the requested namespace's name
      the namespace with the given name
      DuplicateNameException - if a Library symbol exists with the given name
      InvalidInputException - if the name is invalid
      IllegalArgumentException - if parent Namespace does not correspond to currerntProgram
    • createClass

      public final GhidraClass createClass(Namespace parent, String className) throws DuplicateNameException, InvalidInputException
      Creates a new GhidraClass with the given name contained inside the specified parent namespace. Pass null for parent to indicate the global namespace. If a GhidraClass with the given name already exists, the existing one will be returned.
      parent - the parent namespace, or null for global namespace
      className - the requested classes name
      the GhidraClass with the given name
      InvalidInputException - if the name is invalid
      DuplicateNameException - thrown if a Library or Namespace symbol already exists with the given name. Use SymbolTable.convertNamespaceToClass(Namespace) for converting an existing Namespace to a GhidraClass.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given parent namespace is not from the currentProgram.
      ConcurrentModificationException - if the given parent has been deleted
      IllegalArgumentException - if parent Namespace does not correspond to currerntProgram
      See Also:
    • createFragment

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final ProgramFragment createFragment(String fragmentName, Address start, Address end) throws DuplicateNameException, NotFoundException
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This method is deprecated because it did not allow you to include the largest possible address. Instead use the one that takes a start address and a length.
      Creates a fragment in the root folder of the default program tree.
      fragmentName - the name of the fragment
      start - the start address
      end - the end address (NOT INCLUSIVE)
      the newly created fragment
      DuplicateNameException - if the given fragment name already exists
      NotFoundException - if any address in the fragment would be outside of the program
    • createFragment

      public final ProgramFragment createFragment(String fragmentName, Address start, long length) throws DuplicateNameException, NotFoundException
      Creates a fragment in the root folder of the default program tree.
      fragmentName - the name of the fragment
      start - the start address
      length - the length of the fragment
      the newly created fragment
      DuplicateNameException - if the given fragment name already exists
      NotFoundException - if any address in the fragment would be outside of the program
    • createFragment

      @Deprecated(since="7.4", forRemoval=true) public final ProgramFragment createFragment(ProgramModule module, String fragmentName, Address start, Address end) throws DuplicateNameException, NotFoundException
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This method is deprecated because it did not allow you to include the largest possible address. Instead use the one that takes a start address and a length.
      Creates a fragment in the given folder of the default program tree.
      module - the parent module (or folder)
      fragmentName - the name of the fragment
      start - the start address
      end - the end address (NOT INCLUSIVE)
      the newly created fragment
      DuplicateNameException - if the given fragment name already exists
      NotFoundException - if any address in the fragment would be outside of the program
    • createFragment

      public final ProgramFragment createFragment(ProgramModule module, String fragmentName, Address start, long length) throws DuplicateNameException, NotFoundException
      Creates a fragment in the given folder of the default program tree.
      module - the parent module (or folder)
      fragmentName - the name of the fragment
      start - the start address
      length - the length of the fragment
      the newly created fragment
      DuplicateNameException - if the given fragment name already exists
      NotFoundException - if any address in the fragment would be outside of the program
    • getFragment

      public final ProgramFragment getFragment(ProgramModule module, String fragmentName)
      Returns the fragment with the specified name defined in the given module.
      module - the parent module
      fragmentName - the fragment name
      the fragment or null if one does not exist
    • createAddressSet

      public final AddressSet createAddressSet()
      Creates a new mutable address set.
      a new mutable address set
    • getAddressFactory

      public final AddressFactory getAddressFactory()
    • getDataTypes

      public final DataType[] getDataTypes(String name)
      Searches through the datatype manager of the current program and returns an array of datatypes that match the specified name. The datatype manager supports datatypes of the same name in different categories. A zero-length array indicates that no datatypes with the specified name exist.
      name - the name of the desired datatype
      an array of datatypes that match the specified name
    • createData

      public final Data createData(Address address, DataType datatype) throws CodeUnitInsertionException
      Creates a new defined Data object at the given address.
      address - the address at which to create a new Data object.
      datatype - the Data Type that describes the type of Data object to create.
      the newly created Data object
      CodeUnitInsertionException - if a conflicting code unit already exists
    • createByte

