Class ParamListStandard

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ParamListStandard extends Object implements ParamList
Standard analysis for parameter lists
  • Field Details

    • numgroup

      protected int numgroup
    • thisbeforeret

      protected boolean thisbeforeret
    • splitMetatype

      protected boolean splitMetatype
    • entry

      protected ParamEntry[] entry
    • modelRules

      protected ModelRule[] modelRules
    • spacebase

      protected AddressSpace spacebase
  • Constructor Details

    • ParamListStandard

      public ParamListStandard()
  • Method Details

    • assignAddressFallback

      public int assignAddressFallback(StorageClass resource, DataType tp, boolean matchExact, int[] status, ParameterPieces param)
      Assign storage for given parameter class, using the fallback assignment algorithm Given a resource list, a data-type, and the status of previously allocated slots, select the storage location for the parameter. The status array is indexed by group: a positive value indicates how many slots have been allocated from that group, and a -1 indicates the group/resource is fully consumed. If an Address can be assigned to the parameter, it and other details are passed back in the ParameterPieces object and the SUCCESS code is returned. Otherwise, the FAIL code is returned.
      resource - is the resource list to allocate from
      tp - is the data-type of the parameter
      matchExact - is false if TYPECLASS_GENERAL is considered a match for any storage class
      status - is an array marking how many slots have already been consumed in a group
      param - will hold the address and other details of the assigned parameter
      either SUCCESS or FAIL
    • assignAddress

      public int assignAddress(DataType dt, PrototypePieces proto, int pos, DataTypeManager dtManager, int[] status, ParameterPieces res)
      Fill in the Address and other details for the given parameter Attempt to apply a ModelRule first. If these do not succeed, use the fallback assignment algorithm.
      dt - is the data-type assigned to the parameter
      proto - is the description of the function prototype
      pos - is the position of the parameter to assign (pos=-1 for output, pos >=0 for input)
      dtManager - is the data-type manager for (possibly) transforming the parameter's data-type
      status - is the consumed resource status array
      res - is parameter description to be filled in
      the response code
    • getNumParamEntry

      public int getNumParamEntry()
      the number of ParamEntry objets in this list
    • getEntry

      public ParamEntry getEntry(int index)
      Within this list, get the ParamEntry at the given index
      index - is the given index
      the selected ParamEntry
    • assignMap

      public void assignMap(PrototypePieces proto, DataTypeManager dtManager, ArrayList<ParameterPieces> res, boolean addAutoParams)
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Given a list of datatypes, calculate the storage locations used for passing those data-types
      Specified by:
      assignMap in interface ParamList
      proto - is the list of datatypes
      dtManager - is the data-type manager
      res - is the vector for holding the storage locations and other parameter properties
      addAutoParams - if true add/process auto-parameters
    • getPotentialRegisterStorage

      public VariableStorage[] getPotentialRegisterStorage(Program prog)
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Get a list of all parameter storage locations consisting of a single register
      Specified by:
      getPotentialRegisterStorage in interface ParamList
      prog - is the controlling program
      an array of VariableStorage
    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder, boolean isInput) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      encode in interface ParamList
    • restoreXml

      public void restoreXml(XmlPullParser parser, CompilerSpec cspec) throws XmlParseException
      Specified by:
      restoreXml in interface ParamList
    • getStackParameterAlignment

      public int getStackParameterAlignment()
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Return the amount of alignment used for parameters passed on the stack, or -1 if there are no stack params
      Specified by:
      getStackParameterAlignment in interface ParamList
      the alignment
    • getStackParameterOffset

      public Long getStackParameterOffset()
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Find the boundary offset that separates parameters on the stack from other local variables This is usually the address of the first stack parameter, but if the stack grows positive, this is the first address AFTER the parameters on the stack
      Specified by:
      getStackParameterOffset in interface ParamList
      the boundary offset
    • possibleParamWithSlot

      public boolean possibleParamWithSlot(Address loc, int size, ParamList.WithSlotRec res)
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Determine if a particular address range is a possible parameter, and if so what slot(s) it occupies
      Specified by:
      possibleParamWithSlot in interface ParamList
      loc - is the starting address of the range
      size - is the size of the range in bytes
      res - holds the resulting slot and slotsize
      true if the range is a possible parameter
    • getSpacebase

      public AddressSpace getSpacebase()
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Get the address space associated with any stack based parameters in this list.
      Specified by:
      getSpacebase in interface ParamList
      the stack address space, if this models parameters passed on the stack, null otherwise
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(ParamList obj)
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Determine if this ParmList is equivalent to another instance
      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface ParamList
      obj - is the other instance
      true if they are equivalent
    • isThisBeforeRetPointer

      public boolean isThisBeforeRetPointer()
      Description copied from interface: ParamList
      Return true if the this pointer occurs before an indirect return pointer The automatic parameters: this parameter and the hidden return value pointer both tend to be allocated from the initial general purpose registers reserved for parameter passing. This method returns true if the this parameter is allocated first.
      Specified by:
      isThisBeforeRetPointer in interface ParamList
      false if the hidden return value pointer is allocated first