      public final Data createByte(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a byte datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the byte
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createWord

      public final Data createWord(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a word datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the word
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createDWord

      public final Data createDWord(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a dword datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the dword
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createDwords

      public final void createDwords(Address start, int count) throws Exception
      Creates a list of dword datatypes starting at the given address.
      start - the start address to create the dwords
      count - the number of dwords to create
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createQWord

      public final Data createQWord(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a qword datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the qword
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createFloat

      public final Data createFloat(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a float datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the float
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createDouble

      public final Data createDouble(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a double datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the double
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createChar

      public final Data createChar(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a char datatype at the given address.
      address - the address to create the char
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createAsciiString

      public final Data createAsciiString(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a null terminated ascii string starting at the specified address.
      address - the address to create the string
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • createAsciiString

      public final Data createAsciiString(Address address, int length) throws CodeUnitInsertionException
      Create an ASCII string at the specified address.
      address - the address
      length - length of string (a value of 0 or negative will force use of dynamic null terminated string)
      string data created
      CodeUnitInsertionException - if there is a data conflict
    • createUnicodeString

      public final Data createUnicodeString(Address address) throws Exception
      Creates a null terminated unicode string starting at the specified address.
      address - the address to create the string
      the newly created Data object
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • removeData

      public final void removeData(Data data) throws Exception
      Removes the given data from the current program.
      data - the data to remove
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • removeDataAt

      public final void removeDataAt(Address address) throws Exception
      Removes the data containing the given address from the current program.
      address - the address to remove data
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • removeInstruction

      public final void removeInstruction(Instruction instruction) throws Exception
      Removes the given instruction from the current program.
      instruction - the instruction to remove
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • removeInstructionAt

      public final void removeInstructionAt(Address address) throws Exception
      Removes the instruction containing the given address from the current program.
      address - the address to remove instruction
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • addInstructionXref

      public final Reference addInstructionXref(Address from, Address to, int opIndex, FlowType type)
      Adds a cross reference (XREF).
      from - the source address of the reference
      to - the destination address of the reference
      opIndex - the operand index (-1 indicates the mnemonic)
      type - the flow type
      the newly created reference
      See Also:
    • toAddr

      public final Address toAddr(int offset)
      Returns a new address with the specified offset in the default address space.
      offset - the offset for the new address
      a new address with the specified offset in the default address space
    • toAddr

      public final Address toAddr(long offset)
      Returns a new address with the specified offset in the default address space.
      offset - the offset for the new address
      a new address with the specified offset in the default address space
    • toAddr

      public final Address toAddr(String addressString)
      Returns a new address inside the specified program as indicated by the string.
      addressString - string representation of the address desired
      the address. Otherwise, return null if the string fails to evaluate to a legitimate address
    • getByte

      public final byte getByte(Address address) throws MemoryAccessException
      Returns the signed 'byte' value at the specified address in memory.
      address - the address
      the signed 'byte' value at the specified address in memory
      MemoryAccessException - if the memory is not readable
    • getBytes

      public final byte[] getBytes(Address address, int length) throws MemoryAccessException
      Reads length number of signed bytes starting at the specified address. Note: this could be inefficient if length is large
      address - the address to start reading
      length - the number of bytes to read
      an array of signed bytes
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
      See Also:
    • setByte

      public final void setByte(Address address, byte value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'byte' value at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the 'byte'
      value - the value to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • setBytes

      public final void setBytes(Address address, byte[] values) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'byte' values starting at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the bytes
      values - the values to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • getShort

      public final short getShort(Address address) throws MemoryAccessException
      Returns the 'short' value at the specified address in memory.
      address - the address
      the 'short' value at the specified address in memory
      MemoryAccessException - if the memory is not readable
    • setShort

      public final void setShort(Address address, short value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'short' value at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the 'short'
      value - the value to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • getInt

      public final int getInt(Address address) throws MemoryAccessException
      Returns the 'integer' value at the specified address in memory.
      address - the address
      the 'integer' value at the specified address in memory
      MemoryAccessException - if the memory is not readable
    • setInt

      public final void setInt(Address address, int value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'integer' value at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the 'integer'
      value - the value to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • getLong

      public final long getLong(Address address) throws MemoryAccessException
      Returns the 'long' value at the specified address in memory.
      address - the address
      the 'long' value at the specified address in memory
      MemoryAccessException - if the memory is not readable
    • setLong

      public final void setLong(Address address, long value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'long' value at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the 'long'
      value - the value to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • getFloat

      public final float getFloat(Address address) throws MemoryAccessException
      Returns the 'float' value at the specified address in memory.
      address - the address
      the 'float' value at the specified address in memory
      MemoryAccessException - if the memory is not readable
    • setFloat

      public final void setFloat(Address address, float value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'float' value at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the 'float'
      value - the value to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • getDouble

      public final double getDouble(Address address) throws MemoryAccessException
      Returns the 'double' value at the specified address in memory.
      address - the address
      the 'double' value at the specified address in memory
      MemoryAccessException - if the memory is not readable
    • setDouble

      public final void setDouble(Address address, double value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Sets the 'double' value at the specified address.
      address - the address to set the 'double'
      value - the value to set
      MemoryAccessException - if memory does not exist or is uninitialized
    • getReferencesFrom

      public final Reference[] getReferencesFrom(Address address)
      Returns an array of the references FROM the given address.
      address - the from address of the references
      an array of the references FROM the given address
    • getReferencesTo

      public final Reference[] getReferencesTo(Address address)
      Returns an array of the references TO the given address. Note: If more than 4096 references exists to this address, only the first 4096 will be returned. If you need to access all the references, please refer to the method ReferenceManager::getReferencesTo(Address).
      address - the from address of the references
      an array of the references TO the given address
    • getReference

      public final Reference getReference(Instruction instruction, Address toAddress)
      Returns the reference from the instruction to the given address.
      instruction - the instruction
      toAddress - the destination address
      the reference from the instruction to the given address
    • getReference

      public final Reference getReference(Data data, Address toAddress)
      Returns the reference from the data to the given address.
      data - the data
      toAddress - the destination address
      the reference from the data to the given address
    • createMemoryReference

      public final Reference createMemoryReference(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, Address toAddress, RefType flowType)
      Creates a memory reference from the given instruction.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index on the instruction
      toAddress - the TO address
      flowType - the flow type of the reference
      the newly created memory reference
    • createMemoryReference

      public final Reference createMemoryReference(Data data, Address toAddress, RefType dataRefType)
      Creates a memory reference from the given data.
      data - the data
      toAddress - the TO address
      dataRefType - the type of the reference
      the newly created memory reference
    • createExternalReference

      public final Reference createExternalReference(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, String libraryName, String externalLabel, Address externalAddr) throws Exception
      Creates an external reference from the given instruction. For instructions with flow, the FlowType will be assumed, otherwise RefType.DATA will be assumed. To specify the appropriate RefType use the alternate form of this method.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index on the instruction
      libraryName - the name of the library being referred
      externalLabel - the name of function in the library being referred
      externalAddr - the address of the function in the library being referred
      the newly created external reference
      Exception - if an exception occurs
    • createExternalReference

      public final Reference createExternalReference(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, String libraryName, String externalLabel, Address externalAddr, RefType refType) throws Exception
      Creates an external reference from the given instruction.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index on the instruction
      libraryName - the name of the library being referred
      externalLabel - the name of function in the library being referred
      externalAddr - the address of the function in the library being referred
      refType - the appropriate external reference type (e.g., DATA, COMPUTED_CALL, etc.)
      the newly created external reference
      Exception - if an exception occurs
    • createExternalReference

      public final Reference createExternalReference(Data data, String libraryName, String externalLabel, Address externalAddr) throws Exception
      Creates an external reference from the given data. The reference type RefType.DATA will be used.
      data - the data
      libraryName - the name of the library being referred
      externalLabel - the name of function in the library being referred
      externalAddr - the address of the function in the library being referred
      the newly created external reference
      Exception - if an exception occurs
    • createStackReference

      public final Reference createStackReference(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, int stackOffset, boolean isWrite)
      Create a stack reference from the given instruction
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index on the instruction
      stackOffset - the stack offset of the reference
      isWrite - true if the reference is WRITE access or false if the reference is READ access
      the newly created stack reference
    • removeReference

      public final void removeReference(Reference reference)
      Removes the given reference.
      reference - the reference to remove
    • setReferencePrimary

      public final void setReferencePrimary(Reference reference)
      Sets the given reference as primary.
      reference - the reference to mark as primary
    • setReferencePrimary

      public final void setReferencePrimary(Reference reference, boolean primary)
      Sets the given reference as primary.
      reference - the reference
      primary - true if primary, false not primary
    • createEquate

      public final Equate createEquate(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, String equateName) throws Exception
      Creates a new equate on the scalar value at the operand index of the instruction.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index on the instruction
      equateName - the name of the equate
      the newly created equate
      Exception - if a scalar does not exist of the specified operand index of the instruction
    • createEquate

      public final Equate createEquate(Data data, String equateName) throws Exception
      Creates a new equate on the scalar value at the value of the data.
      data - the data
      equateName - the name of the equate
      the newly created equate
      InvalidInputException - if a scalar does not exist on the data
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • getEquate

      public final Equate getEquate(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, long value)
      Returns the equate defined at the operand index of the instruction with the given value.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index
      value - scalar equate value
      the equate defined at the operand index of the instruction
    • getEquates

      public final List<Equate> getEquates(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex)
      Returns the equates defined at the operand index of the instruction.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index
      the equate defined at the operand index of the instruction
    • getEquate

      public final Equate getEquate(Data data)
      Returns the equate defined on the data.
      data - the data
      the equate defined on the data
    • removeEquate

      public final void removeEquate(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex, long value)
      Removes the equate defined at the operand index of the instruction with the given value.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index
      value - scalar value corresponding to equate
    • removeEquates

      public final void removeEquates(Instruction instruction, int operandIndex)
      Removes the equates defined at the operand index of the instruction.
      instruction - the instruction
      operandIndex - the operand index
    • removeEquate

      public final void removeEquate(Data data)
      Removes the equate defined on the data.
      data - the data
    • createBookmark

      public final Bookmark createBookmark(Address address, String category, String note)
      Creates a NOTE bookmark at the specified address
      NOTE: if a NOTE bookmark already exists at the address, it will be replaced. This is intentional and is done to match the behavior of setting bookmarks from the UI.
      address - the address to create the bookmark
      category - the bookmark category (it may be null)
      note - the bookmark text
      the newly created bookmark
    • getBookmarks

      public final Bookmark[] getBookmarks(Address address)
      Returns all of the NOTE bookmarks defined at the specified address
      address - the address to retrieve the bookmark
      the bookmarks at the specified address
    • removeBookmark

      public final void removeBookmark(Bookmark bookmark)
      Removes the specified bookmark.
      bookmark - the bookmark to remove
    • openDataTypeArchive

      public final FileDataTypeManager openDataTypeArchive(File archiveFile, boolean readOnly) throws Exception
      Opens an existing File Data Type Archive.

      NOTE: If archive has an assigned architecture, issues may arise due to a revised or missing Language/CompilerSpec which will result in a warning but not prevent the archive from being opened. Such a warning condition will be logged and may result in missing or stale information for existing datatypes which have architecture related data. In some case it may be appropriate to check for warnings on the returned archive object prior to its use.

      archiveFile - the archive file to open
      readOnly - should file be opened read only
      the data type manager
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • saveProgram

      public void saveProgram(Program program) throws Exception
      Saves the changes to the specified program. If the program does not already exist in the current project then it will be saved into the root folder. If a program already exists with the specified name, then a time stamp will be appended to the name to make it unique.
      program - the program to save
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • saveProgram

      public void saveProgram(Program program, List<String> path) throws Exception
      Saves changes to the specified program.

      If the program does not already exist in the current project then it will be saved into a project folder path specified by the path parameter.

      If path is NULL, the program will be saved into the root folder. If parts of the path are missing, they will be created if possible.

      If a program already exists with the specified name, then a time stamp will be appended to the name to make it unique.

      program - the program to save
      path - list of string path elements (starting at the root of the project) that specify the project folder to save the program info. Example: { "folder1", "subfolder2", "final_folder" }
      Exception - if there is any exception
    • getProjectRootFolder

      public DomainFolder getProjectRootFolder()
      This method looks up the current project and returns the root domain folder.
      the root domain folder of the current project